Consultative Sessions held to enhance CFMS and integrate IT Systems for Punjab's Criminal Justice Institutions

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© UNODC-Pakistan

28 May 2024, Islamabad - Aligned with INL’s commitment to strengthening Pakistan's Criminal Justice Institutions and achieving UNODC’s Sustainable Development Goal 17, Partnerships for Goals, the UNODC has successfully collaborated with the Punjab Prosecution Department, Punjab Prison Department and Punjab Information Technology Board by fostering connectivity and encouraging the exchange of information, knowledge, expertise, and technologies.

This initiative is part of a unique flagship project funded by the U.S. Embassy's Office of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL). Its mission is to integrate the Information Management Systems of the Punjab Prosecution Department’s Case Flow Management System (CFMS) with the Punjab Prisons Department’s Prison Management Information System (PMIS). Integrating these systems becomes an invaluable tool for advancing the justice delivery process.

Four consultative sessions were held in Lahore on 14 and 28 May, for the Punjab Prosecution Department and Punjab Information Technology Board. These sessions aimed to identify upgrades for the CFMS and addressed the challenges encountered in maintaining the system. They included presentations on the existing IT infrastructure to determine and evaluate equipment needs for its enhancement. The platform also involved interactive sessions where stakeholders provided input on desired improvements and additional features for the CFMS. Additionally, a session was held to identify modules of CFMS that require linkages with the PMIS.

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© UNODC-Pakistan
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© UNODC-Pakistan
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© UNODC-Pakistan

Consequently, the consultative sessions will lead to an improved CFMS, allowing for the setup of essential equipment and a framework to facilitate database for integration. The integration of both systems would help reduce overcrowding by timely adjudication of UTP cases in the courts. Addressing Pakistan's varied IT reliance and digital management levels across provinces. With a dedicated focus on gender-responsive approaches, the project aims for effective, efficient, and transparent case management, enhancing the justice system in Punjab.

This initiative prioritizes fair trial rights and expedites justice delivery within the Criminal Justice Institutions by strengthening collaboration through data sharing and shaping new partnerships between stakeholders.

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