Surveys on drugs and crime
From monitoring of illicit crop cultivation to corruption, crime trends and crime victimization, UNODC regularly publishes a broad range of surveys.
Illicit crop monitoring reports.
Statistical surveys
2025-01-23 00:00:00.0
- 2025-01-23 00:00:00.0 - International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (ICCS): Implementation Manual
2024-12-12 04:08:57.0
- 2024-12-12 04:08:57.0 - Myanmar Opium Survey 2024
2024-11-27 06:45:00.0
- 2024-11-27 06:45:00.0 - Afghanistan Drug Insights Volume 3, Mapping of facilities for treatment of substance use disorders
2024-11-27 06:41:11.0
- 2024-11-27 06:41:11.0 - Afghanistan Drug Insights Volume 2, 2024 opium production and rural development
2024-11-25 01:55:49.0
- 2024-11-25 01:55:49.0 - Femicides in 2023: Global estimates of intimate partner/family member femicides
2024-11-06 06:30:26.0
- 2024-11-06 06:30:26.0 - Afghanistan Drug Insights Volume 1, Opium poppy cultivation 2024
2024-10-19 01:06:11.0
- 2024-10-19 01:06:11.0 - Colombia - Monitoreo de los territorios con presencia de cultivos de coca 2023 - Resumen ejecutivo y tabla de resultados
2024-07-18 15:02:13.0
- 2024-07-18 15:02:13.0 - Prison Matters: Global prison population and trends A focus on rehabilitation
2024-07-17 19:39:51.0
- 2024-07-17 19:39:51.0 - Global Progress Report on Sustainable Development Goal 16 Indicators
2024-06-28 13:04:16.0
- 2024-06-28 13:04:16.0 - Impact of Transnational Organized Crime on Stability and Development in the Sahel
2024-03-06 09:10:50.0
- 2024-03-06 09:10:50.0 - Guidelines for the governance of statistical data in the criminal justice system
2024-01-17 10:52:48.0
- 2024-01-17 10:52:48.0 - Guidelines for the production of statistical data by the prison system
2023-12-12 08:33:25.0
- 2023-12-12 08:33:25.0 - Global Study on Homicide 2023
2023-11-24 12:27:42.0
- 2023-11-24 12:27:42.0 - Gold trafficking in the Sahel
2023-11-22 11:49:29.0
- 2023-11-22 11:49:29.0 - Gender-related killings of women and girls (femicide/feminicide) - Global estimates of female intimate partner/family-related homicides in 2022
2023-11-05 06:06:46.0
- 2023-11-05 06:06:46.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2023
2023-11-01 00:20:28.0
- 2023-11-01 00:20:28.0 - Bolivia Coca Survey 2022 - Fact Sheet and Executive Summary
2023-11-01 00:01:14.0
- 2023-11-01 00:01:14.0 - Bolivia - Monitoreo de cultivos de coca 2022
2023-10-27 00:00:00.0
- 2023-10-27 00:00:00.0 - Guidelines for the production of statistical data by the prosecution service and the courts
2023-09-21 12:15:42.0
- 2023-09-21 12:15:42.0 - Global progress report on Sustainable Development Goal 16 indicators: A wake-up call for action on peace, justice and inclusion
2023-09-12 09:57:47.0
- 2023-09-12 09:57:47.0 - Colombia - Monitoreo de los territorios con presencia de cultivos de coca 2022
2023-09-11 15:53:03.0
- 2023-09-11 15:53:03.0 - Understanding Illegal Methamphetamine Manufacture in Afghanistan
2023-09-10 06:30:00.0
- 2023-09-10 06:30:00.0 - UNODC Drugs Monitoring Platform Brief: Update on patterns and trends in heroin and methamphetamine trafficking from 2020 to 2022 for Afghanistan and neighbouring regions
- 2023-09-10 06:30:00.0 - Understanding Illegal Methamphetamine Manufacture in Afghanistan
2023-03-23 15:16:34.0
- 2023-03-23 15:16:34.0 - Smuggling of migrants in the Sahel
2023-03-16 03:23:17.0
- 2023-03-16 03:23:17.0 - Global report on cocaine 2023
2023-02-28 15:10:00.0
- 2023-02-28 15:10:00.0 - Fuel Trafficking in the Sahel
