UNODC produces a broad range of publications in our areas of work.
All documents are in PDF format, unless otherwise specified.
- 3/24/25 - #ScaleUp – Scalable interventions for the treatment and care of stimulants use disorders
- 3/12/25 - Afghanistan Drug Insights Volume 4, Drug trafficking and opiates stocks
- 3/10/25 - Opiates and Methamphetamine Trafficking on the Balkan Route: Drug Flows, Illicit Incomes and Illicit Financial Flows
- 2/24/25 - Resources
- 2/18/25 - Bolivia Coca Survey 2023 - Fact Sheet and Executive Summary
- 2/18/25 - Bolivia - Monitoreo de cultivos de coca 2023
- 1/23/25 - International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (ICCS): Implementation Manual
- 12/12/24 - Myanmar Opium Survey 2024
- 12/11/24 - Global Report on TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS 2024
- 12/10/24 - A Review of the Quality of Drug Treatment, Sustained Recovery and Related Support Services based on data submitted in the Annual Report Questionnaire collections in 2020 and 2021
- 12/5/24 - Resources
- 12/4/24 - UNODC Policymakers Training Package on the Nature, Prevention and Treatment of Drug Use Disorders
- 12/4/24 - Brochure on UNODC E-learning tool "Basic Counselling Skills" Russian
- 12/4/24 - Brochure on UNODC E-learning tool "Basic Counselling Skills" Spanish
- 12/2/24 - Assessment of the Response to Illicit Weapons Trafficking in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea
- 12/2/24 - Assessment of the Response to Illicit Weapons Trafficking in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea
- 11/27/24 - Afghanistan Drug Insights Volume 3, Mapping of facilities for treatment of substance use disorders
- 11/27/24 - Afghanistan Drug Insights Volume 2, 2024 opium production and rural development
- 11/25/24 - Femicides in 2023: Global estimates of intimate partner/family member femicides
- 11/18/24 - Brochure on UNODC E-learning tool "Basic Counselling Skills"
- 11/18/24 - Brochure on UNODC E-learning tool "Treatment and Care as Alternatives to Conviction or Punishment for People in Contact with the Criminal Justice System"
- 11/18/24 - Brochure on UNODC E-learning tool "Introduction to Treatnet Family"
- 11/6/24 - АНАЛИЗ НАРКОТИЧЕСКОЙ СИТУАЦИИ В АФГАНИСТАНЕ ВЫПУСК 1, КУЛЬТИВАЦИЯ ОПИЙНОГО МАКА 2024 (Afghanistan Drug Insight Vol.1 - Russian version)
- 11/6/24 - Afghanistan Drug Insights Volume 1, Opium poppy cultivation 2024
- 11/1/24 - Formación en Liderazgo Juvenil para la Prevención” (Youth Leadership Training for Prevention)
- 10/19/24 - Colombia coca survey 2023 - Executive summary and fact sheet
- 10/19/24 - Colombia - Monitoreo de los territorios con presencia de cultivos de coca 2023 - Resumen ejecutivo y tabla de resultados
- 7/22/24 - Drug Trafficking Dynamics across Iraq and the Middle East - Trends and Responses
- 7/18/24 - Prison Matters: Global prison population and trends A focus on rehabilitation
- 7/17/24 - Global Progress Report on Sustainable Development Goal 16 Indicators
- 7/12/24 - Caribbean Gangs: Drugs, Firearms, and Gangs Networks in Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Guyana, and Trinidad and Tobago
- 6/28/24 - Impact of Transnational Organized Crime on Stability and Development in the Sahel
- 6/26/24 - World Drug Report 2024
- 6/1/24 - Opiates and Methamphetamine Trafficking on the Southern Route
- 5/17/24 - Global analysis on crimes that affect the environment
- 5/17/24 - GACAE - the landscape of criminalization
- 5/13/24 - 2024 World Wildlife Crime Report
- 4/19/24 - Drug Trafficking in the Sahel
- 3/18/24 - Conference room paper: The relationship between person-centred care for substance use disorders and service outcomes: A systematic scoping review
- 3/18/24 - Servicios de tratamiento de los trastornos por el uso de sustancias en el Departamento de Risaralda, Colombia 2023
- 3/12/24 - Assessment of the response to illicit weapons trafficking in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea
- 2/1/24 - CHAMPS Initiative Framework
- 2/1/24 - CHAMPS Initiative Overview
- 1/30/24 - Система Хавала - Принцип работы и нецелевое использование
- 12/12/23 - Global Study on Homicide 2023
- 12/12/23 - Southeast Asia opium survey 2023
- 11/24/23 - Gold trafficking in the Sahel
- 11/22/23 - Gender-related killings of women and girls (femicide/feminicide) - Global estimates of female intimate partner/family-related homicides in 2022
- 11/5/23 - Afghanistan opium survey 2023
- 10/27/23 - Guidelines for the production of statistical data by the prosecution service and the courts
- 10/24/23 - Practical Guide on Alternative Development and the Environment
- 10/1/23 - Review of National Prevention Systems based on the UNODC/WHO International Standards on Drug Use Prevention
- 9/21/23 - Global progress report on Sustainable Development Goal 16 indicators: A wake-up call for action on peace, justice and inclusion
- 9/12/23 - Colombia Coca Survey 2022 (English version)
- 9/11/23 - The Hawala System - Its operations and misuse by opiate traffickers and migrant smugglers
- 9/10/23 - Understanding Illegal Methamphetamine Manufacture in Afghanistan
- 8/2/23 - Cartographie des structures de prise en charge des troubles liés à l’usage des substances dans les pays francophones de l’Afrique de l’Ouest
- 8/1/23 - Garantía de calidad en el tratamiento de los trastornos asociados al uso de drogas en América Latina y el Caribe - Informe Regional (2020-2021)
- 6/25/23 - World Drug Report 2023
- 6/1/23 - Scientific Poster: Health and justice coordination for increased access to health and social services for people with drug use disorders in contact with the criminal justice system
- 5/1/23 - The Role of Law Enforcement Officers in Drug Use Prevention within School Settings – A Guiding Document (Multiple Languages)
- 5/1/23 - Treatment services for substance use disorders in Latin American countries - Findings from the UNODC-WHO facility survey for field testing (Multiple Languages)
- 3/23/23 - Smuggling of migrants in the Sahel
- 3/16/23 - Global report on cocaine 2023
- 3/6/23 - Analysis of Opiate Stamps seized in the Indian Ocean - 2017-2021
- 3/1/23 - Conference room paper: The relationship between quality of specialist treatment for substance use disorders and patient outcomes: A scoping review of the literature
- 3/1/23 - Conference room paper: Review of interventions to treat drug use disorders among girls and women in the criminal justice system in low- and middle-income countries
- 2/28/23 - Fuel Trafficking in the Sahel
- 2/14/23 - Firearms trafficking in the Sahel
- 1/29/23 - Глобальный доклад о коррупции в спорте
- 1/29/23 - Раздел 9: Незаконное букмекерство и спорт
- 1/29/23 - Раздел 8: Понимание проблемы манипулирования результатами спортивных соревнований
- 1/29/23 - Раздел 7: Коррупция и злоупотребления в спорте
- 1/29/23 - Раздел 6: Организованная преступность и спорт
- 1/29/23 - Раздел 5: Гендерная проблематика и коррупция в спорте
- 1/29/23 - Раздел 4: Выявление фактов коррупции в спорте и информирование о них
- 1/29/23 - Раздел 3: Обзор институциональных инициатив по борьбе с коррупцией в спорте
- 1/29/23 - Раздел 2: Применение приложений Конвенции Организации Объединенных Наций против Коррупции к спорту
- 1/29/23 - Раздел 10: Крупные спортивные мероприятия и коррупция
- 1/29/23 - Раздел 1: Изменения в спорте, связанные с коррупцией
