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The UNODC's Terrorism Prevention Branch has created an interactive tool specifically designed to assist criminal justice officers with enhancing their capacities in the fight against terrorism:
To access the Platform, the Brochure and the User Guide, click on the links above.
New Webinar Series on the Online Counter-Terrorism Learning Platform – First webinar on May 7!
This new series of webinars will focus on themes related to the networks and tools developed by UNODC to strengthen international and regional cooperation in criminal matters; including mutual legal assistance, the facilitation of exchange of legal information and the sharing of evidence.
The webinars will be administered in the form of one-hour-long interactive presentations delivered by the experts of the Terrorism Prevention Branch of UNODC through the UNODC/TPB Counter-Terrorism Online Platform. The sessions will have a Q&A section, during which the participants are encouraged to share their experiences and best practices regarding the matter at hand.
The webinars are open for participation, upon registration, to practitioners from all United Nations Member States, in particular to investigators, prosecutors, judicial authorities, and competent national authorities responsible for international cooperation in criminal matters.
1) Candidates interested in participating in the Webinars should create an account at the UNODC Online Counter-Terrorism Learning Platform through the link: https://ctlp.unodc.org/login/signup.php
2) Upon registering, allow 1-2 working days for the account to be processed and activated. You will receive a notification e-mail once you are able to access the platform.
3) When your account is activated, log into the platform and enrol for the webinar series by clicking:
Online Training > 2020 > International Cooperation in Criminal Justice Responses to Terrorism / Coopération internationale dans les réponses de la justice pénale face au terrorisme > Enrol me
4) You do not need to enrol for individual webinars - once you enrol for the series, you are able to join any of the webinars as they happen, as well as access the recordings of past webinars on the topic. You will get a reminder email before each webinar.
This series of webinars will be conducted by the Terrorism Prevention Branch of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC/TPB) thanks to funding provided by the European Union and by the Government of Canada.
The series of webinars aims to strengthen the capacity of practitioners from the UN Member States in detecting and responding to the threat of non-State actors acquiring CBRN materials or weapons, as well as to raise awareness on the international legal framework against CBRN terrorism by familiarizing them with the main provisions of the relevant legal instruments. It also aims to enhance the capacities of criminal justice officials and other relevant national stakeholders in investigating, prosecuting and adjudicating CBRN terrorism cases.
The webinars will be administered in the form of one-hour-long interactive presentations delivered by the experts of the Terrorism Prevention Branch of UNODC through the UNODC/TPB Counter-Terrorism Online Platform. The sessions will have a Q&A section, during which the participants are encouraged to share their experiences and best practices regarding the matter at hand.
The webinars are open for participation, upon registration, to practitioners from all United Nations Member States, in particular to investigators, prosecutors, judicial authorities, and competent national authorities responsible for international cooperation in criminal matters and/or for countering CBRN terrorism.
1) Candidates interested in participating in the Webinars should create an account at the UNODC Online Counter-Terrorism Learning Platform through the link: https://ctlp.unodc.org/login/signup.php
2) Upon registering, allow 1-2 working days for the account to be processed and activated. You will receive a notification e-mail once you are able to access the platform.
3) When your account is activated, log into the platform and enrol for the webinar series by clicking:
Online Training > 2020 > Countering Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Terrorism: International Legal Approaches and Criminal Justice Responses > Enrol me
4) You do not need to enrol for individual webinars - once you enrol for the series, you are able to join any of the CBRN webinars as they happen, as well as access the recordings of past webinars on the topic. You will get a reminder email before each webinar.
If you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact the UNODC/TPB Online Platform Team at the following email address: unodc-ctlpsupport@un.org
Ongoing Webinar Series