Pages: 17 to 23
Creation Date: 1962/01/01
The following annexes to the article on the Rangsit centre could not be included in volume XIV, No. 2, for technical reasons: Pictures of the centre, plus some illustrating the illicit traffic in Thailand, which may be of interest to the readers of the Bulletin; plus a short description of the Central Narcotics Bureau, which is at present the central administrative body conducting the fight against the abuse of narcotic drugs.
On 11 April 1962, the Council of Ministers decided on the creation of a central agency in Thailand to conduct the struggle against the abuse of narcotics.
A committee composed of high-level representatives of all interested government departments (police, excise, customs, public prosecution, interior, public welfare, penitentiary, public health, foreign affairs, tax supervision, defence, eduction, industries), under the chairmanship of the Director-General of the Police Department.
The duties of the committee are as follows:
To suppress illicit traffic in narcotic drugs;
To take measures of control over drug addicts;
To co-ordinate the work amongst the various government agencies in the field;
To take care of the exchange of information with Interpol;
To perform such other functions relating to narcotic drugs as may be thought necessary in connexion with decisions and recommendations of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs of the United Nations.
This committee is assisted by a sub-committee which it appoints, and which is generally composed of representatives of the same ministerial departments on the operating level. The committee and the sub-committee meet at intervals which they themselves determine.
For the execution of the decisions of the committee as prepared by the committee and sub-committee, there is a central bureau under Police-General Nitya Bhanumas, who is secretary and a member of the committee. This bureau is sub-divided into two major branches - namely:
The Administrative Branch;
The Narcotic Suppression Branch.
This bureau is also called the Board of Secretaries.
The following chart outlines the organization of the Bureau.
inistrative Branch (Civil Service)