2023-02-20 15:17:24.0
- 2023-02-20 15:17:24.0 - Meurtres de femmes et de filles liés au genre (fémicides/féminicides)
2023-02-20 15:14:31.0
- 2023-02-20 15:14:31.0 - Asesinatos de mujeres y niñas por razones de género (femicidio/feminicidio)
2023-01-31 14:13:14.0
2023-01-26 09:07:25.0
- 2023-01-26 09:07:25.0 - Myanmar Opium Survey 2022
2022-11-29 15:11:40.0
- 2022-11-29 15:11:40.0 - Bolivia - Monitoreo de cultivos de coca 2021
2022-11-29 15:06:01.0
- 2022-11-29 15:06:01.0 - Bolivia Coca Survey 2021 - Fact Sheet and Executive Summary
2022-11-28 14:57:51.0
- 2022-11-28 14:57:51.0 - Guidelines for the production of statistical data by the police
2022-11-23 16:04:01.0
- 2022-11-23 16:04:01.0 - Gender-related killings of women and girls (femicide/feminicide)
2022-11-14 10:06:24.0
- 2022-11-14 10:06:24.0 - Prison research: a pilot study on the causes of recidivism in Albania, Czechia and Thailand
2022-11-10 21:53:45.0
- 2022-11-10 21:53:45.0 - ILLEGAL WILDLIFE TRADE AND CLIMATE CHANGE - Joining the dots
2022-10-31 22:59:17.0
- 2022-10-31 22:59:17.0 - Opium cultivation in Afghanistan - Latest findings and emerging threats
2022-10-20 15:41:24.0
- 2022-10-20 15:41:24.0 - Colombia Coca Survey 2021 - Executive Summary (in English)
2022-10-20 15:39:26.0
- 2022-10-20 15:39:26.0 - Colombia - Monitoreo de territorios afectados por cultivos ilícitos 2021
2022-09-26 10:00:00.0
- 2022-09-26 10:00:00.0 - Monitoreo del ODS 16 - Una perspectiva de genero
2022-09-26 09:57:20.0
- 2022-09-26 09:57:20.0 - Data Matters No. 04 - Monitoring SDG 16: A gender perspective
2022-09-25 12:15:00.0
- 2022-09-25 12:15:00.0 - Illicit financial flows from trafficking of opiates along the northern route
2022-07-19 14:18:57.0
- 2022-07-19 14:18:57.0 - Cocaine Insights 4 - Brazil in the regional and transatlantic cocaine supply chain: The impact of COVID-19
2022-06-16 14:54:25.0
- 2022-06-16 14:54:25.0 - UNODC Drugs Monitoring Platform Brief: Latest patterns and trends in drug trafficking modi operandi of heroin and methamphetamine originating in Afghanistan
2022-05-31 12:49:00.0
- 2022-05-31 12:49:00.0 - UNODC Drugs Monitoring Platform Brief: Patterns and trends in trafficking routes of heroin and methamphetamine originating in Afghanistan
2022-04-11 11:07:59.0
- 2022-04-11 11:07:59.0 - Myanmar Opium Survey 2021
2022-04-08 11:27:59.0
- 2022-04-08 11:27:59.0 - Conflict in Ukraine: Key evidence on drug demand and supply
2022-03-24 14:22:05.0
- 2022-03-24 14:22:05.0 - Conflict in Ukraine: Key evidence on risks of trafficking in persons
2022-03-18 13:08:55.0
- 2022-03-18 13:08:55.0 - Nigeria Cannabis Survey 2022
2021-11-25 09:52:51.0
- 2021-11-25 09:52:51.0 - Killings of women and girls by their intimate partner or other family members - Global estimates 2020
2021-11-15 09:56:40.0
- 2021-11-15 09:56:40.0 - Drug situation in Afghanistan 2021 - Latest findings and emerging threats
2021-10-25 14:32:06.0
- 2021-10-25 14:32:06.0 - Data Matters N0. 2
2021-10-15 16:53:46.0
- 2021-10-15 16:53:46.0 - Afghan opiate trafficking through the southern route - 2015 - Russian
2021-10-07 15:15:06.0
- 2021-10-07 15:15:06.0 - Cocaine Insights 2 - Cocaine: A spectrum of products
2021-09-30 11:31:18.0
- 2021-09-30 11:31:18.0 - UNODC Drugs Monitoring Platform Brief: The reach of nationally linked trafficking groups across Afghan opiate trafficking routes
2021-09-07 15:21:34.0
- 2021-09-07 15:21:34.0 - Cocaine Insights 1 - The illicit trade of cocaine from Latin America to Europe from oligopolies to free-for-all?
