During 2021, UNODC, through its Global Firearms Programme (GFP), has continued its work in support of the National Commission for the Collection and Control of Illicit Arms of Niger (in French "Commission Nationale pour la Collecte et le Contrôle des Armes Illicites" (CNCCAI)) and the National Central Service against Terrorism and Organized Crime (SCLTC/TO in French) to strengthen the countries’ capacities in the fight against illicit firearms trafficking. In this context, it carried out, between 26 and 29 July 2021 a “Practical course on the use, collection and analysis of intelligence in the investigation of firearms trafficking and related offenses” in Niamey.
The training gathered more than twenty five representatives from various law enforcement agencies in the country as well as from prosecution services. The advanced training focused on intelligence led policing; intelligence specific to firearms; intelligence analysis, inter alia, and it was aimed at providing practical tools that investigators and prosecutors can use in their daily functions to support firearms related cases. This training is part of a series of capacity building activities UNODC has been conducting in the country with the support of the European Union.
At the end of the activity, UNODC handed over different pieces of equipment to the National Central Service against Terrorism and Organized Crime (SCLTC/TO) in order to facilitate firearms related investigations, including IT equipment; cameras; firearms storage cabinets and evidence lockers; cases to support the transfer of evidence; evidence collection kits; inter alia. The donation came at the request of the SCLCT/TO and was made possible thanks to the kind support of the European Union and Denmark.
UNODC has been working closely with both organizations, the CNCCAI and the SCLTC/TO, in order to put forward initiatives to strengthen the investigation and prosecution of firearms related cases in the country. Further trainings are foreseen in 2021 and 2022 on related topics, including ballistics.