- 1/29/23 - UNODC Global Report on Corruption in Sport - Executive summary
- 1/26/23 - Opium poppy cultivation estimates increase in Myanmar in 2022 against backdrop of more sophisticated production: UNODC report
- 1/24/23 - Global Report on Tra̪fficking in Persons 2022
- 11/29/22 - Bolivia - Monitoreo de cultivos de coca 2021
- 11/28/22 - Guidelines for the production of statistical data by the police
- 11/23/22 - Gender-related killings of women and girls (femicide/feminicide)
- 11/14/22 - Prison research: a pilot study on the causes of recidivism in Albania, Czechia and Thailand
- 11/1/22 - Scientific poster: National school survey on substance use and associated patterns in Senegal, West Africa
- 11/1/22 - Enquete sur la consommation de drogues et la sante chez les eleves des ecoles secondaires du Senegal
- 11/1/22 - Establishing and delivering evidence-based, high-quality opioid agonist therapy services - An operational tool for low- and middle-income countries
- 10/31/22 - Opium cultivation in Afghanistan - Latest findings and emerging threats
- 10/19/22 - False trades: uncovering the scale and scope of trafficking in cultural property
- 9/26/22 - Monitoreo del ODS 16 - Una perspectiva de genero
- 9/26/22 - Data Matters No. 04 - Monitoring SDG 16: A gender perspective
- 9/25/22 - Illicit financial flows from trafficking of opiates along the northern route
- 9/14/22 - Addressing the linkages between illicit arms, organized crime and armed conflict
- 9/1/22 - Alternatives to conviction or punishment available for people who use drugs and with drug use disorders in contact with the criminal justice system – Draft summary report on available measures based on an analysis of Note Verbale responses by UN Member states to UNODC
- 8/30/22 - Sección 10: Grandes eventos deportivos y corrupción
- 8/30/22 - Sección 9: Apuestas ilegales y deporte
- 8/30/22 - Sección 8: Comprender la manipulación de la competición deportiva
- 8/30/22 - Sección 7: Corrupción y abuso en el deporte
- 8/30/22 - Sección 6: La delincuencia organizada y el deporte
- 8/30/22 - Sección 5: Género y corrupción en el deporte
- 8/30/22 - Sección 4: Detección y denuncia de la corrupción en el deporte
- 8/30/22 - Sección 3: Panorama de las iniciativas internacionales de lucha contra la corrupción en el deporte
- 8/30/22 - Sección 2: Aplicación de la Convención de las Naciones Unidas contra la Corrupción al deporte
- 8/30/22 - Informe Global de UNODC sobre Corrupción en el Deporte
- 8/29/22 - Sección 1: Evolución del deporte en relación con la corrupción
- 8/29/22 - Resumen ejecutivo
- 8/1/22 - Rapid Assessment of Substance Use and Associated Health and Social Services in Selected Relief and Humanitarian (Refugee) Settings and Situations in Uganda
- 8/1/22 - Scientific Poster: Substance Use in Humanitarian Settings
- 8/1/22 - Drug Use Disorder Treatment Services Quality Assurance Toolkit
- 8/1/22 - Drug Use Disorder Treatment Services Quality Assurance Toolkit
- 8/1/22 - Drug Use Disorder Treatment Systems Quality Assurance Toolkit
- 8/1/22 - Drug Use Disorder Treatment Systems Quality Assurance Toolkit
- 7/19/22 - Cocaine Insights 4 - Brazil in the regional and transatlantic cocaine supply chain: The impact of COVID-19
- 7/1/22 - Brochure on Quality Assurance for Treatment of Drug Use Disorders – for Paris Pact meeting
- 6/27/22 - World Drug Report 2022
- 6/16/22 - UNODC Drugs Monitoring Platform Brief: Latest patterns and trends in drug trafficking modi operandi of heroin and methamphetamine originating in Afghanistan
- 6/1/22 - Scientific Poster: Substance Use in Humanitarian Settings
- 5/31/22 - UNODC Drugs Monitoring Platform Brief: Patterns and trends in trafficking routes of heroin and methamphetamine originating in Afghanistan
- 4/11/22 - Myanmar Opium Survey 2021
- 4/8/22 - Conflict in Ukraine: Key evidence on drug demand and supply
- 3/24/22 - Conflict in Ukraine: Key evidence on risks of trafficking in persons
- 3/22/22 - Afghanistan opium survey 2021
- 3/18/22 - Nigeria Cannabis Survey 2022
- 3/14/22 - Cocaine Insights 3 - Women in the cocaine supply chain
- 3/1/22 - Summary of the discussions of the informal technical consultation on promoting non-stigmatizing attitudes to ensure the availability
- 3/1/22 - Summary of the discussions of the informal technical consultation on promoting non-stigmatizing attitudes to ensure the availability
- 3/1/22 - Summary of the discussions of the informal technical consultation on promoting non-stigmatizing attitudes to ensure the availability
- 3/1/22 - Summary of the discussions of the informal technical consultation on promoting non-stigmatizing attitudes to ensure the availability
- 3/1/22 - Supporting children in a crisis situation
- 3/1/22 - Supporting children in a crisis situation
- 3/1/22 - Comorbidities in drug use disorders – No wrong door
- 3/1/22 - Treatment of Drug Use Disorders and Associated Mental Health Disorders in Prison Settings and Forensic Hospitals
- 3/1/22 - Parenting in conflict and humanitarian settings
- 1/1/22 - Independent Mid-term In-depth Cluster Evaluation of UNODC Work on Drug Disorder Treatment
- 12/30/21 - Recursos
- 12/9/21 - Section 9: Illegal betting and sport
- 12/9/21 - Section 8: Understanding the manipulation of sports competition
- 12/9/21 - Section 7: Corruption and abuse in sport
- 12/9/21 - Section 6: Organized crime and sport
- 12/9/21 - Section 5: Gender and corruption in sport
- 12/9/21 - Section 4: Detection and reporting corruption in sport
- 12/9/21 - Section 3: Overview of international initiatives to tackle corruption in sport
- 12/9/21 - Section 2: Applying the United Nations Convention against Corruption to sport
- 12/9/21 - Раздел 10: Крупные спортивные мероприятия и коррупция
- 12/9/21 - Section 1: Evolutions in sport related to corruption
- 12/9/21 - UNODC Global Report on Corruption in Sport - Executive summary
- 12/9/21 - UNODC Global Report on Corruption in Sport
- 11/25/21 - Killings of women and girls by their intimate partner or other family members - Global estimates 2020
- 11/15/21 - Drug situation in Afghanistan 2021 - Latest findings and emerging threats
- 11/8/21 - Digest of cases of international cooperation in criminal matters involving UNTOC as a legal basis
- 10/25/21 - Data Matters N0. 2
- 10/7/21 - Cocaine Insights 2 - Cocaine: A spectrum of products
- 10/1/21 - Drug prevention and healthy development of children: Caring For Your Child In Crisis Situations
- 10/1/21 - Quality assurance in treatment for drug use disorders: key quality standards for service appraisal (pre-publication version)
- 10/1/21 - Quality assurance in treatment for drug use disorders: key quality standards for service appraisal (pre-publication version)
- 10/1/21 - Quality assurance in treatment for drug use disorders: key quality standards for service appraisal (pre-publication version)
- 10/1/21 - Scientific Poster: Feasibility Studies of Treatnet Family With Elements of Family Therapy
- 10/1/21 - Caring For Your Child In Crisis Situations
- 9/30/21 - UNODC Drugs Monitoring Platform Brief: The reach of nationally linked trafficking groups across Afghan opiate trafficking routes
- 9/8/21 - INCB, UNODC and WHO Joint Statement on Access to Controlled Medicines in Emergencies
- 9/7/21 - Cocaine Insights 1 - The illicit trade of cocaine from Latin America to Europe from oligopolies to free-for-all?