2021-08-31 15:51:37.0
- 2021-08-31 15:51:37.0 - Bolivia Coca Survey 2020 - Fact Sheet and Executive Summary
2021-08-31 15:49:50.0
- 2021-08-31 15:49:50.0 - Bolivia - Monitoreo de cultivos de coca 2020
2021-07-29 16:26:04.0
- 2021-07-29 16:26:04.0 - Colombia - Monitoreo de territorios afectados por cultivos ilícitos 2020
2021-07-26 18:14:00.0
- 2021-07-26 18:14:00.0 - Research brief - Global Overview of Alternative Development Projects 2013-2017
2021-06-24 19:10:04.0
- 2021-06-24 19:10:04.0 - Mexico - Opium Survey 2018-2019 - Spanish with a summary in English
2021-06-09 17:45:00.0
- 2021-06-09 17:45:00.0 - Colombia Coca Survey 2020 - Fact Sheet (in English) and Executive Summary (in Spanish)
2021-05-03 09:47:11.0
- 2021-05-03 09:47:11.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2020 - Cultivation and Production - Executive Summary (Updated)
2021-04-14 13:16:56.0
- 2021-04-14 13:16:56.0 - AT THE CROSSROADS OF LICIT AND ILLICIT - Tramadol and other pharmaceutical opioids trafficking in West Africa
2021-03-12 14:14:13.0
- 2021-03-12 14:14:13.0 - UNODC Drugs Monitoring Platform Brief: Possible impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on trafficking in opiates and methamphetamine originating in Afghanistan
2021-02-17 13:53:00.0
- 2021-02-17 13:53:00.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2019 - Socio-economic survey report: Drivers, causes and consequences of opium poppy cultivation
2021-02-12 11:44:06.0
- 2021-02-12 11:44:06.0 - Myanmar Opium Survey 2020 - Cultivation, Production, and Implications
2020-12-14 13:57:10.0
- 2020-12-14 13:57:10.0 - Measuring Organized Crime in the Western Balkans
2020-12-08 16:02:36.0
- 2020-12-08 16:02:36.0 - Gender and corruption in Nigeria
2020-07-29 17:45:57.0
- 2020-07-29 17:45:57.0 - Plurinational State of Bolivia - Coca cultivation survey 2019 - Summary and fact sheet
2020-07-29 15:22:38.0
- 2020-07-29 15:22:38.0 - Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia - Monitoreo de cultivos de coca 2019
2020-07-28 19:00:58.0
- 2020-07-28 19:00:58.0 - Colombia -Monitoreo de territorios afectados por cultivos ilicitos 2019
2020-07-13 09:24:46.0
- 2020-07-13 09:24:46.0 - The impact of COVID-19 on organized crime
2020-07-10 11:03:20.0
- 2020-07-10 11:03:20.0 - Wildlife Crime Report 2020
2020-07-08 09:23:40.0
- 2020-07-08 09:23:40.0 - COVID-19-related Trafficking of Medical Products as a Threat to Public Health
2020-06-17 18:01:10.0
- 2020-06-17 18:01:10.0 - Colombia - Survey of territories affected by illicit crops 2019 - Fact Sheet and Executive Summary (in Spanish)
2020-03-26 17:03:20.0
- 2020-03-26 17:03:20.0 - Mexico - Opium Survey 2017-2018 - Spanish with a summary in English
2020-02-04 07:27:48.0
- 2020-02-04 07:27:48.0 - Myanmar Opium Survey 2019 - Cultivation and Production
2019-11-19 09:41:46.0
- 2019-11-19 09:41:46.0 - Opium poppy cultivation and sustainable development in Shan State, Myanmar
2019-08-22 16:02:00.0
- 2019-08-22 16:02:00.0 - Bolivia Informe Monitoreo Coca 2018
2019-07-29 16:15:42.0
- 2019-07-29 16:15:42.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2018 - Challenges to sustainable development, peace and security
2019-06-26 12:00:00.0
- 2019-06-26 12:00:00.0 - Colombia - Monitoreo territorios afectados cultivos ilicitos 2018
2019-01-16 11:23:34.0
- 2019-01-16 11:23:34.0 - Drug Use Survey Nigeria - 2019
