14 to 16 November 2022 – CRIMJUST - Criminal Network Disruption Global Programme hosted, between 14 and 16 November, in San José, Costa Rica, an Investigative Case Forum between Costa Rica and Spain. The event counted with the participation of a total of 13 criminal justice officials, including investigators, customs agents, and public prosecutors from both countries.
This forum aimed to promote regional and interregional cooperation with a main objective of providing a trusted platform to discuss relevant cases with the latest investigative details and possible future actions in order to achieve the dismantling of the transnational organised crime groups in question. Furthermore, much in line with CRIMJUST’s mission and the case forum model, possibilities of evidence sharing as well as the formation of joint investigative teams were all explored.
The event was inaugurated by CRIMJUST’s Official, Antonio Valverde, who highlighted Costa Rica’s concerning evolving role as a transhipment point for illicit flows, primarily cocaine from Colombia and Panama, which pass through the country, mostly towards the United States, Belgium, and Spain.
Over the course of three days, officials exchanged information and intelligence, each jurisdiction presented relevant cases of recent seizure and connecting drug trafficking of Costa Rica with Spain and Europe as their destination. The sessions also encouraged the Costa Rican and Spanish institutions and law enforcement agencies to discuss the situation of organized crime and illicit flows.
The agenda included a field visit to the province of Limón, where participants and UNODC officials were hosted by the Regional Department of Pococí to visit the city’s port, Moín Container Terminal and the Gaston Kogan Terminal. The visit allowed participants to obtain a deeper understanding on the ground of the logistics involved in the port’s operations and, consequently, how Costa Rican exports take place and the relevant security factors.
Overall, the participants were able to identify next steps in order to develop joint actions for post-seizure investigations. The combination of the exchange of experiences and information, in conjunction with intelligence, evidence sharing, added by the full access to port operations makes this a highlight success in CRIMJUST’s series of investigative case forums.
CRIMJUST is funded by the European Union and by the US Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL). It seeks to enhance law enforcement and judicial counter-narcotic strategies beyond interdiction activities and to foster transnational responses targeting each stage of the drug supply chain.
For more information:
- United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
- Global Illicit Flows Programme