The Bureau of the Conference of the Parties to UNTOC is governed by the following rules of the Rules of Procedure for the Conference of the Parties to UNTOC:
Rule 22. Election
1. At the opening of each session, a President, eight Vice-Presidents and a Rapporteur shall be elected from among the representatives of the States Parties that are present at the session. 2. The President, the Vice-Presidents and the Rapporteur shall serve as the officers of the session. 3. In electing the officers of the session, each of the five regional groups shall be represented by two officers, one of whom shall be from among the representatives of the States that are Parties to the Convention and one or more and if possible all the Protocols that have entered into force by the opening of the session. The bureau shall include at least two representatives of States that are Parties to all the instruments that have entered into force by the opening of the session. The offices of the President and Rapporteur of the Conference shall normally be subject to rotation among the five regional groups.
Rule 23. Term of office
The President, the Vice-Presidents and the Rapporteur shall hold office until their successors are elected at the next session.
Rule 30. Composition and functions
The President, the Vice-Presidents and the Rapporteur shall constitute the bureau of the Conference, which shall meet as necessary during the session to review the progress of work and to make recommendations for furthering such progress. It shall also meet at such other times as the President deems necessary or upon the request of any other of its members. The bureau shall assist the President in the general conduct of work that falls within the competence of the President and perform such other functions as foreseen by these rules.
Rule 31. Replacement of officers of the bureau
If an officer of the bureau other than the President resigns or is otherwise unable to complete the assigned term of office or to perform the functions of that office, a representative of the same State Party shall be named by the State Party concerned to replace the said officer for the remainder of that officer’s mandate.