2019-01-11 07:46:01.0
- 2019-01-11 07:46:01.0 - Myanmar Opium Survey 2018 - Cultivation and Production
2018-12-21 11:42:35.0
- 2018-12-21 11:42:35.0 - Peru - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2017 - with summary in English
2018-11-29 15:18:13.0
- 2018-11-29 15:18:13.0 - Mexico - Opium Survey 2015-2016/2016-2017 - Spanish with a summary in English
2018-11-25 23:03:05.0
- 2018-11-25 23:03:05.0 - Global Study on Homicide - Gender related killing of women and girls
2018-11-19 01:48:13.0
- 2018-11-19 01:48:13.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2018 - Cultivation and Production
2018-10-24 11:59:23.0
- 2018-10-24 11:59:23.0 - Manual on Corruption Surveys - Methodological guidelines on the measurement of bribery and other forms of corruption through sample surveys
2018-09-19 18:01:54.0
- 2018-09-19 18:01:54.0 - Colombia – Survey of territories affected by illicit crops 2017 – Summary and fact sheet
2018-08-22 14:17:58.0
- 2018-08-22 14:17:58.0 - Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2017
2018-08-22 14:07:09.0
- 2018-08-22 14:07:09.0 - Plurinational State of Bolivia: Coca cultivation survey 2017 – Summary and fact sheet
2018-06-26 13:46:00.0
- 2018-06-26 13:46:00.0 - Colombia - Monitoreo de territorios afectados por cultivos ilícitos 2017
2018-05-18 09:00:00.0
- 2018-05-18 09:00:00.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2017 - Challenges to sustainable development, peace and security
2017-12-06 08:24:05.0
- 2017-12-06 08:24:05.0 - Myanmar - Opium Survey 2017
2017-12-05 17:21:46.0
- 2017-12-05 17:21:46.0 - Peru - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2016
2017-12-05 17:21:41.0
- 2017-12-05 17:21:41.0 - Peru - Coca cultivation survey - Fact sheet, Executive summary in English
2017-11-15 10:55:26.0
- 2017-11-15 10:55:26.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2017 - Cultivation and Production
2017-07-18 15:27:26.0
- 2017-07-18 15:27:26.0 - Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2016
2017-07-18 12:52:25.0
- 2017-07-18 12:52:25.0 - Colombia - Monitoreo de territorios afectados por cultivos ilícitos 2016
2017-07-18 09:00:00.0
- 2017-07-18 09:00:00.0 - Colombia - Survey of territories affected by illicit crops 2016
2017-05-19 07:34:44.0
- 2017-05-19 07:34:44.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2016 - Sustainable development in an opium production environment
2017-03-01 12:16:00.0
- 2017-03-01 12:16:00.0 - Evidence for enhancing resilience to opium poppy cultivation in Shan State, Myanmar
2016-12-24 08:54:17.0
- 2016-12-24 08:54:17.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2016 - Cultivation and Production
2016-10-23 08:11:38.0
- 2016-10-23 08:11:38.0 - Afghanistan - opium poppy survey - Cultivation and Production 2016
2016-07-13 19:02:21.0
- 2016-07-13 19:02:21.0 - Perú - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2015
2016-07-08 17:26:39.0
- 2016-07-08 17:26:39.0 - Colombia - Monitoreo de territorios afectados por cultivos ilícitos 2015 - Colombia
2016-07-05 11:02:00.0
- 2016-07-05 11:02:00.0 - Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2015
2016-06-22 18:58:44.0
- 2016-06-22 18:58:44.0 - Mexico - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Amapola 2014-2015
2016-06-22 17:40:00.0
- 2016-06-22 17:40:00.0 - Mexico - Monitoring of Opium Poppy Cultivation 2014-2015 (english version)
