Mainstreaming gender allows for Organised Crime and Illicit Trafficking projects to be developed around the understanding that sex, gender, sexual orientation and gender identity play a role in shaping experiences of crime and criminal justice.
This mandated area covers a wide range of topics, some where the gender dimensions are easier to see (e.g human trafficking) and other areas where it is less clear (maritime crime and piracy, trafficking in firearms, cybercrime, drug trafficking, money laundering, trafficking in cultural property, falsified medical products and wildlife, and crimes associated with fisheries and natural resources; drug trafficking and container control). This brief aims to highlight the more inconspicuous gender dimensions under this mandated area and to underline that there are no gender neutral interventions when the ultimate goal is to improve the lives of all people.
The thematic brief on mainstreaming gender in organised crime and illicit trafficking projects/programmes provides a step-by-step guidance on how to practically mainstream gender throughout programme documents.
Access the Thematic Brief on Mainstreaming Gender in Organised Crime & Illicit Trafficking projects [English] [Spanish]