With Friends in Focus, young people learn about preventive thinking for themselves and how they can disseminate it amongst their friends. Peer trainers will be trained to deliver multiple sessions to a group of peers, who will then have similar interactions with their friends. The sessions will be interactive in nature, and help youths to recognize risk and protective factors to drug use, critically reflect on information about drugs from media, think about normative beliefs, support them in helping their friends, set goals, etc.
In the context of drug use prevention, the UNODC has been supporting youths with opportunities to participate and become active members of a community of young people committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of their peers through the Youth Initiative. Youths participate, learn and reflect on the potential impact that drug use can have on themselves, their peers, communities, and are encouraged to think of ways to address these issues and be involved in drug demand reduction approaches in their respective communities, regions, and contexts. And now, Friends in Focus is under development in the UNODC pipeline, to further support active youths in turning their thoughts into action with practical tools and resources. What’s more, youth are not only involved in the implementation of the programme as the main actors, they also actively contribute to the development itself. Youth from all over the world are coming together for youth consultations, sharing their perspectives and recommendations in order to bring the programme as relatable, accessible, and understandable to youths as best possible.