2016-05-31 17:01:00.0
- 2016-05-31 17:01:00.0 - Деньги от наркоторговли: доходы от незаконного оборота опиатов на “Балканском маршруте” 2015
2016-03-16 16:34:12.0
- 2016-03-16 16:34:12.0 - The Afghan Opiate Trade and Africa - A Baseline Assessment- 2016
2016-03-08 13:26:00.0
- 2016-03-08 13:26:00.0 - The Afghan Opiate Trade and Africa - A Baseline Assessment 2016
2015-12-15 16:30:42.0
- 2015-12-15 16:30:42.0 - Southeast Asia Opium Survey 2015 - Lao PDR, Myanmar
2015-12-13 11:35:00.0
- 2015-12-13 11:35:00.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2015 - Cultivation and Production
2015-11-26 15:15:21.0
- 2015-11-26 15:15:21.0 - Drug Money - the illicit proceeds of opiates trafficked on the Balkan route
2015-11-26 15:09:00.0
- 2015-11-26 15:09:00.0 - Drug Money: the illicit proceeds of opiates trafficked on the Balkan route - Executive summary
2015-10-14 07:53:45.0
- 2015-10-14 07:53:45.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2015 - Executive Summary
2015-08-18 11:04:00.0
- 2015-08-18 11:04:00.0 - Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2014
2015-07-15 18:51:02.0
- 2015-07-15 18:51:02.0 - Peru - Informe Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2014 (Summary in English included)
2015-07-02 18:15:00.0
- 2015-07-02 18:15:00.0 - Colombia - Coca cultivation survey 2014
2015-07-02 15:59:14.0
- 2015-07-02 15:59:14.0 - Colombia - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2014
2015-04-20 16:35:56.0
- 2015-04-20 16:35:56.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2014 - Socio-economic analysis
2014-12-08 09:00:16.0
- 2014-12-08 09:00:16.0 - Southeast Asia Opium Survey 2014 - Lao PDR, Myanmar
2014-11-12 08:14:21.0
- 2014-11-12 08:14:21.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2014 - Cultivation and production
2014-08-12 11:19:24.0
- 2014-08-12 11:19:24.0 - Colombia - Coca Cultivation Survey 2013
2014-06-26 14:35:53.0
- 2014-06-26 14:35:53.0 - Colombia - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2013
2014-06-23 14:42:49.0
- 2014-06-23 14:42:49.0 - Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2013
2014-06-11 16:49:20.0
- 2014-06-11 16:49:20.0 - Perú - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2013
2014-04-15 11:43:04.0
- 2014-04-15 11:43:04.0 - South-East Asia - Opium survey 2013 - Lao PDR, Myanmar
2014-04-07 17:47:39.0
- 2014-04-07 17:47:39.0 - Business, Corruption and Crime in Albania: The impact of bribery and other crime on private enterprise
2014-04-07 17:36:56.0
- 2014-04-07 17:36:56.0 - BIZNESI, KORRUPSIONI DHE KRIMINË SHQIPËRI: Ndikimi i ryshfetit dhe krimeve të tjera në ndërmarrjet private
2014-03-27 10:25:28.0
- 2014-03-27 10:25:28.0 - Impacts of drug use on users and their families in Afghanistan
2014-03-10 17:54:17.0
- 2014-03-10 17:54:17.0 - Обзор производства опия в Афганистане в 2013 году - Краткое изложение результатов исследования
2014-02-04 12:31:37.0
- 2014-02-04 12:31:37.0 - Business, Corruption and Crime in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: The impact of bribery and other crime on private enterprise
2014-02-04 12:28:36.0
- 2014-02-04 12:28:36.0 - Бизнис, корупција и криминал во Република Македонија Влијанието на поткупот и другите форми на криминал врз приватните фирми
2014-02-04 11:44:57.0
- 2014-02-04 11:44:57.0 - Business, Corruption and Crime in Montenegro: The impact of bribery and other crime on private enterprise
