Part II
Part III
Pages: 42 to 48
Creation Date: 1951/01/01
ADAMS, E. W.: Drug Addiction, Oxford University Press, London, 1937.
ADAMS, R.: Pharmacologically Useful Products from Cannabidiol, British Patent 558,418, 5 January 1944.
ADAMS, R.: Dibenzopyran Derivatives Having Marihuana Activity, British Patent 564,827, 16 October 1944.
ADAMS, R.: Polyalkylated 5-hydroxy-1, 2-benzopyrans, U.S. Patent 2,354,492, 25 July 1944.
ADAMS, R.: Tetrahydrodibenzopyrans, U.S. Patent 2,419,934, 6 May 1947.
ADAMS, R.: Tetrahydrodibenzopyrones and tetrahydrodibenzopyrans, U.S. Patent 2,419,935, 6 May 1947.
ADAMS, R.: Tetrahydrocannabinol, U.S. Patent 2,419,936; 6 May 1947.
ADAMS, R.: Hexahydrocannabinol and Homologs, U.S. Patent 2,419,937, 6 May 1947.
AINSLIE, W.: Materia medica of Hindoustan, Madras, 1813, pages 21, 80, passim.
ALLEN, L.: The Reign of Law, a Tale of the Kentucky Hemp Fields, Macmillan Co., New York, 1900.
ALVES, D.: Algunas plantas e fibras texteis indigenas e alienigenas (On certain textile plants and fibres indigenous and foreign), Bahia, 1927.
ANDERES, T.: über die Verstärkung des diuretischen Effekts der Species diuretical Zyma durch die Cannabis sativa. (Onthe strengthening of the diuretical effects of the species diuretica Zyma through Cannabis sativa), Flawil, Gerschwiler, 1944, 24 pages, Thesis, Berne, 1943-1944.
ANDERSON, R. G.: Some tribal customs in the Eastern Bahr-El-Ghazal, Fourth Report of the Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratories, Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 1911, 262 pages.
ANONYMOUS: Confessions of an English Hashish-Eater, London, 1884.
ANZIFEROW: Hashischmus in Turkestan (Hashish addiction in Turkestan). Moscow, 1929.
ARPINO, P.: Haschisch, Cannabis indica, Turin, 1909.
ARTBAUER, O.: Die Rifpiraten und ihre Heimat, Stuttgart, 1911. (The Pirates of the Rit and their country).
ARUTINYANTZ; Serapion M.: Thèse Saint-Petersbourg, 78 pages, 1881.
AUBERT-ROCHE: De la peste ou typhus d'Orient, documents et observations recueillis pendant les années 1834 ? 1838, en Egypte, en Arabie, sur la Mer Rouge, en Abyssinie, ? Smyrne et ? Constantinople suivis d'un essai sur le hachich et son emploi dans la traitement de la peste, Paris, 1840.
AUBERT-ROCHE, L.: De la peste ou typhus d'Orient suivi d'un essai sur le hachisch, J. Rouvier, Paris, 1843.
BALOZET: League of Nations, O.C./ Cannabis/1542, 1937.
BARENQUE, O.: La mariguana ante la psiquiatria y el Codigo Penal, (Marihuana, its relation with psychiatry and the penal law), Edition Migaris, Mexico, 1931.
BASTEDO, W. A.: Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 4th edition, W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1937, 460 pages.
BAUDELAIRE, C.: Du vin et du hachich, Messager de l'Assemblée, Paris, 1851.
BAUDELAIRE, C.: Les paradis artificiels, Paris, Poulet-Malassie, 1860.
BAUR, E.: Dissertation, Basle, 1927.
BAZZI, M.: Dosaggio biologico della Cannabis indica coltivata nei dintorni di Pavia (Biological dosage of Cannabis Indica cultivated near Pavia), Bolletin Société italiana, 1940.
BEAM, W.: Tests for Hashish, Fourth Report of the Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratories, Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 1911, pages 25-26.
BECKMAN, H.: Treatment in General Practice, 3rd edition, W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1938, 595 pages.
BERINGER: K.: Der Meskalinrausch (Mescaline Addiction), Berlin, 1927.
BERKMAN, A. H.: Seedling anatomy of Cannabis sativa L., Dissertation, Chicago, 1936.
BERMANN, G.: Toxicomanias, Buenos Aires, 1926.
BERREY, L. V.; VAN DEN BARK, M.: The American Thesaurus of Slang, group 509,7, New York, 1947.
11This is the second part of a general bibliography of Cannabis Sativa, begun in volume III, no. 1, of the Bulletin on Narcotics, January 1951. See introduction to part I in that issue. It was im possible, in this part, especially as regards the material dating back to the nineteenth century, to verify the accuracy of the bibliographical information by direct reference. This was done wherever possible.
