In 2018, UNODC inaugurated a set of activities to test the methodological guidelines to measure IFFs in Latin America.
The pilot activities have been conducted in Mexico, Peru, Colombia and Ecuador and focused on measuring illicit financial flows associated with selected criminal activities (which includes illegal market and exploitation-type activities).
The pilot countries are currently finalizing the methodological testing and are producing estimates on IFFs from at least one of the following criminal activities:
The pilot activities are being coordinated by the UNODC-INEGI Center of Excellence for Statistical Information on Government, Crime, Victimization and Justice (CoE), that successfully involved a number of National Institutions (such as National Statistical Offices, Ministries of Interiors, Law enforcement agencies, Financial Intelligence Units, Specialized agencies) and national experts in the process of data collection and estimates production, and built capacity to guarantee a sustainable IFF measurement process.
Project duration: July 2017- December 2020
Project partners: UNODC, UNCTAD, UNODC-INEGI CoE
Pilot countries: Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador
Project funding: UNDESA
Conceptual framework for the Statistical Measurement of Illicit Financial Flows - Download here