- 8/31/21 - Bolivia Coca Survey 2020 - Fact Sheet and Executive Summary
- 8/31/21 - Bolivia - Monitoreo de cultivos de coca 2020
- 8/1/21 - Scientific Poster: The UNODC-WHO Stop Overdose Safely (S-O-S) Inititiative
- 7/29/21 - Colombia - Monitoreo de territorios afectados por cultivos ilícitos 2020
- 6/24/21 - Mexico - Opium Survey 2018-2019 - Spanish with a summary in English
- 6/24/21 - World Drug Report 2021
- 6/9/21 - Colombia Coca Survey 2020 - Fact Sheet (in English) and Executive Summary (in Spanish)
- 6/1/21 - UNODC-WHO Informal Scientific Network (ISN)
- 5/3/21 - Afghanistan opium survey 2020 - Cultivation and Production - Executive Summary (Updated)
- 4/1/21 - Publications on drug prevention and treatment
- 4/1/21 - Key Tools of our Work
- 4/1/21 - Summary Report: UNODC-WHO Stop-Overdose-Safely (S-O-S) project implementation in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Ukraine
- 4/1/21 - Summary Report: UNODC-WHO Stop-Overdose-Safely (S-O-S) project implementation in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Ukraine
- 3/12/21 - UNODC Drugs Monitoring Platform Brief: Possible impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on trafficking in opiates and methamphetamine originating in Afghanistan
- 2/17/21 - Afghanistan opium survey 2019 - Socio-economic survey report: Drivers, causes and consequences of opium poppy cultivation
- 2/12/21 - Myanmar Opium Survey 2020 - Cultivation, Production, and Implications
- 2/2/21 - Global Report on Trafficking in Persons
- 12/14/20 - Measuring Organized Crime in the Western Balkans
- 12/10/20 - Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions on homicide and property crime
- 12/8/20 - Gender and corruption in Nigeria
- 12/1/20 - Drug Overdose: A Film About Life - Short film showcasing UNODC projects and UNODC/WHO collaboration on overdose prevention
- 12/1/20 - Final Report Treatnet Family: A Feasibility Study on Training on Elements of Family Therapy for Adolescents with Substance Use Disorders
- 11/25/20 - UNODC Research Highlights Drop in Reporting of Sexual Violence to Police and Justice Services During Lockdowns
- 11/25/20 - What crime and helpline data say about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on reported violence against women and girls
- 10/1/20 - Family UNited: Promising impact in the field from a new universal open-source and free family skills training programme
- 10/1/20 - UNODC-WHO Quality Assurance Presentation – Quality in Drug Use Disorder Treatment
- 7/29/20 - Resources
- 7/29/20 - Plurinational State of Bolivia - Coca cultivation survey 2019 - Summary and fact sheet
- 7/29/20 - Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia - Monitoreo de cultivos de coca 2019
- 7/29/20 - Resources
- 7/28/20 - Colombia -Monitoreo de territorios afectados por cultivos ilicitos 2019
- 7/15/20 - UNODC Study sheds light on hidden crime of firearms trafficking
- 7/15/20 - UNODC Study sheds light on hidden crime of firearms trafficking
- 7/15/20 - Global Study on Firearms Trafficking 2020
- 7/13/20 - Resources
- 7/13/20 - The impact of COVID-19 on organized crime
- 7/10/20 - Wildlife Crime Report 2020
- 7/9/20 - Resources
- 7/8/20 - COVID-19-related Trafficking of Medical Products as a Threat to Public Health
- 7/1/20 - Practical Guidance for risk communication and community engagement (RCCE)
- 6/25/20 - World Drug Report 2020
- 6/17/20 - Colombia - Survey of territories affected by illicit crops 2019 - Fact Sheet and Executive Summary (in Spanish)
- 6/1/20 - Family Skills Programmes - Infographic
- 6/1/20 - UNODC 2020 World Drug Report - Booklet 5 - Socioeconomic Characteristics and Drug Use Disorders
- 6/1/20 - Scientific Poster: Socioeconomic Inequalities and Drug Use Disorders: Current Knowledge and Future Directions for Research and Action
- 6/1/20 - UNODC Web Seminar - Drug Dependence Treatment, Care and Rehabilitation SE Asia
- 5/14/20 - How COVID-19 restrictions and the economic consequences are likely to impact migrant smuggling and cross-border trafficking in persons to Europe and North America
- 5/7/20 - COVID-19 and the drug supply chain: from production and trafficking to use
- 4/22/20 - Le trafic d'espèces sauvages nuit aux animaux et à la santé humaine - le cas des Pangolins
- 4/22/20 - Wildlife trafficking harms animals and human health - the case of Pangolins
- 4/22/20 - Wildlife Crime - Pangolin scales
- 3/26/20 - Mexico - Opium Survey 2017-2018 - Spanish with a summary in English
- 3/1/20 - TREATNET Family Brochure - Elements of family therapy for the treatment of adolescents with drug and other substance use disorders
- 3/1/20 - TREATNET Family Brochure - Elements of family therapy for the treatment of adolescents with drug and other substance use disorders
- 3/1/20 - TREATNET Family Brochure - Elements of family therapy for the treatment of adolescents with drug and other substance use disorders
- 3/1/20 - TREATNET Family Brochure - Elements of family therapy for the treatment of adolescents with drug and other substance use disorders
- 3/1/20 - TREATNET Family Brochure - Elements of family therapy for the treatment of adolescents with drug and other substance use disorders
- 3/1/20 - TREATNET Family Brochure - Elements of family therapy for the treatment of adolescents with drug and other substance use disorders
- 3/1/20 - TREATNET Family Brochure - Elements of family therapy for the treatment of adolescents with drug and other substance use disorders
- 3/1/20 - TREATNET Family Brochure - Elements of family therapy for the treatment of adolescents with drug and other substance use disorders
- 3/1/20 - Suggestions about treatment, care and rehabilitation of people with drug use disorder in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
- 3/1/20 - Suggestions about treatment, care and rehabilitation of people with drug use disorder in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
- 3/1/20 - Suggestions about treatment, care and rehabilitation of people with drug use disorder in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
- 3/1/20 - Suggestions about treatment, care and rehabilitation of people with drug use disorder in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
- 3/1/20 - Suggestions about treatment, care and rehabilitation of people with drug use disorder in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
- 3/1/20 - Suggestions about treatment, care and rehabilitation of people with drug use disorder in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
- 3/1/20 - Suggestions about treatment, care and rehabilitation of people with drug use disorder in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
- 3/1/20 - Suggestions about treatment, care and rehabilitation of people with drug use disorder in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
- 3/1/20 - Suggestions about treatment, care and rehabilitation of people with drug use disorder in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
- 3/1/20 - UNODC/WHO International Standards for the Treatment of Drug Use Disorders (Multiple Languages)
- 2/10/20 - Отделение УНП ООН в Боливии представило доклад об уничтожении наркотиков, изъятых в Боливии в 2019 году
- 2/7/20 - L’ONUDC présente son rapport sur la destruction des drogues saisies en Bolivie en 2019
- 2/4/20 - Myanmar Opium Survey 2019 - Cultivation and Production
- 2/1/20 - TREATNET Family Brochure - Elements of family therapy for the treatment of adolescents with drug and other substance use disorders
- 1/30/20 - UNODC’s Country Office in Bolivia presented the report on the destruction of drugs seized in Bolivia for 2019
- 12/1/19 - Summary table of evidence-based strategies identified in the UNODC/ WHO International Standards on Drug Use Prevention - Second Updated Edition PRE-PUBLICATION VERSION
- 11/19/19 - Opium poppy cultivation and sustainable development in Shan State, Myanmar
- 11/1/19 - Scientific Posters: Treatment and Care for People with Drug Use Disorders in Contact with the Criminal Justice System: Alternatives to Conviction or Punishment
- 11/1/19 - The S-O-S Initiative -Stop Overdose Safely - UNODC-WHO Multi-site Study on Community Management of Opioid Overdose, Including Emergency Naloxone
- 10/1/19 - Treatment and Care for People with Drug Use Disorders in Contact with the Criminal Justice System - Alternatives to Conviction or Punishment
- 10/1/19 - Treatment and Care for People with Drug Use Disorders in Contact with the Criminal Justice System - Alternatives to Conviction or Punishment
- 10/1/19 - Treatment and Care for People with Drug Use Disorders in Contact with the Criminal Justice System - Alternatives to Conviction or Punishment
- 10/1/19 - Treatment and Care for People with Drug Use Disorders in Contact with the Criminal Justice System - Alternatives to Conviction or Punishment
- 10/1/19 - Treatment and Care for People with Drug Use Disorders in Contact with the Criminal Justice System - Alternatives to Conviction or Punishment
- 10/1/19 - Treatment and Care for People with Drug Use Disorders in Contact with the Criminal Justice System - Alternatives to Conviction or Punishment (Vietnamese)
- 8/22/19 - Bolivia Informe Monitoreo Coca 2018
- 7/29/19 - Afghanistan opium survey 2018 - Challenges to sustainable development, peace and security
- 6/26/19 - World Drug Report 2019
- 6/1/19 - Scientific Poster: UNODC Treatnet Family Intervention (TFI - formerly known as UNFT) Package
- 6/1/19 - Scientific Poster: UNODC Treatnet Family Intervention (TFI - formerly known as UNFT) Package
- 6/1/19 - Scientific Posters: Development of Quality Assurance Mechanism and Tools for Drug Use Disorders Treatment:
- 3/1/19 - Scientific Posters: Treatment and Care for People with Drug Use Disorders in Contact with the Criminal Justice System: Alternatives to Conviction or Punishment
- 3/1/19 - Strong Families Programme
- 3/1/19 - UNODC - Time to Act!
