The Regional Platform for West Africa and the Sahel was created through the regional conference held Dakar, Senegal from 22 to 25 November 2022
At the end of the conference, participants, including high-level officials, technical experts, representatives of civil society and development partners, agreed on a set of recommendations to fast-track the implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption in the four thematic areas identified as regional priorities.
Roadmap of the platform - AR | FR
Following the creation of the platform, the mapping/baselining is being conducted the first half of 2023. In this regard UNODC has already conducted mapping/baselining visits to Cote d’Ivoire and Senegal (February 2023), Niger and Tchad (March 2023) and is organizing the visit to Burkina Faso (April 2023) and Mauritania (dates TBC).
The implementation phase is planned to be launched in May 2023. Activities that will be conducted with the countries will be based on the findings made during the mapping/baselining phase.
This thematic area is divided into the following main proposed actions
- Strengthening the legislative and institutional framework on financial investigations
- Capacity building of stakeholders involved in financial investigations
- Strengthening inter-agency coordination as well as regional and international cooperation
This thematic area is divided into the following main proposed actions
- Obtaining public support and policymaker commitment for asset recovery efforts
- Establishing a comprehensive normative and strategic framework for asset recovery
- Strengthening the institutional framework on asset recovery
- Strengthening international and regional cooperation
This thematic area is divided into the following main proposed actions
- Raising awareness on the importance of reporting and the whistle-blowers
- Developing normative and institutional frameworks on reporting and protecting whistle-blowers
- Developing and deploying inclusive internal and external reporting and whistle-blower protection mechanisms
- Strengthening coordination and cooperation between organs that are in charge of processing reports and protecting reporting persons
This thematic area is divided into the following main proposed actions
- Improving and strengthening the implementation of the strategic vision for the fight against corruption
- Developing an ethic and anti-corruption culture
- Digitizing administrative systems and procedures to make them simpler, more efficient and more transparent
- Establishing a mechanism for managing conflict of interest and declarations of assets
- Strengthening the integrity of the entire procurement system
- Strengthening the integrity of judicial systems
- Regulating the financing of political parties and groupings
The gender dimension of corruption has been identified by the platform countries as a cross-cutting thematic area. In addition, the countries identified gender entry points in each of the thematic areas as follows:
- Integrating the gender dimension in the corruption risk assessment process
- Integrating the gender dimension in the training of the personnel in charge of financial investigations
- Adopting a gender-sensitive approach in establishing the institutional framework for institutional framework for asset recovery
- Raising awareness about the importance of gender mainstreaming in reporting and protection systems
- Developing inclusive and gender-sensitive reporting and protection normative frameworks
- Training investigators on how to handle reports including the gender dimension, throughout the investigative process
- Including gender dimensions in anti-corruption structures
- Developing national anti-corruption strategies, policies, and action plans, including a gender policy or strategy in the fight against corruption
and periodically evaluate them
- Developing an ongoing training program for the judiciary and civil society organizations on the functioning of the competent jurisdictions,
that includes the gender dimension
Regional Conference to fast-track UNCAC Implementation in West and Sahel Africa.
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