2014-02-04 11:43:00.0
- 2014-02-04 11:43:00.0 - Biznis, korupcija i kriminal u Crnoj Gori: Uticaj korupcije i kriminala na privatne poslovne subjekte
2013-12-23 10:00:00.0
- 2013-12-23 10:00:00.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2013
2013-12-18 11:30:17.0
- 2013-12-18 11:30:17.0 - ПОСЛОВАЊЕ, КОРУПЦИЈА И КРИМИНАЛ У СРБИЈИ: Утицај корупције и осталих кривичних радњи на пословно окружење
2013-12-18 11:19:40.0
- 2013-12-18 11:19:40.0 - BUSINESS, CORRUPTION AND CRIME IN SERBIA: The impact of bribery and other crime on private enterprise
2013-11-21 11:33:14.0
- 2013-11-21 11:33:14.0 - POSLOVANJE, KORUPCIJA I KRIMINAL U BOSNI I HERCEGOVINI: Utjecaj mita i kriminala na privatna preduzeća
2013-11-21 11:32:58.0
- 2013-11-21 11:32:58.0 - BUSINESS, CORRUPTION AND CRIME IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA: The impact of bribery and other crime on private enterprise
2013-11-13 06:53:22.0
- 2013-11-13 06:53:22.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2013 - Summary findings
2013-11-12 11:38:07.0
- 2013-11-12 11:38:07.0 - BUSINESS, CORRUPTION AND CRIME IN CROATIA: The impact of bribery and other crime on private enterprise
2013-11-12 11:37:49.0
- 2013-11-12 11:37:49.0 - IZLOŽENOST POSLOVNOG SEKTORA KORUPCIJI I KRIMINALU U HRVATSKOJ: utjecaj korupcije i drugih oblika kriminala na privatne tvrtke
2013-11-12 11:34:48.0
- 2013-11-12 11:34:48.0 - BIZNIS, KORUPCIJA I KRIMINAL NA KOSOVU: Uticaj podmićivanja i ostalog kriminala u privatnim preduzećima
2013-11-12 10:55:59.0
- 2013-11-12 10:55:59.0 - BUSINESS, CORRUPTION AND CRIME IN KOSOVO: The impact of bribery and other crime on private enterprise
2013-10-24 10:56:16.0
- 2013-10-24 10:56:16.0 - Business, corruption and crime in the western Balkans: The impact of bribery and other crime on private enterprise
2013-09-24 17:09:34.0
- 2013-09-24 17:09:34.0 - Perú - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2012
2013-09-03 23:48:23.0
- 2013-09-03 23:48:23.0 - Transnational Organized Crime in Eastern Africa: A Threat Assessment
2013-08-09 09:00:00.0
- 2013-08-09 09:00:00.0 - Colombia: Coca cultivation survey 2012
- 2013-08-09 09:00:00.0 - Colombia: Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2012
2013-08-06 10:27:55.0
- 2013-08-06 10:27:55.0 - Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia: Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2012
2013-05-05 10:00:00.0
- 2013-05-05 10:00:00.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2012
2012-11-20 15:46:16.0
- 2012-11-20 15:46:16.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2012 - Summary findings
2012-10-31 15:00:00.0
- 2012-10-31 15:00:00.0 - South-East Asia Opium Survey 2012 - Lao PDR, Myanmar
2012-10-11 16:51:35.0
2012-10-11 16:18:00.0
- 2012-10-11 16:18:00.0 - Misuse of Licit Trade for Opiate Trafficking in Western and Central Asia: A Threat Assessment
2012-09-27 12:00:00.0
- 2012-09-27 12:00:00.0 - Afghanistan cannabis survey 2012 - Cultivation and Production
2012-09-27 07:14:15.0
- 2012-09-27 07:14:15.0 - Perú: Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca, 2011
2012-09-25 18:52:00.0
- 2012-09-25 18:52:00.0 - Afghanistan cannabis survey 2011 - Russian
2012-09-24 14:00:00.0
- 2012-09-24 14:00:00.0 - Afghanistan cannabis survey 2011 - Cultivation and Production
