UNODC firmly believes that gender equality and integrating a gender perspective must be part of how programmes and projects are designed, implemented, monitored and evaluated. Understanding the interrelationship between gender and transnational organized crime, drug-related policies, counterterrorism and corruption is vital in order to ensure that policies, programmes and actions to address these are effective for the population as a whole. This means that programmes need to take into account how men and women, girls and boys, including variations in gender, sexual orientation, or bodily characteristics, are impacted differently by drugs, crime and terrorism as they will also have different experiences going through for instance the criminal justice system. These different aspects must be reflected in any support that UNODC provides to Member States.
For this reason, the Gender Team has developed thematic briefs that provide a step by step guidance on how to practically mainstream gender throughout programme documents. The thematic briefs cover areas of; Corruption, Health and Livelihoods, Justice, Organised Crime and Illicit Trafficking and Terrorism.
You can find further information on the thematic areas on their designated pages where you can access the specified thematic briefs, relevant resources and learning tools, see below.