The international legal definition is set out in the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children: "Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation". Sexual exploitation is by far the most commonly identified form of human trafficking (54% in 2014), followed by forced labour (38% in 2014). Traffickers and their victims often come from the same place, speak the same language or have the same ethnic background. Such commonalities help traffickers generate trust to carry out the trafficking crime. Being of the same gender can also enhance trust. Data from court cases indicate that women are commonly involved in the trafficking of women and girls, in particular. Most of the detected victims of trafficking in persons are females; either women or underage girls.
El Regugio de la NiñezGuatemala l 20 000 $ Contribution l 2014-2017 Intervention: Context Currently, there are few options in Guatemala with a view to addressing basic attention services to victims of human trafficking, and even less options for an integral attention, that would include psychosocial support, family strengthening and legal support. Key Objectives: Within the Project 'Integral Attention for Victims and Survivors of Human Trafficking' funded by the UN Trust Fund, El Refugio de la Niñez provides a comprehensive attention program for girls and adolescents victims, between, 12 and 18 years old, that fully respects the dignity and rights of the human person, including the rights to education, health, family and justice. Achievements: El Refugio provides integral attention services in 3 years to 106 Girls and adolescent victims of human trafficking. receive basic services as well as ensuring access to psychological support, education, health, recreational activities and return to the families. 180 family members have received therapy and support through Parent ́s School, Self-Support Groups and Family Therapy. |
Blue Dragon Children's FoundationVietnam l 20 000 $ Contribution l 2014-2017 Intervention: Rescue and reintegration work with the victims of sex trafficking is in its infancy in Vietnam. The social stigma associated with sex work and the unfamiliarity among officials with anti-trafficking legislation and victim identification procedures, undermine the ability of returnees to reintegrate. Key Objectives: Within the project 'Psycho-social interventions for victims of sex-trade trafficking' funded by the UN Trust Fund, Blue Dragon Children's Foundation provides high-quality emergency trauma care and psycho-social support to survivors of sex-trade trafficking. An innovative psycho-social programs for survivor and pioneering anti-trafficking work aims at addressing the needs of women and girls aged between14 to 25 years old, who have been trafficked into the sex trade and sold to brothels or forced marriage. Achievements: 185 Women and girls who have been trafficked for sex have been rescued and assisted in order to address extreme trauma. The majority of rescued girls and young women is expected to heal from trauma, reintegrate their communities, and either return to school, attend vocational training, or find a future sustainable income. |
Different and EqualAlbania l 20 000 $ Contribution l 2014-2017 Intervention: As a member of the National Referral Mechanism for victims of trafficking, Different & Equal seeks to meet the National Strategies and Action Plans for combating human trafficking. Key Objectives: Within the Project 'Enhancing the reintegration efforts for victims of trafficking in Albania' funded by the UN Trust Fund, Different & Equal (D&E) aims at supporting comprehensive reintegration services for victims of human trafficking from the initial stages where victims are newly liberated to their full reintegration back into the community. The activities are implemented through three phases (Crisis intervention 0-6 months; Transition 7-12 months; Re/integration/social inclusion 13-36 months) in order to provide the victims with core services such as food, medical care and accommodation. Achievements: 84 victims benefited from the reintegration program for victims of trafficking (VoTs) where they received health care; legal assistance; alternative placements for minor's victims; professional courses (28 beneficiaries have attended vocational trainings); registration for the 25 children accommodated in shelter together with their mother in kindergarten and crèche.
Recent News |
The brochure highlights the action line, the work and achievements of the UN Trust Fund and showcases the progress of the projects funded through the second Call for Proposals Cycle. |
UNVTF 2018 Side event at the CCPCJ focus on Assisting Women and Girls. Good Practices from France and Côte d'Ivoire, in cooperation with the French Permanent Mission. |
On-going programme awards multi-year grants to specialized non-governmental organizations around the world that provide critical assistance to victims of human trafficking. |
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime organizes its annual Giving Day to End Human Trafficking on the 30th of July 2018 in cooperation with the platform Charidy.com. |
Useful links |
Human Trafficking Testimonials | United Nations Global Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons |
UN Blue Heart Campaign Against Human Trafficking | UNODC and Human Trafficking |
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