Advancing Justice: Pakistan Prosecution Forum's 17th meeting

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3 May 2024, Lahore - The 17th  meeting of the Pakistan Prosecution Forum (PPF), funded by the U.S. Embassy’s Office of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL) and facilitated by UNODC Country Office brought together a multi-stakeholders from the criminal justice system to deliberate on critical issues shaping the country's legal landscape. Presided over by the Hon. Justice (R) Khalil-ur-Rehman, the event underscored the role of the PPF in advancing justice and fostering legal reforms.

Established under the auspices of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) following the conclusion of the CAPRI Project in 2021, the PPF has emerged as a flagship platform within Pakistan's criminal justice system. With representation from provincial prosecution departments and the federal law department, the forum has spearheaded initiatives aimed at strengthening the rule of law and ensuring equitable access to justice for all citizens.

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During his opening remarks, Hon. Justice (R) Khalil-ur-Rehman lauded the invaluable contributions of the PPF in driving legislative and policy reforms. Emphasizing the importance of collective action, he remarked, "The Pakistan Prosecution Forum serves as a cornerstone for collaborative efforts in advancing the rule of law. Together, let’s continue our journey towards a fairer and more equitable justice system inclusive of the gender specific needs of our communities."

The agenda for the 17th meeting encompassed a wide array of topics, reflecting the diverse challenges and opportunities within the realm of prosecution and criminal justice. Discussions ranged from gender sensitivity and job descriptions for prosecutors to performance indicators, recruitment syllabus, skills enhancement, and training needs assessment. The PPF was chaired by the Secretary of Prosecution, Punjab, who appreciated the role of PPF in promoting collaboration and coordination among provinces.

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Gender sensitivity emerged as a key focus area, with participants engaging in candid conversations. Another highlight of the meeting was the unveiling of a revised syllabus for the recruitment of prosecutors, aimed at selecting top-tier candidates equipped to effectively prosecute crimes. The syllabus, presented by the Chair of the forum, is poised to serve as a blueprint for other provinces, facilitating the selection of prosecutors who possess the requisite skills and competencies to uphold the principles of justice. Key performance indicators (KPIs) also took center stage during the deliberations to establish standardized metrics that would enable rigorous performance evaluation and foster accountability within the prosecution departments.

Throughout the proceedings, representatives from the Prosecution Departments from Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab and SIndh reaffirmed their unwavering support for the PPF and its mission to advance the rule of law and respect for human rights.

The 17th  meeting of the Pakistan Prosecution Forum concluded with a renewed determination and a shared commitment to advancing justice rule of law through more inclusive approaches. The PPF remains steadfast in its mission to create a more just and equitable society for the citizens of Pakistan.

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