Advancing evidence-based decision-making to support rule of law reforms in Balochistan

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© UNODC-Pakistan

26 January 2024, Quetta - In a groundbreaking effort to foster evidence-based decision making within Balochistan's criminal justice system, a one-day consultative workshop on ‘Results planning for implementation of a monitorable and measurable Rule of Law Roadmap (2023-26)’ funded by the European Union’s Deliver Justice Project was recently organized by the Home Department, Government of Balochistan in collaboration with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The objective was to strengthen and hone the skills in data analysis and evidence-driven decision-making to inform rule of law policy and implementation.

The workshop brought together key representatives from various institutions, including judiciary, police, levies, prosecution, prisons, reclamation, probation departments, Women Department, Social Welfare Department, Civil Society, and Bar in addition to participants from UN Women and UNDP. The overarching focus was to promote a holistic approach towards institutional performance reforms, underlining the significance of consensus, coordination, and cross-institutional support.

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© UNODC-Pakistan
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© UNODC-Pakistan

Acknowledging the pivotal role of data centralization in informed decision making, workshop participants deliberated on diverse management approaches. Discussions focused on crafting a realistic plan of action to address persistent challenges such as overcrowding and problematic conviction rates in the criminal justice system. The results planning process was conducted in a participatory manner, yielding reform proposals for the next three years as part of the revalidated 'Rule of Law Roadmap 2023-2026'.

Participants emphasized the importance of clear targets and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in implementing targeted reforms under the Rule of Law Action Plan 2024-2026. The Government of Balochistan, committed to evidence-based decision making since 2018, has launched a new and comprehensive roadmap to systematically advance the rule of law reform agenda. The focus of the newly formulated plan revolves around deploying critical tools and mechanisms to ensure efficient and effective processes in planning, implementation, and monitoring of reforms.

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© UNODC-Pakistan
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© UNODC-Pakistan
Picture of a female police officer in Quetta
© UNODC-Pakistan

This consultative workshop marked a significant milestone, providing a rare opportunity for stakeholders to collaborate on the development of an action plan for rule of law reforms. The event concluded with participants sharing valuable contributions, laying the foundation for an integrated, risk-informed, and results-oriented action plan for the next three years. In this context, Balochistan's commitment to a whole-of-government approach signals a positive trajectory towards achieving meaningful results in the realm of rule of law.

Picture of students attending the event
© UNODC-Pakistan

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