- 3/1/19 - UNODC Information and Education Material - Drug Dependence Treatment and Care
- 3/1/19 - UNODC Information and Education Material - Drug Dependence Treatment and Care
- 3/1/19 - UNODC Information and Education Material - Drug Dependence Treatment and Care
- 3/1/19 - UNODC Quality Standards for the Treatment and Care of Drug Use Disorders
- 3/1/19 - UNODC Quality Standards for the Treatment and Care of Drug Use Disorders
- 3/1/19 - UNODC Quality Standards for the Treatment and Care of Drug Use Disorders
- 3/1/19 - UNODC Quality Standards for the Treatment and Care of Drug Use Disorders
- 3/1/19 - UNODC Quality Standards for the Treatment and Care of Drug Use Disorders
- 3/1/19 - UNODC Treatment of Stimulant Use Disorders: Current Practices and Promising Perspectives
- 2/1/19 - UNODC Information and Education Material - Drug Dependence Treatment and Care
- 2/1/19 - UNODC Quality Standards for the Treatment and Care of Drug Use Disorders
- 2/1/19 - UNODC Treatment of Stimulant Use Disorders: Current Practices and Promising Perspectives
- 2/1/19 - Drug Treatment Systems in the Western Balkans Outcomes of a Joint EMCDDA-UNODC Survey of Drug Treatment Facilities
- 1/16/19 - Drug Use Survey Nigeria - 2019
- 1/11/19 - Myanmar Opium Survey 2018 - Cultivation and Production
- 1/7/19 - Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2018 - booklet 1
- 1/6/19 - GLOTiP - Booklet 2 - Conflict
- 1/6/19 - West and South Asia
- 1/6/19 - Western and Southern Europe
- 1/6/19 - Sub-Saharan Africa
- 1/6/19 - South America
- 1/6/19 - North America
- 1/6/19 - North Africa and the Middle East
- 1/6/19 - East Asia and the Pacific
- 1/6/19 - Eastern Europe and Central Asia
- 1/6/19 - Central and South-Eastern Europe
- 1/6/19 - Central America and the Caribbean
- 1/1/19 - We Were Raped - a Needs Assessment of Women Who Use Drugs in Four Cities in South Africa
- 12/21/18 - Trafficking in persons in the context of armed conflict - 2018
- 12/21/18 - Peru - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2017 - with summary in English
- 11/29/18 - Mexico - Opium Survey 2015-2016/2016-2017 - Spanish with a summary in English
- 11/26/18 - Le foyer, l'endroit le plus dangereux pour les femmes; où la majorité des femmes victimes d'homicide dans le monde sont tuées par leur partenaire ou leur famille, selon une étude de l'ONUDC
- 11/25/18 - Global Study on Homicide - Gender related killing of women and girls
- 11/25/18 - Home, the most dangerous place for women, with majority of female homicide victims worldwide killed by partners or family, UNODC study says
- 11/19/18 - Afghanistan opium survey 2018 - Cultivation and Production
- 10/24/18 - Manual on Corruption Surveys - Methodological guidelines on the measurement of bribery and other forms of corruption through sample surveys
- 10/17/18 - Countering Trafficking in Persons in Conflict Situations
- 9/1/18 - UNODC Policymakers Training Package on the Nature, Prevention, and Treatment of Drug Use Disorders - Brochure
- 9/1/18 - UNODC Policymakers Training Package on the Nature, Prevention, and Treatment of Drug Use Disorders - Brochure
- 9/1/18 - UNODC Policymakers Training Package on the Nature, Prevention, and Treatment of Drug Use Disorders - Brochure
- 8/22/18 - Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2017
- 7/12/18 - INSPIRE Handbook: Action for implementing the seven strategies for ending violence against children
- 7/2/18 - Afghan Opiate Trafficking along the Northern Route
- 7/2/18 - Alluvial gold exploitation
- 6/26/18 - Colombia - Monitoreo de territorios afectados por cultivos ilícitos 2017
- 6/25/18 - World Drug Report 2018
- 6/13/18 - UNODC Global Study on Smuggling of Migrants
- 5/18/18 - Afghanistan opium survey 2017 - Challenges to sustainable development, peace and security
- 3/1/18 - International Standards on Drug Use Prevention - UNODC/WHO Second Updated Edition (Russian)
- 3/1/18 - Technical Guidance: Increasing Access and Availability of Controlled Medicines
- 3/1/18 - International Standards on Drug Use Prevention - UNODC/WHO Second Updated Edition
- 3/1/18 - International Standards on Drug Use Prevention - UNODC/WHO Second Updated Edition
- 3/1/18 - International Standards on Drug Use Prevention - UNODC/WHO Second Updated Edition
- 3/1/18 - International Standards on Drug Use Prevention - UNODC/WHO Second Updated Edition
- 3/1/18 - International Standards on Drug Use Prevention - UNODC/WHO Second Updated Edition
- 2/1/18 - WHO-UNODC Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facility Survey, Draft for Field Testing
- 2/1/18 - WHO-UNODC Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facility Survey, Draft for Field Testing
- 2/1/18 - WHO-UNODC Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facility Survey, Draft for Field Testing
- 2/1/18 - WHO-UNODC Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facility Survey, Draft for Field Testing
- 2/1/18 - WHO-UNODC Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facility Survey, Draft for Field Testing
- 2/1/18 - WHO-UNODC Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facility Survey, Draft for Field Testing
- 1/18/18 - Illicit Drug Use in Palestine
- 12/6/17 - Myanmar - Opium Survey 2017
- 12/5/17 - Peru - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2016
- 12/5/17 - Peru - Coca cultivation survey - Fact sheet, Executive summary in English
- 12/1/17 - UNODC Treatnet Training Package - Updated Edition
- 11/15/17 - Afghanistan opium survey 2017 - Cultivation and Production
- 10/23/17 - Foreign Terrorist Fighters - Manual for Judicial Training Institutes South-Eastern Europe
- 10/20/17 - Global Synthetic Drugs Assessment - 2017
- 10/1/17 - The S-O-S Initiative -Stop Overdose Safely - UNODC-WHO Multi-site Study on Community Management of Opioid Overdose, Including Emergency Naloxone
- 7/18/17 - Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2016
- 7/18/17 - Colombia - Monitoreo de territorios afectados por cultivos ilícitos 2016
- 7/18/17 - Colombia - Survey of territories affected by illicit crops 2016
- 6/22/17 - World Drug Report 2017
- 5/19/17 - Afghanistan opium survey 2016 - Sustainable development in an opium production environment
- 3/16/17 - Governing Safer Cities: Strategies for a Globalised World
- 3/1/17 - Evidence for enhancing resilience to opium poppy cultivation in Shan State, Myanmar
- 3/1/17 - UNESCO/ UNODC/ WHO Good Policy and Practice in Health Education: Education sector responses to the use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs (external link)
- 3/1/17 - Prevention of Drug Use and Treatment of Drug Use Disorders in Rural Settings
- 2/15/17 - Global Maritime Crime Programme - Annual Report 2016
- 12/24/16 - Afghanistan opium survey 2016 - Cultivation and Production
- 12/21/16 - Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2016
- 10/23/16 - Afghanistan - opium poppy survey - Cultivation and Production 2016
- 7/13/16 - Perú - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2015
- 7/13/16 - WHO - INSPIRE: Seven Strategies for Ending Violence Against Children
- 7/12/16 - Resources
- 7/8/16 - Colombia - Monitoreo de territorios afectados por cultivos ilícitos 2015 - Colombia
- 7/5/16 - Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2015
- 6/23/16 - World Drug Report 2016
- 6/22/16 - Mexico - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Amapola 2014-2015
- 6/1/16 - Book of Abstracts: Scientific Consultation on Prevention of Drug Use and Treatment of Drug Use Disorders, Vienna International Centre, 8-10 December 2015
- 5/31/16 - Деньги от наркоторговли: доходы от незаконного оборота опиатов на “Балканском маршруте” 2015
- 5/24/16 - World wildlife crime report 2016
- 5/2/16 - Research Brief: Multiple Systems Estimation for estimating the number of victims of human trafficking across the world
- 4/1/16 - Guidelines on drug prevention and treatment for girls and women
- 4/1/16 - Guidelines on drug prevention and treatment for girls and women
- 3/16/16 - The Afghan Opiate Trade and Africa - A Baseline Assessment- 2016
- 3/8/16 - The Afghan Opiate Trade and Africa - A Baseline Assessment 2016
- 3/1/16 - Listen First! A campaign on evidence-based drug prevention
- 3/1/16 - Listen First! A campaign on evidence-based drug prevention
- 3/1/16 - Listen First! A campaign on evidence-based drug prevention
- 3/1/16 - Listen First! A campaign on evidence-based drug prevention
- 3/1/16 - Listen First! A campaign on evidence-based drug prevention
- 3/1/16 - Afghanistan - Opium Survey 2015 Socio-economic analysis
- 12/15/15 - Southeast Asia Opium Survey 2015 - Lao PDR, Myanmar
- 12/13/15 - Afghanistan opium survey 2015 - Cultivation and Production
- 11/26/15 - Drug Money - the illicit proceeds of opiates trafficked on the Balkan route
- 11/26/15 - Drug Money: the illicit proceeds of opiates trafficked on the Balkan route - Executive summary
- 11/25/15 - Strengthening the medico-legal response to sexual violence
- 10/14/15 - Afghanistan opium survey 2015 - Executive Summary
- 8/18/15 - Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2014
- 7/15/15 - Peru - Informe Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2014 (Summary in English included)
- 7/2/15 - Colombia - Coca cultivation survey 2014
- 7/2/15 - Colombia - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2014
- 6/26/15 - World Drug Report 2015
- 6/1/15 - Section D. Drug use prevention - What works in drug use prevention? – from the UNODC World Drug Report 2015 (page 18 onwards!)
