The world of sport has evolved dramatically over the last 20 years, a process of change that has brought both opportunities and challenges.Societies are seeing many benefits from this process of change, such as increasing professionalization and the expansion of the scope of the sports industry, and moving from a diverse and multifaceted approach to the regulation and governance of sports organizations. At the same time, however, these changes are creating opportunities for criminals to exploit sport for illegal gain.Governments, sports organizations and other stakeholders are responding to threats through the development and implementation of a range of measures. Steps are also being taken globally. The need to comprehensively address the situation at the international level was recently recognized by the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption in its resolution 7/8, adopted at its seventh session, held in Vienna from 6 to 10 November 2017.
The conference consisted of plenary and panel sessions, during which participants had the opportunity to attend presentations and engage in discussions, with a ...
MoreThe aim of the conference was to raise awareness of good practices and to disseminate tools to help address corruption linked to the organization of sport events, and in doing so to support the implementation of Conference of the States Parties resolution 7/8, ...
MoreParticipants included representatives from relevant national law enforcement agencies, government anti-corruption and sport organizations, and sports organizations and private sector entities.
List of ParticipantsThe conference was co-organized by Brazil, the Russia Federation, India, China, South Africa and UNODC. The event was sponsored by the Russian Federation by way of a voluntary contribution.
The objective of the conference was to facilitate the exchange of ideas with regard to the safeguarding of sport from corruption. In addition, participants was asked to recommend next steps and activities for the development of work in this area.