BERTHAULT, J. M. E.: Du haschisch, son histoire, ses effets physiologiques et thérapeutiques, Thèse de doctorat en médecine, Paris, 1854, 35 pages.
BIBRA, E. VON,: Die narkotischen Genussmittel und der Mensch (Narcotic Drugs and Humanity), Nuremburg, 1855.
BLONDEL: Manuel de matière médicale, Paris, 1885.
BOSC DE VEZE, E.: Traité théorique et pratique du haschich et autres substances psychiques, Chaumel, Paris, 1895.
BOUQUET, J.: Report to the Sub-Committee on Cannabis, League of Nations document O.C./Cannabis/3, 12 April 1939.
BOUQUET, J.: League of Nations document O.C., 1545( c), 1937.
BOUQUET, J.: League of Nations document O.C./Cannabis/14, 1939.
BOUQUET, J.: L'herbe aux fakirs (Le hachich ). Contribution à l'étude du chanvre indien, Thèse de doctorat en pharmacie, Lyon, 1912.
BOUQUET, J.: Les aliénés en Tunisie, Thèse de doctorat en médecine, Lyon, 1909.
BOYCE, S. S.: A practical treatise on the Culture of Hemp (Cannabis sativa) for Seed and Fibre, with a sketch of the History and Nature of the Plant, Orange judd Co., New York, 1900.
BRIOSI, G.: Intorno alla anatomia canapa (Cannabis sativa) (anatomy of Indian hemp), Milan, 1894-1896. Bernardoni di C. Rebeschini e. c., 2 vols., vol. I, page 2, vol. II, pages 14-38.
BRISSEMORET, Dr. M.: Essai sur les préparations galéniques du Laboratoire Dausse (Article:. Chanvre Indien), Paris, 1909, pages 106-110.
BROMBERG, W.: Marihuana Addiction, Practitioners Library of Medicine and Surgery, New York, 1941, Supplement, pages 255-262.
BROTTEAUX, P.: Hachich, herbe de folie et de rêve, Paris, Editions Véga, 1934, 192 pages.
BRUNOT, H.: Contribution à la lutte contre les stupéfiants, Paris, Thèse médicale, 1933, 395 pages.
BRUNTON, L.: Pharmacology, Therapeutics and Materia Medica, 3rd edition, Lea Bors. & Co., London, 1888, 450 pages.
BUMKE, KANT: Rausch und Genussgifte, Giftsuchten (Narcotics and Drug Addiction), Berlin, 1936.
BURROUGHS, H.: Le chanvre indien (Cannabis indica), Thèse de doctorat en médecine, Lyon, 1896.
BUTTERFIELD: A Case of cannabis indica Poisoning, London, 1902.
CAHAGNET, L. A.: Magnétisme: encyclopédie magnétique spiritualiste, Sanctuaire du spiritualisme, Paris, 1849.
CAMINHOA: Botanica geral e medica (General and Medical Botany) (no place, no date).
CASPARIS, P.: Studien über den Haschisch I: die Reindarstellung des cannabinols und seine Eigenschaften (Studies regarding Hashish I: the representation of cannabinol and its qualities) Festschrift für Alexander Tschirch zu seinem 70. Geburtstag am 17 October 1926, XI, 447 pages, Tauchnitz, Leipzig.
CHERIF-AHMED: La médecine arabe en Tunisie (no place, no date).
CHEVERS, N.: A Manual of Medical Jurisprudence for India, Thacker, Spink and Co., Calcutta, 1870.
CHOPRA, R. N.; CHOPRA, G. S.; CHOPRA, J. C .: Indigenous Drugs of India, Art Press, Calcutta, 1933, 74 pages.
CHOPRA, R. N.; CHOPRA, G. S.: The Present Position of Hemp-Drug Addiction in India (a pamphlet) Indian Medical Résearch Memorandum No. 31, Calcutta, 1939, pages 1-119.
CHURCH, A.; PETERSEN, F.: Nervous and Mental Diseases, Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders Co., 1908.
CLARAC, A.: Haschisch et haschischisme in Traité pratique de pathologie exotique de Ch. Grall et A. Clarac, Intoxications et empoisonnements, Paris, 1911, J. B. Baillière, pages 94-99.
CLOASTON: D. Warnock on Hashish Insanity (no place), 1896.
CODEX MEDICAMENTARIUS: Journal officiel; Chanvre indien, additions and modifications, edition 1866, pages 58-362; edition 1837, pages XXXIII and page 261; edition 1818, page LXXXVII.
