One of the key experiences of being part of the Youth Forum is getting to know other young leaders interested in working towards building a healthier and better future for themselves. In this pre-forum task, the participants of the Youth Forum 2022 met with their respective groups through virtual platforms and played a game as an ice-breaker.
"Meeting with this group of people is now one of the most exciting and fun evenings I have had! It was our first time working with foreign friends and it got me a little nervous. After getting to know one another, the nervousness turned into excitement to see them again!"
"During our get-together meeting, we got to know each other a little bit better, finding some unlikely connections. While Love and Oliver both share their occupational background, the rest was tied together by something completely different."
"It was great having the chance to meet each other virtually. In our introductions and 2 truths, 1 lie game, we learned a bit about each person. Fun fact: Myself, Alexis, Jesús, and Adieb all like pets."