- 6/1/15 - Section E. Treatment of drug use - Treatment of drug use disorders and dependence – from the UNODC World Drug Report 2015 (page 30 onwards!)
- 4/20/15 - Afghanistan opium survey 2014 - Socio-economic analysis
- 12/8/14 - Southeast Asia Opium Survey 2014 - Lao PDR, Myanmar
- 11/24/14 - Global report on trafficking in persons 2014
- 11/12/14 - Afghanistan opium survey 2014 - Cultivation and production
- 8/12/14 - Colombia - Coca Cultivation Survey 2013
- 6/26/14 - Colombia - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2013
- 6/26/14 - World Drug Report 2014
- 6/23/14 - Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2013
- 6/11/14 - Perú - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2013
- 5/20/14 - Global Synthetic Drugs Assessment - Amphetamine-type Stimulants and New Psychoactive Substances
- 4/15/14 - South-East Asia - Opium survey 2013 - Lao PDR, Myanmar
- 4/10/14 - Global Study on Homicide - 2013
- 4/7/14 - Business, Corruption and Crime in Albania: The impact of bribery and other crime on private enterprise
- 4/7/14 - BIZNESI, KORRUPSIONI DHE KRIMINË SHQIPËRI: Ndikimi i ryshfetit dhe krimeve të tjera në ndërmarrjet private
- 3/27/14 - Impacts of drug use on users and their families in Afghanistan
- 3/19/14 - The Illicit Drug Trade through South-Eastern Europe
- 3/10/14 - Обзор производства опия в Афганистане в 2013 году - Краткое изложение результатов исследования
- 2/25/14 - Good Governance for Prison Health in the 21st century
- 2/21/14 - Target Setting Guide - HIV-pwid 2013 - russian
- 2/12/14 - UNAIDS Technical Support Division of Labour
- 2/12/14 - WHO Guidelines on HIV Infection and AIDS in Prisons
- 2/12/14 - UNAIDS - Prisons and AIDS
- 2/12/14 - Training Guide for HIV Prevention Outreach to Injecting Drug Users
- 2/12/14 - A "Step-by-Step" Algorithm for the Procurement of Controlled Substances for Drug Substitution Treatment
- 2/12/14 - Policy Brief: Reduction of HIV Transmission through Outreach
- 2/12/14 - Policy Brief: Reduction of HIV Transmission through Drug-Dependence Treatment
- 2/12/14 - Policy Brief: Provision of Sterile Injecting Equipment to Reduce HIV Transmission
- 2/12/14 - Position paper: Substitution maintenance therapy in the management of opioid dependence and HIV/AIDS prevention
- 2/12/14 - Policy and programming guide for HIV/AIDS prevention and care among injecting drug users
- 2/12/14 - Guide to starting and Managing Needle and Syringe Programmes
- 2/12/14 - Intensifying HIV Prevention, UNAIDS policy position paper
- 2/12/14 - Technical Guide for countries to set targets for universal access to HIV prevention, treatment and care for injecting drug users (pdf)
- 2/12/14 - Rapid Assessment and Response Guide on Injecting Drug Use (IDU-RAR)
- 2/12/14 - Evidence for Action: Effectiveness of sterile needle and syringe programming in reducing HIV/AIDS among injecting drug users
- 2/12/14 - Evidence for Action: Effectiveness of Community-Based Outreach in Preventing HIV/AIDS among Injecting Drug Users
- 2/12/14 - Policy Brief: Antiretroviral therapy and injecting drug users
- 2/12/14 - No Safety Signs Here: Research study on migration and HIV vulnerability from seven South and North East Asian countries
- 2/12/14 - Migration Gone Wrong: Linkages between trafficking and HIV
- 2/12/14 - UNAIDS Guidance Note on HIV and Sex Work - Spanish
- 2/12/14 - UNAIDS Guidance Note on HIV and Sex Work - French
- 2/12/14 - UNAIDS Guidance Note on HIV and Sex Work - Russian
- 2/12/14 - Human Trafficking and HIV: Exploring Vulnerabilities and Responses in South Asia
- 2/12/14 - HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care for Female Injecting Drug Users - Arabic
- 2/12/14 - HIV Prevention among Young Injecting Drug Users
- 2/12/14 - HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care for Female Injecting Drug Users
- 2/12/14 - UNAIDS Guidance Note on HIV and Sex Work
- 2/12/14 - From Challenges to Opportunities: Responses to trafficking and HIV/Aids in South Asia
- 2/12/14 - Women and Drug Abuse: The problem in India
- 2/12/14 - Sex Works, HIV/AIDS, and Human Rights: In Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia
- 2/12/14 - Caring for Trafficked Persons: Guidance for health providers
- 2/10/14 - UNODC-UNAIDS - HIV and Prisons in sub-Saharan Africa:Opportunities for Action - English
- 2/10/14 - WHO-UNODC-UNAIDS - Policy brief: Reduction of HIV transmission in Prisons - Russian
- 2/10/14 - WHO-UNODC-UNAIDS - Policy brief: Reduction of HIV transmission in Prisons - English
- 2/10/14 - WHO-UNODC-UNAIDS - Policy brief: Reduction of HIV transmission in Prisons - Chinese
- 2/10/14 - HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care, Treatment, and Support in Prison Settings. A Framework for an Effective National Response - Chinese
- 2/10/14 - HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care, Treatment, and Support in Prison Settings. A Framework for an Effective National Response - English
- 2/10/14 - HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care, Treatment, and Support in Prison Settings. A Framework for an Effective National Response - Arabic
- 2/10/14 - HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care, Treatment, and Support in Prison Settings. A Framework for an Effective National Response - Spanish
- 2/10/14 - HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care, Treatment, and Support in Prison Settings. A Framework for an Effective National Response - French
- 2/10/14 - HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care, Treatment, and Support in Prison Settings. A Framework for an Effective National Response - Russian
- 2/10/14 - HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care, Treatment, and Support in Prison Settings. A Framework for an Effective National Response - Portuguese
- 2/10/14 - UNODC-UNAIDS - Women and HIV in Prison Settings- Arabic
- 2/10/14 - UNODC-UNAIDS - Women and HIV in Prison Settings
- 2/10/14 - UNODC-UNAIDS - Perempuan dan HIV dalam Lingkungan Lapas
- 2/10/14 - UNODC-UNAIDS - A mulher eo HIV em ambientes prisionais
- 2/10/14 - Las mujeres y el VIH en el entorno carcelario
- 2/10/14 - HIV and AIDS in places of detention: A toolkit for policymakers, programme managers, prison officers and health care providers in prison settings - Arabic
- 2/10/14 - HIV and AIDS in places of detention: A toolkit for policymakers, programme managers, prison officers and health care providers in prison settings
- 2/10/14 - Охрана здоровья женщин в местах лишения свободы
- 2/10/14 - La santé des femmes en milieu carcéral - Éliminer les disparités entre les sexes en matière de santé dans les prisons
- 2/10/14 - Women’s health in prison - Correcting gender inequity in prison health
- 2/10/14 - HIV testing and counselling in prisons and other closed settings - Technical paper
- 2/10/14 - UNODC - WHO - Policy brief: HIV testing and counselling in prisons and other closed settings - Arabic
- 2/10/14 - A Rapid Situation Assessment of HIV/STI/TB and Drug Abuse among Prisoners in Uganda Prisons Service
- 2/10/14 - Diagnóstico rápido sobre HIV-Sida en los sistemas penitenciarios de Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala y República Dominica
- 2/10/14 - ANÁLISIS COMPARADO - VIH/Sida en Sistemas Penitenciarios de El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua y Panamá
