A landmark five-year Sindh Prosecution Roadmap unveiled for promoting inclusiveness and human rights in the delivery of justice for the people of Sindh

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© UNODC-Pakistan

3 July 2024, Karachi - The Sindh Prosecution Roadmap is a landmark initiative delivered with the technical support of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in close collaboration with the Sindh Criminal Prosecution Service. It aims to enhance the institutional performance of the Sindh Criminal Prosecution Service, uphold the delivery of justice with fairness and integrity, and endorse the guiding principles to protect human rights while prioritizing gender responsiveness.

The Sindh Prosecution Roadmap was launched on July 3, 2024, at a ceremony hosted by the Sindh Criminal Prosecution Service in Karachi in the presence of the Honorable Chief Minister of Sindh, Murad Ali Shah. He unveiled the five-year Sindh Prosecution Roadmap, endorsing it as a testament to the Government of Sindh’s commitment to empowering the prosecution system in the delivery of evidence-based decision-making and governance reforms. The event was attended by criminal justice stakeholders of Sindh, civil society, academics and members of the various Consulate Generals and Diplomatic Missions based in Karachi, notably France, Italy, Japan, Qatar, and Kuwait based in Karachi.

The event was graced by the Honorable Chief Minister of Sindh, Syed Murad Ali Shah; Prosecutor General Sindh, Dr. Fiaz Shah; Minister ‏‏for Agriculture, Supply & Prices, Sports & Youth Affairs, Enquiries and Anti-corruption Establishment, Sardar Muhammad Bux Khan Mahar; and Representative, UNODC Country Office, Pakistan , Mr. Jeremy Milsom .

The Sindh Prosecution Roadmap is hailed as a timely initiative to accelerate commitment to the Goal 16 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the Government of Sindh. It aims to improve and uplift the prosecution service in Sindh, bringing it at par with global standards of fairness and integrity in the delivery of justice.

UNODC has provided technical support to the Sindh Criminal Prosecution Service in the design and development of this milestone document that translates the strategic vision of the Government of Sindh into a citizen-centric and inclusive roadmap through measurable, objective, and actionable mandates.

Syed Murad Ali Shah, Chief Minister, Sindh highlighted, “It is important for us to execute relevant policy and governance reforms to deliver on the roadmap’s vision of evidence-based decision making. I have full confidence in the ability of our institutions as well as the technical support provided by UNODC through its global practice of executing the roadmap project in similar contexts.”

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© UNODC-Pakistan
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© UNODC-Pakistan

The Sindh Prosecution Roadmap is built on three fundamental pillars. The first pillar focuses on strengthening the institutional capacity of the Sindh Criminal Prosecution Services through the provision of adequate training, resources and support to ensure prosecution services are well-equipped to handle their responsibilities. The second pillar aims at enhancing the functional performance of prosecution as the gatekeeper of the criminal justice system. This includes implementing best practices, streamlining processes, and ensuring prosecution role is conducted at par with international standards of professionalism and integrity. The third pillar aims at advancing the delivery of citizen-centric services, ensuring they are accessible, fair and inclusive informed by the principles of gender equality and human rights.

Dr. Fiaz Hussain Shah, Prosecutor General, Sindh highlighted the significance of the roadmap for prosecution service, saying, “This initiative is designed to modernize our practices, strengthen our institutional capacities by adopting international standards and focusing on inclusivity, we aim to build a prosecution system that truly serves the people of Sindh demonstrating integrity and accountability.”

Mr. Jeremy Milsom, Representative of UNDOC, underscored the importance of the Roadmap in upholding human rights and gender justice through proactive reforms of the prosecution system in Sindh. The Roadmap is aimed at delivering fair and transparent justice to protect the rights of all individuals, including marginalized and vulnerable populations, with an enhanced focus on gender perspectives to ensure women, girls, and excluded groups, such as transgender individuals, have equal access to justice.

The Sindh Prosecution Roadmap will serve as a call to action for the rule of law stakeholders to work together to deliver a fair and equitable justice system that serves the people of Sindh.

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