2012-09-17 17:35:35.0
- 2012-09-17 17:35:35.0 - Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia: Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2011
2012-09-01 06:00:00.0
- 2012-09-01 06:00:00.0 - Transnational Organized Crime in Central America and the Caribbean: A Threat Assessment
- 2012-09-01 06:00:00.0 - Delincuencia Organizada Transnacional en Centroamérica y el Caribe: Una Evaluación de las Amenazas
2012-07-26 10:53:57.0
- 2012-07-26 10:53:57.0 - Colombia: Coca cultivation survey 2011
2012-07-25 15:58:14.0
- 2012-07-25 15:58:14.0 - Colombia: Monitoreo de cultivos de coca 2011
2012-07-19 15:41:00.0
- 2012-07-19 15:41:00.0 - Opiate flows through Northern Afghanistan and Central Asia: a threat assessment - Russian
2012-01-12 17:54:00.0
- 2012-01-12 17:54:00.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2011 - Russian
2012-01-12 13:13:57.0
- 2012-01-12 13:13:57.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2011
2011-12-21 13:17:42.0
- 2011-12-21 13:17:42.0 - Criminalité organisée et instabilité en Afrique centrale - Une évaluation des menaces
2011-12-15 10:36:54.0
- 2011-12-15 10:36:54.0 - South-East Asia - Opium survey 2011
2011-11-10 16:54:08.0
- 2011-11-10 16:54:08.0 - Corruption in Serbia: BRIBERY AS EXPERIENCED BY THE POPULATION
2011-11-10 16:50:04.0
- 2011-11-10 16:50:04.0 - Corruption in Montenegro: BRIBERY AS EXPERIENCED BY THE POPULATION
2011-11-10 16:47:38.0
- 2011-11-10 16:47:38.0 - Corruption in Croatia: BRIBERY AS EXPERIENCED BY THE POPULATION
2011-11-10 16:45:43.0
- 2011-11-10 16:45:43.0 - Korupcija u Hrvatskoj: STVARNA KORUPCIJSKA ISKUSTVA GRAĐANA
2011-11-10 16:39:09.0
- 2011-11-10 16:39:09.0 - Corruption in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: BRIBERY AS EXPERIENCED BY THE POPULATION
2011-11-10 16:36:39.0
2011-11-10 16:33:33.0
- 2011-11-10 16:33:33.0 - Corruption in Albania: bribery as experienced by the population
2011-10-31 15:21:56.0
- 2011-10-31 15:21:56.0 - Organized Crime and Instability in Central Africa - A Threat Assessment
2011-10-25 13:14:58.0
- 2011-10-25 13:14:58.0 - Estimating illicit financial flows resulting from drug trafficking and other transnational organized crimes
2011-10-11 11:36:56.0
- 2011-10-11 11:36:56.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2011 - Summary findings
2011-09-14 16:39:51.0
- 2011-09-14 16:39:51.0 - Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia: Monitoreo de cultivo de coca 2010
2011-07-01 10:26:00.0
- 2011-07-01 10:26:00.0 - Peru: Monitoreo de cultivos de coca 2010
2011-07-01 10:25:00.0
- 2011-07-01 10:25:00.0 - Colombia: Monitoreo de cultivas de coca 2010
2011-06-28 16:30:00.0
- 2011-06-28 16:30:00.0 - Afghanistan cannabis survey 2010
2011-01-20 19:08:00.0
- 2011-01-20 19:08:00.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2010 - Russian
2011-01-20 00:00:55.0
- 2011-01-20 00:00:55.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2010
2010-12-13 09:44:05.0
- 2010-12-13 09:44:05.0 - South-East Asia - Opium survey 2010 - Lao PDR, Myanmar
2010-09-30 09:44:28.0
- 2010-09-30 09:44:28.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2010 - Summary findings
2010-09-03 16:38:00.0
- 2010-09-03 16:38:00.0 - Manual on Victimization Surveys
2010-06-22 18:10:39.0
- 2010-06-22 18:10:39.0 - Ecuador - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2009
2010-06-22 16:03:46.0
