The film was produced in the context of UNODC technical assistance, primarily for use in the delivery of training to criminal justice actors, but also to be shown more broadly as an awareness-raising tool for a wider audience. The film uses the testimonies of victims of human trafficking from all over the world and focuses on raising awareness of core concepts and issues regarding human trafficking.
The long version (23 minutes) of the film targets prosecutors, judges, law enforcement officers and other specialized audiences who have a key role to play in the fight against trafficking. The short version (13 minutes) of the film has been produced with the goal of awareness-raising in mind. The film focuses on core concepts and issues - what is human trafficking? What are the different forms of human trafficking? What are the differences between human trafficking and migrant smuggling? How does human trafficking affect its victims?
Affected for Life was premiered on 19 October 2009 on the occasion of the European Union Ministerial Conference "Towards Global EU Action Against Human Trafficking".
On 30 October, the film was screened at a public hearing on Trafficking in Persons at the Danish Parliament. Among key speakers were representatives from Center Mod Menneskehandel, the Danish National Coordinator against trafficking in persons, HopeNow, Reden International, an organization that provides assistance for victims of trafficking, and the Chief of the Department for Equality. Affected for Life was streamed live online on the Danish Parliament website. The entire hearing (available here) was broadcasted by the parliamentary TV channel Folketinget on 1 November 2009.
The film will also be used in the United Kingdom by the UK Human Trafficking Centre (UKHTC) as a key component of a resource package it presents to government and civil society agencies as part of its international prevention campaign Blue Blindfold. The Blue Blindfold campaign is creating international awareness and building collaboration between law enforcement, first responder agencies and vulnerable communities in the fight against human trafficking and has entered into Strategic Partnership with UNODC. This partnership joins the work of UKHTC with UNODC's Blue Heart Campaign to raise awareness of human trafficking and inspire people to effect change.
The video is available in both full-length and abbreviated versions in English, with versions in Arabic, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
To watch the short 13 minute version of the film, click here
To watch the long 23 minute version of the film, click here
To watch UNODC anti-human trafficking public service announcements click here
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