COLLIN, E.: Précis de Toxicologie végétale, Paris, 1907, O. Doin, pages 144-147.
COLOMBIA: Annual Report of the Government for 1946.
CORDEIRO DE FARIAS, FILHO DE PANEIRAS: Report on Cannabis Smokers (text in Portuguese and in English); document WHO/APO/21, 27 April 1950.
CRULS, G.: A Amazona que eu vi (The Amazon as I saw it), Rio de Janeiro.
DANA, K.: Hachich et ses intoxications en Iran, Paris, M. Vigne, 1938.
DANIELOPOLU: Le système nerveux de la vie végétative, Paris, 1933.
DARDANNE, A.: Contribution à l'étude du chanvre indien et en particulier de son emploi comme drogue sensorielle dans l'Afrique du Nord, Paris, Thèse de pharmacie, 1924, Vigot, 152 pages.
DAUDET, L.: L'Homme et le poison, Paris, 1925.
DAVID, D.: Essai de traitement de la tuberculose du cancer, et de la lèpre par l'huile de chènevis cholesterine, Paris, Vigot Frères, 1940, 48 pages, bibliographie.
DAVIDSON: Le chanvre indien, 1885.
DE CANDOLLE, A .: Origine des plantes cultivées, Paris, Germer-Baillière, 1883, pages 117-119.
DECOURTIVE, Edmond: Hashisch; étude historique, chimique et physiologique, Thèse de pharmacie, 1848, 56 pages.
DECOURTIVE, Edward: Le Hachich, chimie médicale, 1848.
DEFFARGE, A.: Histoire critique des anesthésiques anciens et en particulier des eponges somnifères .a base de drogues végétales. Bordeaux, Thèse de pharmacie, 1928, 289 pages.
DESCHAMPS, A.: Essai d'exploration pharmacodynamique des démences précoces, Paris, Thèse médicale, 1932.
DESCHAMPS, A.: Ether, cocaine, hachich, peyotl et démence précoce, Paris, Editions Véga, 1932, 210 pages.
DIAS DE SILVA, R. A.: Farmacopea brasileira (The Brazilian pharmacopeia) Rio de Janeiro, 1933.
DIAZ PADRON, J. A.: Las toxicomanias en medicina legal (con un estudio de los distintos aspectos del problema de la marihuana en Cuba) (Drug addiction in legal medicine (with a study of the different aspects of the marihuana problem in Cuba), Havana, Cuba, 1947, 30 pages.
DIAZ PADRON, J. A.: Las toxicomanias en medicina legal (Drug addiction in legal medicine), Memoria del Primer Congreso Panamericano de Medicina Legal, Odontologia legal y Criminologia, Havana, 1946, pages 180-204.
DICTIONNAIRE: Dictionnaire des sciences médicales, Crapart et Panckoucke, Paris, 1813, vol. 4, 532 pages.
DONOVAN, M.: Observations on the Resin of Indian Hemp, Dublin Press, 1851.
DYMOCK, W.: The vegetal materia medica of Western India, Bombay-London, 1884, pages 603:613.
ECKLER, C. R.; MILLER, F. A.: A study of American grown cannabis in comparison with samples from other various sources, Original Communications, Eighth International Congress of Applied Chemistry, 4-13 September 1912, New York, 17, pages 23-30. Also in Lilly Scientific Bulletin, Indianapolis, U.S.A., 1913, series 1, no. 3, pages 93-101.
ELLSON, H.: Duke, New York, Charles Scribner's & Sons, 1949.
D'ERLANGER, H.: The Last Plague of Egypt, L. Dickson & Thompson, Ltd., London, 1936, 304 pages.
EVANS, J. F.: Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, London, 1894.
EWENS, G. F. W.: Insanity in India, Thacker, Spink & Co., Calcutta, 1908.
FAHMY, I. R.; KEIY, A.: La recherche du chanvre indien et de ses préparations, Comptes rendus du Congrès international de Pharmacie, Brussels, 1935, pages 185-197.
FLORSHINGER, A.: Die Cannabis indica in ihrer frühern und heutigen therapeutischen Verwendung (Indian hemp in its early and present therapeutic use), Munich, 1884.
FLUCKIGER, F. A.; HANBURTY, D.: Pharmacographie ou histoire des drogues d'origine végétale, Paris, 1878, O. Doin, vol. II, pages 282-290.
FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS: World Fiber Survey, Washington, August 1947, pages 125-132. Symbol Numbers FAO/E 47/2.
FORGAS, P.: Etude sur le chanvre au point de rue botanique, chimique et pharmacologique, Thèse de pharmacie, Montpellier, 1880.