- 2/10/14 - Protocol on Assessing Drug Use and HIV in Prison Settings - English
- 2/10/14 - Protocol on Assessing Drug Use and HIV in Prison Settings - Arabic
- 2/10/14 - The Madrid Recommendation: Health protection in prisons as an essential part of public health
- 2/10/14 - AHPPN 2009 Declaration
- 2/10/14 - UNODC - HIV and AIDS in Prisons Posters
- 2/10/14 - Analysis of HIV/AIDS response in penitentiary system of Ukraine
- 2/10/14 - From coercion to cohesion Treating drug dependence through health care, not punishment - Discussiion Paper
- 2/10/14 - HIV in prisons: Situation and needs assessment toolkit
- 2/10/14 - WHO - UNODC: Women’s health in prison Action guidance and checklists to review current policies and practice
- 2/10/14 - Opioid Substitution Treatment in Custodial Settings. A Practical Guide
- 2/10/14 - Manual for environmental interventions for Tuberculosis Control in Prisons
- 2/10/14 - 2009 AHPPN Declaration
- 2/4/14 - Business, Corruption and Crime in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: The impact of bribery and other crime on private enterprise
- 2/4/14 - Бизнис, корупција и криминал во Република Македонија Влијанието на поткупот и другите форми на криминал врз приватните фирми
- 2/4/14 - Business, Corruption and Crime in Montenegro: The impact of bribery and other crime on private enterprise
- 2/4/14 - Biznis, korupcija i kriminal u Crnoj Gori: Uticaj korupcije i kriminala na privatne poslovne subjekte
- 1/1/14 - Guidance for Community-Based Treatment and Care Services for People Affected by Drug Use and Dependence in South East Asia
- 1/1/14 - WHO Guidelines for identification and management of substance use and substance use disorders in pregnancy
- 12/23/13 - Afghanistan opium survey 2013
- 12/18/13 - ПОСЛОВАЊЕ, КОРУПЦИЈА И КРИМИНАЛ У СРБИЈИ: Утицај корупције и осталих кривичних радњи на пословно окружење
- 12/18/13 - BUSINESS, CORRUPTION AND CRIME IN SERBIA: The impact of bribery and other crime on private enterprise
- 11/26/13 - The Role of Corruption in the Smuggling of Migrants Issue Paper UNODC 2013
- 11/21/13 - POSLOVANJE, KORUPCIJA I KRIMINAL U BOSNI I HERCEGOVINI: Utjecaj mita i kriminala na privatna preduzeća
- 11/21/13 - BUSINESS, CORRUPTION AND CRIME IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA: The impact of bribery and other crime on private enterprise
- 11/13/13 - Afghanistan opium survey 2013 - Summary findings
- 11/12/13 - BUSINESS, CORRUPTION AND CRIME IN CROATIA: The impact of bribery and other crime on private enterprise
- 11/12/13 - IZLOŽENOST POSLOVNOG SEKTORA KORUPCIJI I KRIMINALU U HRVATSKOJ: utjecaj korupcije i drugih oblika kriminala na privatne tvrtke
- 11/12/13 - BUSINESS, CORRUPTION AND CRIME IN KOSOVO: The impact of bribery and other crime on private enterprise
- 10/24/13 - Business, corruption and crime in the western Balkans: The impact of bribery and other crime on private enterprise
- 9/24/13 - Perú - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2012
- 9/3/13 - Transnational Organized Crime in Eastern Africa: A Threat Assessment
- 8/9/13 - Colombia: Coca cultivation survey 2012
- 8/9/13 - Colombia: Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2012
- 8/6/13 - Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia: Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2012
- 6/26/13 - World Drug Report 2013
- 6/1/13 - Opioid overdose: preventing and reducing opioid overdose mortality
- 5/15/13 - Marco de Acción Internacional Para la aplicación del Protocolo contra el tráfico ilícito de migrantes
- 5/5/13 - Afghanistan opium survey 2012
- 4/23/13 - Assessment Guide to the Criminal Justice Response to the Smuggling of Migrants
- 4/16/13 - Transnational Organized Crime in East Asia and the Pacific - A Threat Assessment
- 3/22/13 - Publications on drug prevention and treatment
- 3/15/13 - Cadre d’action international pour l’application du Protocole relatif au trafic illicite de migrants
- 3/1/13 - International Standards on Drug Use Prevention
- 3/1/13 - International Standards on Drug Use Prevention
- 2/25/13 - Transnational Organized Crime in West Africa: A Threat Assessment
- 1/28/13 - IDS_Report_2006-2011_Excel
- 1/28/13 - IDS_Report_2006-2001_Zipfile
- 1/1/13 - Policy brief. HIV prevention, treatment and care in prisons and other closed settings: a comprehensive package of interventions. UNODC,ILO,UNDP,WHO,UNAIDS
- 12/10/12 - Handbook for Parliamentarians
- 12/10/12 - Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2012
- 12/1/12 - TREATNET Quality Standards for Drug Dependence Treatment and Care Services
- 12/1/12 - Get the Facts about Drugs
- 11/20/12 - Afghanistan opium survey 2012 - Summary findings
- 10/31/12 - South-East Asia Opium Survey 2012 - Lao PDR, Myanmar
- 10/16/12 - Issue Paper - Abuse of a position of vulnerability and other 'means' within the definition of trafficking in persons
- 10/11/12 - Misuse of Licit Trade for Opiate Trafficking in Western and Central Asia: A Threat Assessment
- 9/27/12 - Afghanistan cannabis survey 2012 - Cultivation and Production
- 9/27/12 - Perú: Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca, 2011
- 9/24/12 - Afghanistan cannabis survey 2011 - Cultivation and Production
- 9/17/12 - Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia: Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2011
- 9/1/12 - Transnational Organized Crime in Central America and the Caribbean: A Threat Assessment
- 9/1/12 - Delincuencia Organizada Transnacional en Centroamérica y el Caribe: Una Evaluación de las Amenazas
- 8/21/12 - Migrant Smuggling in Asia: An Annotated Bibliography
- 8/21/12 - UNODC: Migrant Smuggling in Asia: A Thematic Review of Literature
- 7/26/12 - Colombia: Coca cultivation survey 2011
- 7/25/12 - Colombia: Monitoreo de cultivos de coca 2011
- 7/19/12 - Opiate flows through Northern Afghanistan and Central Asia: a threat assessment - Russian
- 7/11/12 - Corruption Prevention to Foster Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Development - VOLUME II
- 6/26/12 - World Drug Report 2012
- 3/1/12 - Cannabis: a short review
- 3/1/12 - Youth Initiative Discussion Guide
- 3/1/12 - Youth Initiative Discussion Guide
- 3/1/12 - Youth Initiative Discussion Guide
- 2/13/12 - International Framework for Action to Implement the Smuggling of Migrants Protocol
- 2/3/12 - Monitoring the impact of economic crisis on crime
- 2/2/12 - Guidelines for the Forensic Analysis of Drugs Facilitating Sexual Assault and Other Criminal Acts
- 1/16/12 - Psychosocial care for women in shelter homes
- 1/12/12 - Afghanistan opium survey 2011 - Russian
- 1/12/12 - Afghanistan opium survey 2011
- 12/21/11 - Criminalité organisée et instabilité en Afrique centrale - Une évaluation des menaces
- 12/15/11 - South-East Asia - Opium survey 2011
- 11/29/11 - Patterns and Trends of Amphetamine-Type Stimulants and Other Drugs – Asia and the Pacific – 2011
- 11/29/11 - The Criminal Justice Response to Support Victims of Acts of Terrorism
- 11/8/11 - Transnational organized crime threat assessments
- 11/3/11 - In-Depth Training Manual on Smuggling of Migrants
- 10/31/11 - Organized Crime and Instability in Central Africa - A Threat Assessment
- 10/25/11 - Estimating illicit financial flows resulting from drug trafficking and other transnational organized crimes
