The Forensic Services and Infrastructure Assessment Tool is a new component of the Criminal Justice Assessment Toolkit, whose overall purpose is to aid in assessing countries' needs in the areas of criminal justice and crime prevention so that appropriate and effective technical assistance can be provided.
This new Tool provides guidance to assess forensic services and infrastructure, including crime scene investigations as well as forensic laboratory operations, from countries with the most rudimentary of institutions and processes to those with a quite complex forensic infrastructure.
The Tool has been designed to assist both experts, who may want to use it as an aide-mémoire for their specific area of expertise, and assessors who may be conducting assessments in areas related to, but distinct from, their expertise in criminal justice.
The Tool is complemented by annexes specific to assessing forensic services and infrastructure. They include a glossary defining commonly used terms; a flow chart illustrating the role of forensic services in the criminal justice process; a table outlining techniques routinely used in the different forensic science disciplines; and an overview of forensic science associations and networks.
The Tool could be used as a stand-alone Tool or in conjunction with the main Toolkit, which addresses policing, access to justice, custodial and non-custodial measures and cross-cutting issues (criminal justice information, juvenile justice, victims and witnesses, and international cooperation).
The entire Criminal Justice Assessment Toolkit can be accessed