As part of the work of the UNODC Civil Society Unit (CSU), the project “Stakeholder Engagement for the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC), its Review Mechanism and Related Activities”, or SE4U in short, was initiated in 2019. The main objective of the SE4U Project is to facilitate the engagement of non-governmental stakeholders in the implementation of UNTOC and its review Mechanism.
One of the key outcomes of the SE4U project is to support country-specific “Voluntary Pilot initiatives” (VPI) by interested Member States, aimed at strengthening cooperation at the national level between relevant government authorities and civil society organizations, academia, and the private sector on country-specific transnational organized crime priorities.
Given the variety of non-governmental stakeholders working at country level on issues of transnational organized crime, it is essential to coordinate the voices, expertise, and work of such actors, to facilitate their engagement with government and streamline communication. The objective of the National Civil Society Alliances is two-fold:
National Civil Society Alliances (NACSA4U) and Civil Society Regional Networks (NET4U) are complementary coordination and engagement mechanisms. While the activities and actions of the National Civil Society Alliances are focused on a specific country, Civil Society Regional Networks operate at regional level, serving as an engagement bridge between issues at national and regional levels. Members of Civil Society Regional Networks can help initiate the establishment of National Civil Society Alliances in their respective countries, while members of the National Civil Society Alliances help to bring national issues and actions to the regional level, ensuring that transnational organized crime is addressed effectively.