5th SC Meeting On Rule Of Law Roadmap Taking the rule of law reforms to the next level of people-centered delivery of justice in Balochistan

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© UNODC-Pakistan

18 January 2022, Quetta – UNODC has successfully pioneered a unique approach of results-based implementation of the rule of law reforms through the Rule of Law (Rol) Roadmap project in Balochistan. The Roadmap has fostered a sustainable commitment of the Government of Balochistan towards delivering evidence-informed reforms, which would eventually promote peace and stability for the people of Balochistan.

With the 5th stock take of steering committee today, the RoL Roadmap journey reached a transformative potential, whereby the collective will and collaborative synergies between the UN agencies through the EU-funded Rule of Law Programme are also coming together to build a momentum in taking forward the reform process to the next level of people-cantered delivery of justice.

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© UNODC-Pakistan

Mr. Sven Ruesch, Acting Head of Cooperation, European Union Delegation to Pakistan in his address to the participants gave a rallying call to the rule of law stakeholders to come together to further build on the historic opportunity provided by the EU-funded Rule of Law Programme.

The roadmap offers a governance platform through the Steering Committee (SC), Delivery Unit (DU) and the Technical Working Groups (TWGs). This ensures robust management of the performance of the Criminal Justice Institutions, informing an evidence-based process of policymaking and interdepartmental cooperation. This will further augment the roadmap objectives and provide impetus and a fertile ground to the EU-funded Rule of Law Programme.

Mr. Ziaullah Langau, Adviser to Chief Minister on Home & Tribal Affairs, Balochistan underscored the commitment of the GoB in making the rule of law reforms meaningful and sustainable. UNODC’s Representative, Jeremy Milsom appreciated the quality of work which is all ser to contribute to the quality of reform agenda through the platform of the Steering Committee, which will continue to be a sounding board for the rule of law in Balochistan.

The representatives from the UN agencies and other stakeholders committed their unanimous support to the roadmap together with the EU-funded Rule of Law Programme to ensure successful delivery of justice for the people of Balochistan. 

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© UNODC-Pakistan



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