- 10/11/11 - Afghanistan opium survey 2011 - Summary findings
- 10/6/11 - 2011 Global Study on Homicide
- 10/1/11 - Nonmedical use of prescription drugs Policy Direction Issues
- 9/14/11 - Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia: Monitoreo de cultivo de coca 2010
- 9/1/11 - Ensuring availability of controlled medications for the relief of pain and preventing diversion and abuse
- 7/1/11 - Peru: Monitoreo de cultivos de coca 2010
- 7/1/11 - Colombia: Monitoreo de cultivas de coca 2010
- 6/28/11 - Afghanistan cannabis survey 2010
- 6/23/11 - World Drug Report 2011
- 5/30/11 - The role of organized crime in the smuggling of migrants from West Africa to the European Union
- 5/17/11 - Corruption in the western Balkans: bribery as experienced by the population
- 5/10/11 - Research paper on the transatlantic cocaine market
- 4/28/11 - Legal and Policy Review: Responses to Human Trafficking in Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka
- 4/6/11 - Global SMART Update - 5
- 3/9/11 - Issue Paper - The Role of Corruption in Trafficking in Persons
- 3/1/11 - Sustainable livelihoods: A broader vision
- 1/20/11 - Afghanistan opium survey 2010 - Russian
- 1/20/11 - Afghanistan opium survey 2010
- 12/13/10 - Toolkit to Combat Smuggling of Migrants
- 12/13/10 - South-East Asia - Opium survey 2010 - Lao PDR, Myanmar
- 12/8/10 - Basic Training Manual on Investigating and Prosecuting the Smuggling of Migrants
- 12/8/10 - UNODC Model Law against Smuggling of Migrants
- 11/25/10 - Patterns and Trends of Amphetaine-Type Stimulants and Other Drugs - Asia and the Pacific
- 11/4/10 - International Collaborative Exercises 2010 - round 1
- 10/28/10 - Global SMART Update 2010 - Vol. 4
- 10/21/10 - Forensic Document Examination Capacity
- 9/30/10 - Afghanistan opium survey 2010 - Summary findings
- 9/3/10 - Manual on Victimization Surveys
- 9/1/10 - From Coercion to Cohesion: Treating Drug Dependence Through Health Care, Not Punishment
- 9/1/10 - From Coercion to Cohesion: Treating Drug Dependence Through Health Care, Not Punishment
- 9/1/10 - From Coercion to Cohesion: Treating Drug Dependence Through Health Care, Not Punishment
- 9/1/10 - From Coercion to Cohesion: Treating Drug Dependence Through Health Care, Not Punishment
- 9/1/10 - From Coercion to Cohesion: Treating Drug Dependence Through Health Care, Not Punishment
- 9/1/10 - From Coercion to Cohesion: Treating Drug Dependence Through Health Care, Not Punishment
- 7/14/10 - International Collaborative Exercises (ICE) 2009 round 2 Summary Report
- 7/1/10 - Online Edition- Basic Training Manual on Investigating and Prosecuting the Smuggling of Migrants
- 6/29/10 - Trata de personas hacia Europa con fines de explotación sexual
- 6/29/10 - Trafficking in Persons to Europe for Sexual Exploitation
- 6/23/10 - World Drug Report 2010
- 6/22/10 - Ecuador - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2009
- 6/22/10 - Perú - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2009
- 6/22/10 - Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2009
- 6/22/10 - Colombia - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2009
- 6/22/10 - Colombia - Coca cultivation survey 2009
- 6/21/10 - Drug Use in Afghanistan: 2009 Survey
- 6/17/10 - The globalization of crime - A transnational organized crime threat assessment
- 4/8/10 - Annual Report 2010
- 4/4/10 - Digest of Terrorist Cases
- 4/2/10 - Issue Paper: Migrant Smuggling by Air
- 4/1/10 - Issue Paper: A Short Introduction to Migrant Smuggling (2010)
- 4/1/10 - UNODC-WHO Joint Programme on drug dependence treatment and care
- 4/1/10 - UNODC-WHO Joint Programme on drug dependence treatment and care
- 4/1/10 - UNODC-WHO Joint Programme on drug dependence treatment and care
- 4/1/10 - UNODC-WHO Joint Programme on drug dependence treatment and care
- 4/1/10 - UNODC-WHO Joint Programme on drug dependence treatment and care
- 4/1/10 - UNODC-WHO Joint Programme on drug dependence treatment and care
- 4/1/10 - Victimization survey in Kenya
- 3/31/10 - Afghanistan cannabis survey 2009 (English)
- 3/31/10 - Afghanistan cannabis survey 2009 (Russian)
- 3/16/10 - Global SMART Update 2010 Vol.3
- 2/24/10 - Crime and instability: case studies of transnational threats
- 1/1/10 - Female Drug Use in Pakistan: Mapping Estimates, Ethnographic Results & Behaviourial Assessment
- 1/1/10 - Compilation of Evidence-Based Family Skills Training Programmes for prevention
- 12/31/09 - Manuel sur la gestion des dossiers des détenus
- 12/17/09 - Afghanistan opium survey - Dec 2009
- 12/14/09 - Opium poppy cultivation in South-East Asia - Dec 2009
- 11/20/09 - Multilingual Dictionary of Precursors and Chemicals Frequently Used in the Illicit Manufacture of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances under International Control
- 11/20/09 - Multilingual Dictionary of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Under International Control Volume 2
- 11/20/09 - Multilingual Dictionary of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Under International Control Volume 1
- 11/16/09 - Crime prevention assessment tool Criminal justice assessment toolkit
- 11/1/09 - Reducing the adverse health and social consequences of drug abuse: a comprehensive approach
- 10/21/09 - ADDICTION CRIME AND INSURGENCY The transnational threat of Afghan opium
- 10/16/09 - Trafficking in Persons - Analysis on Europe
- 9/17/09 - Ecuador monitoreo de cultivos de coca - sept 2009
- 9/2/09 - Afghanistan opium survey - summary findings - Sept 2009
- 9/1/09 - Principles of Drug Dependence Treatment - UNODC/WHO Discussion Paper
- 8/31/09 - United Nations Criminal Justice Standards for United Nations Police
- 7/7/09 - Transnational Trafficking and the Rule of Law in West Africa: A Threat Assessment
- 6/24/09 - World Drug Report 2009
- 6/19/09 - Colombia coca cultivation survey - June 2009
- 6/19/09 - Peru monitoreo de cultivos de coca - junio 2009
- 6/19/09 - Bolivia monitoreo de cultivos de coca - junio 2009
- 6/19/09 - Bolivia coca cultivation survey - June 2009
- 6/12/09 - Container Programme Progress Report
- 6/11/09 - Handbook on Criminal Justice Responses to Terrorism
- 5/14/09 - Annual Report 2009
- 5/8/09 - Justice in Matters involving Child Victims and Witnesses of Crime - Model Law and Related Commentary
- 4/8/09 - Handbook for parliamentarians on combating trafficking in persons
- 4/2/09 - Handbook on Prisoners with Special Needs
- 3/5/09 - World Drug Report 2008 now available in Russian
- 2/26/09 - 100 Years of Drug Control
- 2/12/09 - Global Report on Trafficking in Persons
- 2/2/09 - Opium poppy cultivation in South-East Asia - Dec 2008
- 2/1/09 - Guide to implementing family skills training programmes for drug abuse prevention
- 2/1/09 - Guide to implementing family skills training programmes for drug abuse prevention
- 2/1/09 - Guide to implementing family skills training programmes for drug abuse prevention
- 2/1/09 - Guide to implementing family skills training programmes for drug abuse prevention
- 2/1/09 - Guide to implementing family skills training programmes for drug abuse prevention
- 2/1/09 - Guide to implementing family skills training programmes for drug abuse prevention
- 1/12/09 - Handbook on Planning and Action for Crime Prevention in Southern Africa and the Caribbean Regions
- 1/1/09 - UNODC- WHO - Policy brief: HIV testing and counselling in prisons and other closed settings
