On 31 October 2023, the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), the world’s first and only legally binding universal anti-corruption instrument, celebrated its 20th anniversary. Enjoying nearly universal adherence with 190 parties, UNCAC plays a pivotal role in uniting countries against corruption and fostering effective international cooperation.
To mark the anniversary, UNODC held a special high-level event in Vienna, the birthplace of the Convention, to reflect on the achievements of UNCAC to date and on what is still needed to achieve its full and effective implementation.
H.E. Ms. Alma Zadić
Federal Minister of Justice, Austria
H.E. Mr. Luis Javier Campuzano Piña
Permanent Representative, Mexico
H.E. Mr. Mohamed Hamdy Elmolla
Permanent Representative, Egypt
Ms. Monika Fröhler
CEO, Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens
Mr. Mark Pieth
Former Chair, OECD Working Group on Bribery
Mr. Martin Kreutner
Founder and First Dean of the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA),
Founder of the European Partners against Corruption Network (EPAC/EACN)
H.E. Ms. Laura S.H. Holgate
Permanent Representative, United States of America