- 2010-06-22 16:03:46.0 - Perú - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2009
2010-06-22 16:01:28.0
- 2010-06-22 16:01:28.0 - Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2009
2010-06-22 00:00:00.0
- 2010-06-22 00:00:00.0 - Colombia - Monitoreo de Cultivos de Coca 2009
- 2010-06-22 00:00:00.0 - Colombia - Coca cultivation survey 2009
2010-06-21 20:25:22.0
- 2010-06-21 20:25:22.0 - Drug Use in Afghanistan: 2009 Survey
2010-03-31 09:36:36.0
- 2010-03-31 09:36:36.0 - Afghanistan cannabis survey 2009 (English)
2010-03-31 00:00:00.0
- 2010-03-31 00:00:00.0 - Afghanistan cannabis survey 2009 (Russian)
2010-02-24 17:23:00.0
- 2010-02-24 17:23:00.0 - Crime and instability: case studies of transnational threats
2009-12-17 14:43:00.0
- 2009-12-17 14:43:00.0 - Afghanistan opium survey - Dec 2009
2009-12-14 08:30:43.0
- 2009-12-14 08:30:43.0 - Opium poppy cultivation in South-East Asia - Dec 2009
2009-10-21 20:58:20.0
- 2009-10-21 20:58:20.0 - ADDICTION CRIME AND INSURGENCY The transnational threat of Afghan opium
2009-09-17 14:34:15.0
- 2009-09-17 14:34:15.0 - Ecuador monitoreo de cultivos de coca - sept 2009
2009-09-02 10:06:09.0
- 2009-09-02 10:06:09.0 - Afghanistan opium survey - summary findings - Sept 2009
2009-07-07 17:54:31.0
- 2009-07-07 17:54:31.0 - Transnational Trafficking and the Rule of Law in West Africa: A Threat Assessment
2009-06-19 16:52:50.0
- 2009-06-19 16:52:50.0 - Colombia coca cultivation survey - June 2009
2009-06-19 16:49:03.0
- 2009-06-19 16:49:03.0 - Peru monitoreo de cultivos de coca - junio 2009
2009-06-19 16:45:50.0
- 2009-06-19 16:45:50.0 - Bolivia monitoreo de cultivos de coca - junio 2009
2009-06-19 00:15:00.0
- 2009-06-19 00:15:00.0 - Bolivia coca cultivation survey - June 2009
2009-02-26 14:18:48.0
- 2009-02-26 14:18:48.0 - 100 Years of Drug Control
2009-02-02 10:17:33.0
- 2009-02-02 10:17:33.0 - Opium poppy cultivation in South-East Asia - Dec 2008
2008-11-27 13:50:21.0
- 2008-11-27 13:50:21.0 - Afghanistan opium survey - Nov 2008
2008-10-28 09:23:43.0
- 2008-10-28 09:23:43.0 - Tráfico de Droga como uma Ameaça á Segurança na África Ocidental
2008-10-28 09:18:13.0
- 2008-10-28 09:18:13.0 - Le Trafic de Drogue comme Menace á la Sécurité en Afrique de l´Ouest
2008-10-28 09:10:00.0
- 2008-10-28 09:10:00.0 - Drug Trafficking as a Security Threat in West Africa
2008-06-18 14:57:34.0
- 2008-06-18 14:57:34.0 - Coca cultivation in the Andean region - June 2008
2007-10-16 10:58:00.0
- 2007-10-16 10:58:00.0 - Afghanistan opium survey - Oct 2007
2007-08-27 00:00:00.0
- 2007-08-27 00:00:00.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2007 - Executive Summary
2007-06-14 00:00:00.0
- 2007-06-14 00:00:00.0 - Coca cultivation in the Andean region - June 2007
2006-02-09 12:49:00.0
- 2006-02-09 12:49:00.0 - Afghanistan - Opium Rapid Assessment Survey 2006
2005-11-01 10:00:00.0
- 2005-11-01 10:00:00.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2005
2005-10-28 13:11:00.0
- 2005-10-28 13:11:00.0 - Myanmar opium survey - November 2005
2005-07-04 12:56:00.0
- 2005-07-04 12:56:00.0 - Maroc enquête sur le cannabis - may 2004
2005-06-15 16:11:00.0
- 2005-06-15 16:11:00.0 - Crime and Development in Africa
2004-11-01 14:43:00.0
- 2004-11-01 14:43:00.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2004
2003-10-01 14:51:00.0
- 2003-10-01 14:51:00.0 - Afghanistan opium survey 2003