The benefits of physical activity is well documented by scientists. Incorporating physical activities for the whole family to participate in together can be a great way to have family time and keep active.
Dinas, Petros, Koutedakis, Yiannis Flouris, Andreas, 2010/11/01 “Effects of exercise and physical activity on depression.” Irish journal of medical science
Fedewa AL and Ahn S. (2011) “The effects of physical activity and physical fitness on children's achievement and cognitive outcomes: a meta-analysis.”Res Q Exerc Sport. 82(3):521-35.
Dr Frédéric Depiesse, Dr Olivier Coste (2016)”Prescriptions des activités physiques: en prévention et en thérapeutique “, Elsevie Masson, February 2016, ISBN 9782294744648
Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School
KidsHealth, Website set up by Nemours, a nonprofit children's health system. Founded in 1995 by physician Neil Izenberg, MD.
Kino-Québec Leaflet (Quebec Government), Gouvernement du Québec, 2012, Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport, 200, chemin Sainte-Foy, 4e étage
Mathilde St-Louis Deschênes, Dave Ellemberg (2011) “L’exercice physique aiguet la performance cognitive chez l’enfant et l’adolescent “, Department of kinesiology, Centre de recherche en neuropsychologie et cognition, Université de Montréal, August 2011.
Moore RD, Wu CT, Pontifex MB, O'Leary KC, Scudder MR, Raine LB, Johnson CR, and Hillman CH. (2013) “ Aerobic fitness and intra-individual variability of neurocognition in preadolescent children.” Brain Cogn. 82(1):43-57.
Parentingscience, a science based online resource for parents set up by Gwen Dewar Ph D Anthropology, University of Michigan
Made possible with the generous support of France.