- 12/5/08 - HIV and AIDS in places of detention
- 11/27/08 - Afghanistan opium survey - Nov 2008
- 11/12/08 - Руководство для администрации учреждений исполнения наказаний и других должностных лиц Женщины в местах заключения
- 11/3/08 - Afghanistan: Implementing Alternatives to Imprisonment, in line with International Standards and National Legislation
- 10/28/08 - Tráfico de Droga como uma Ameaça á Segurança na África Ocidental
- 10/28/08 - Le Trafic de Drogue comme Menace á la Sécurité en Afrique de l´Ouest
- 10/28/08 - Drug Trafficking as a Security Threat in West Africa
- 10/15/08 - Trafficking in Lebanon
- 10/9/08 - Toolkit to Combat Trafficking in Persons
- 10/8/08 - La Amenaza del Narcotráfico en América
- 10/8/08 - The Threat of Narco-Trafficking in the Americas
- 9/25/08 - Handbook for Prison Managers and Policymakers on Women and Imprisonment
- 9/9/08 - Amphetamines and ecstasy: 2008 global ATS assessment
- 9/1/08 - Drug Dependence Treatment: Community Based Treatment
- 9/1/08 - Drug Dependence Treatment: Role in the Prevention and Care of HIV and AIDS
- 9/1/08 - Drug Dependence Treatment: Sustained Recovery Management
- 9/1/08 - Drug Dependence Treatment: Interventions for Drug Users in Prison
- 8/18/08 - Bulletin on Narcotics - Review of the world cannabis situation
- 7/18/08 - Criminal Justice Assessment Toolkit
- 7/3/08 - Handbook on prisoner file management
- 6/26/08 - 2008 World Drug Report
- 6/26/08 - Elementos orientadores para las políticas públicas sobre drogas en la subregión
- 6/18/08 - Coca cultivation in the Andean region - June 2008
- 6/9/08 - Perspectives May 2008
- 6/5/08 - Drogas y delitos en el Perú
- 5/29/08 - Crime and its impact on the Balkans
- 4/30/08 - Illicit Drug Trends in Pakistan
- 4/30/08 - Illicit drug trends in Afghanistan
- 4/30/08 - Illicit drug trends in Central Asia
- 3/18/08 - UNODC/WHO principles of drug dependence treatment
- 3/10/08 - UNODC Annual Report 2008
- 2/15/08 - Good practices for the protection of witnesses in criminal proceedings involving organized crime
- 2/1/08 - Treatnet Training Package
- 1/23/08 - Reducing the adverse health and social consequences of drug abuse: A comprehensive approach
- 12/13/07 - Interventions to address HIV in prisons: Drug dependence treatments
- 12/13/07 - Interventions to address HIV in prisons: HIV care, treatment and support
- 12/13/07 - Interventions to address HIV in prisons: Needle and syringe programmes and decontamination strategies
- 12/13/07 - Interventions to address HIV in prisons: Prevention of sexual transmission
- 12/12/07 - Le Trafic de Cocaïne en Afrique de l'Ouest: Une menace pour la stabilité et le développement (avec référence spéciale à la Guinée-Bissau)
- 12/12/07 - Cocaine Trafficking in West Africa: The threat to stability and development (with special reference to Guinea-Bissau)
- 11/28/07 - HIV/AIDS and prisons in sub-Saharan Africa: Opportunities for Action
- 10/30/07 - Cocaine trafficking in western Africa
- 10/30/07 - Rapport sur la situation du trafic de cocaïne en Afrique de l'ouest
- 10/16/07 - Afghanistan opium survey - Oct 2007
- 9/17/07 - Stolen Asset Recovery (StAR) Initiative: Challenges, Opportunities and Action Plan
- 8/27/07 - Afghanistan opium survey 2007 - Executive Summary
- 6/26/07 - 2007 Informe mundial sobre las drogas - Resumen
- 6/26/07 - 2007 World Drug Report Executive Summary
- 6/26/07 - 2007 World Drug Report
- 6/19/07 - Colombia monitoreo de cultivos de coca - junio 2007
- 6/19/07 - Colombia coca cultivation survey - June 2007
- 6/14/07 - Coca cultivation in the Andean region - June 2007
- 6/13/07 - Bolivia monitoreo de cultivos de coca - junio 2007
- 6/13/07 - Bolivia coca cultivation survey - June 2007
- 6/6/07 - Peru monitoreo de cultivos de coca - junio 2007
- 5/15/07 - Crime and development in Central America
- 5/15/07 - Crimen y desarrollo en Centroamérica
- 3/15/07 - UNODC Annual Report 2007 (covering activities in 2006)
- 3/15/07 - Crime, Violence, and Development: Trends, Costs and Policy Options in the Caribbean
- 3/15/07 - Afghanistan: Female prisoners and their social reintegration
- 11/14/06 - Maroc enquete sur le cannabis - jan 2007
- 10/15/06 - Toolkit to Combat Trafficking in Persons
- 10/5/06 - Opium Poppy cultivation in the Golden Triangle - October 2006
- 6/19/06 - Colombia monitoreo de cultivos de coca - junio 2006
- 6/19/06 - Colombia coca cultivation survey - June 2006
- 6/15/06 - Bolivia monitoreo de cultivos de coca - junio 2006
- 6/15/06 - Bolivia coca cultivation survey - June 2006
- 6/14/06 - Peru monitoreo de cultivos de coca - junio 2006
- 6/14/06 - Peru coca survey - June 2006
- 6/5/06 - Coca cultivation in the Andean region - June 2006
- 4/15/06 - Trafficking in Persons: Global Patterns
- 4/7/06 - Preventing terrorist acts: a criminal justice strategy integrating rule of law standards in implementation of UN anti-terrorism instruments
- 11/14/05 - Myanmar opium survey - Nov 2005
- 11/1/05 - Afghanistan opium survey 2005
- 10/28/05 - Myanmar opium survey - November 2005
- 7/4/05 - Maroc enquête sur le cannabis - may 2004
- 6/16/05 - Colombia monitoreo de cultivos de coca - junio 2005
- 6/16/05 - Colombia coca cultivation survey - June 2005
- 6/15/05 - Crime and Development in Africa
- 6/13/05 - Peru monitoreo de cultivos de coca - junio 2005
- 6/13/05 - Peru coca survey - June 2005
- 6/9/05 - Bolivia monitoreo de cultivos de coca - junio 2005
- 6/9/05 - Bolivia coca survey - June 2005
- 6/8/05 - Laos opium survey - June 2005
- 6/2/05 - Coca cultivation in the Andean Region for 2004 - Executive Summary
- 6/1/05 - Andean coca survey - June 2005
- 5/12/05 - Maroc enquete sur le cannabis - mai 2005
- 5/2/05 - Accion mundial contra la corrupcion. Los documentos de Merida
- 5/2/05 - Global Action Against Corruption. The Merida Papers
- 3/1/05 - Compendium of International Legal Instruments on Corruption
- 3/1/05 - Alternative Development: A Global Thematic Evaluation
- 11/1/04 - Afghanistan opium survey 2004
- 7/1/04 - Laos opium survey - July 2004
- 6/18/04 - Colombia monitoreo de cultivos de coca 2003
- 6/18/04 - Colombia coca survey - June 2004
- 6/14/04 - Peru monitoreo de cultivos de coca 2003
- 6/14/04 - Peru coca cultivation survey for 2003
- 6/9/04 - Bolivia coca cultivation survey for 2003
- 6/9/04 - Bolivia monitoreo de cultivos de coca 2003
- 1/1/04 - Substance abuse treatment and care for women
- 1/1/04 - Substance abuse treatment and care for women: Case studies and lessons learned
- 12/18/03 - Maroc enquete sur le cannabis - déc 2003
- 11/1/03 - Compendium of International Legal Instruments on Corruption
- 11/1/03 - United Nations Guide on Anti-Corruption Policy
- 10/1/03 - Afghanistan opium survey 2003
- 9/25/03 - Colombia coca survey - Sept 2003
- 6/12/03 - Myanmar opium survey - June 2003
- 6/5/03 - Laos opium survey - June 2003
- 3/11/03 - Peru monitoreo de cultivos de coca - marzo 2003
- 3/11/03 - Peru coca survey - March 2003
- 1/1/03 - Drug Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation: A Practical Planning and Implementation Guide
- 1/1/03 - Investing in Drug Abuse Treatment: A Discussion paper for Policy makers
- 6/5/02 - Laos opium survey - June 2002
- 1/1/00 - Evaluation of psychoactive substance use disorder treatment
- 1/1/00 - Drug Counsellor's Handbook: A Practical Guide for Everyday Use