Legislation can play an integral role in upholding human rights and gender equality, by explicitly enshrining both in accordance with international law...
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Effective crime prevention requires increasing the risks and punishments for those committing the crime, and reducing its rewards...
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Identification should be aimed at identifying vulnerabilities to trafficking and exploitation rather than only identifying evidence that trafficking in persons...
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Provision of sufficient protection and assistance to persons in need of it is an obligation that finds a strong basis in international law...
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Human rights violations can result when people are returned in ways that do not respect their human rights and dignity, such as when physical restraints are unnecessarily used...
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Investigation of serious crime is a human rights obligation particularly in the context of saving people whose lives and safety are in danger...
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To strengthen investigative capacity, increased effort is being invested into strengthening criminal justice data on smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons...
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In pursuing the ‘prosecution’ objective of both the Trafficking in Persons Protocol and the Smuggling of Migrants Protocol, UNODC works to end impunity for human traffickers and migrant smugglers...
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Sanctions imposed on convicted smugglers and traffickers must be effective, dissuasive, and proportionate. Where sentences are too lenient, justice may not be served and public confidence in the justice system may be undermined...
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