The incidence of terrorism in the Sahel has risen precipitously over the past 15 years, with violent extremist organisations taking control over vast swathes of territory in the region, particularly in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger and the Liptako-Gourma area. Concurrently, Sahelian countries have become home to some of the youngest and fastest-growing populations globally. This scenario poses potential for both risks and significant opportunities. While vulnerable youth in the region have been targeted for recruitment by violent extremist organisations, the region can also capitalise on the significant demographic dividend with youth as drivers of positive change and development. This context highlights the need for initiatives which prioritise youth empowerment, equipping them with the tools and opportunities necessary to build resilience against violent extremism.
The UN Secretary-General’s Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism and the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy both identify youth engagement and empowerment as a key pillar in countering violent extremism. Similarly, the UN Youth, Peace and Security agenda calls upon Member States to recognise the positive role of young people in international peace and security, and to engage the youth in all aspects of decision-making processes at local, national, regional, and international levels.
Following extensive consultations with representatives from the governments and civil society organisations of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger and based on a regional meeting to discuss and develop a roadmap for the elaboration and launch of a youth-focused regional PVE network in the Sahel entitled “SAHEL-PEV” (Prévention de l’Extrémisme Violent au Sahel), UNODC and the Governments of the region officially launched SAHEL-PEV on 15-16 October 2024 in Bamako. The launch was attended by representatives from Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger, as well as the Liptako-Gourma Authority.
The Government of Mali was nominated to be the first host country of SAHEL-PEV, assuming the dual-role of the Presidency and the Administrative Secretariat through the Permanent Secretariat of the National Policy for the Prevention and Countering of Violent Extremism and Terrorism under the authority of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Worship, and Customs. The host country responsibility will rotate among the participating Member States on a biennial basis.
SAHEL-PEV is a youth-focused network designed to address national and regional priorities and needs, through several priority thematic areas identified by representatives from Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. Organised around the Thematic Working Groups of the network, SAHEL-PEV promotes regional cooperation, facilitates mutual learning, fosters knowledge-sharing, and supports initiatives for preventing and countering violent extremism. By taking an inclusive approach that involves all relevant stakeholders working on PVE, the network aims to empower young people, strengthen partnerships between governments and civil society, and build trust within society, in order to prevent and counter violent extremism in the Sahel region through a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach.
The launch of the SAHEL-PEV network was made possible with the financial support of the Government of Japan.