Listen First is an initiative to increase support for prevention of drug use that is based on science. It represents investing in the well-being of children and youth, their families and their communities. Listening to children and youth is the first step to help them grow healthy, confident and safe!
Listen First was launched at the UN General Assembly Special Session on the World Drug Problem (UNGASS) in 2016 with overwhelming support from Member States. Since then, it has expanded to include outreach to: workers, parents, teachers, prevention workers and policy makers from around the world. In 2020, UNODC has developed resources under the Science of Care that help parents and children cope with the challenging conditions of COVID-19. There is a new website and ten videos and corresponding science sheets in total; and the seven currently released have received positive reviews from all over the world.
As the Chief of the UNODC Drug Prevention and Health Branch, I see that supporting evidence and science based substance use prevention with a focus on developing the skills of young people works. I hope that Listen First continues to be seen as a platform to disseminate the science of prevention and to focus on the needs of the most precious resource around the world – children.
Made possible with the generous support of France.