FOURNIER, P.: Le livre des plantes médicinales et vénéneuses, vol. III, Paris, 1948, Paul Lechevalier.
FOURNIER, P.: Plantes médicinales et vénéneuses de France, vol. II, Paris, 1948, Paul Lechevalier.
FRANCE, H.: Musk, Hashish and Blood, privately published, Falstaff, New York.
FRONMÜLLER: Der indische Hanf, besonders in Beziehung auf seine schlafmachende Eigenschaft (Indian Hemp, especially with regard to its narcotic properties), Prague, 1860.
FRONMÜLLER: Klinische Studien über narkotische Arzneimittel (Clinical studies of narcotic remedies), Erlangen, 1869.
GARBE, R.: Beiträge zur indischen Kulturgeschichte (Contributions to the study of Indian culture), Berlin, 1903.
GARCIA MORENO: Aspectos do maconhismo em Sergipe (Aspects of marconhism (marihuana habit) in Sergipe, 1946.
GATCHELL, C.: Hashish, A. C.-McClurg and Co., Chicago, 1886.
GATHERCOAL, WIRTH: Pharmacognosy, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, 1936.
GHELERTER, J.: La Toxicomanie, Paris, 1929.
GIL CARBALLO, A .: Expendedores y viciosos (Traffickers and Addicts), Havana, 1937, 113 pages.
GIL CARBALLO, A.: La marihuana factor de crimen (Marihuana as a cause of crime), Primer Congreso Panamericano de medicina legal, odontologia legal y criminologia, Havana, Cuba, 1946, pages 346348.
GILBERT, E.: Les plantes magiques et la sorcellerie, Moulin, 1899.
GIRAUD, J.: Hachich, Dictionnaire de medecine Littré, Paris, 1905.
GIRAUD, J .: Testament d'un hachichien, Paris, 1913, Durville.
GISEL A.: über die verstärkung der Wirkung eigentlicher Narkotika durch Cannabis indica (Strengthening of the action of some narcotics by Cannabis indica), Berlin, 1916, 13 pages.
GLASER, S.: L'hygiène de l'industrie du chanvre, Paris, Rodstein, 1935, 36 pages, bibliography.
GOMILA; COMILA: Marihuana. Read before the Orleans Parish Medical Society in Hearings of the House of Representatives, No. 6385, pages 32-37.
GREEN, C. W.: Hasheesh, Hodder and Stoughton, Ltd., London, 1926.
GRIMAUX, E.: Du hashisch ou chanvre indien, Thèse de médecine, Paris, 1865.
GUECHE, Dr.: Le Hachich en Algérie, memorandum presented at the meeting of the World Narcotics Defense Association, Los Angeles, 1931.
GUZMAN, I.: Intoxication por marihuana (Marihuana intoxication), Thesis (no place, no date).
HARTWICH, C.: Die menschlichen Genussmittel (Humanity's pleasure drugs), Tauchnitz, Leipzig, 1911, pages 221-238 and 819-820.
HEARINGS: Hearings before Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives, 75th Congress, first session, House of Representatives, No. 6385, 27 April 1937.
Hearings before Subcommittee of Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate, 75th Congress, first session, House of Representatives, No. 6906, 12 July 1937, Taxation of Marihuana.
HISAR, R.; EDESEN, S.: Contribution à l'Etude du Hashish (no place), 1938.
HESSE, E.: Die Rausch-und Genussgifte (Narcotics and Pleasure Drugs) Stuttgart, 1938.
HOFFMANN LA ROCHE: Verfahren zur Trennung der pharmakologisch wirksamen Bestandteile der Cannabis indica (Method for isolating the active principles of cannabis indica), 1913, pages 285, 829, Swiss Patent 518,70.
INDIAN HEMP DRUGS COMMISSION REPORT, Government Printing Office, 7 volumes, pages 1893-1894, 3,281 pages.
JOEL, E.; FRANKEL, F.: Der Cocainismus, Berlin, 1924.
JOHNSTON, J. F. W.: The Chemistry of Common Life, Edinburgh, 1855 (see chapter XVIII).
KAMAJEW, A.: (Original title not available) The Hashish Habit, Samara, 1931.
KANE, H. H.: Drugs that Enslave, P. Blakiston's Son and Co., Philadelphia, 1881.
KELLY, H.; NOBRE, C.: Ginecologia e Cirurgia Abdominal (Gynecology and abdominal surgery) (no place, no date).
KIRTIKAR, K. R.; BASU, B. D.: Indian Medicinal Plants, Allahabad, 1918, vol. II, pages 1181 and 1182.
KOBERT, E. R.: Historische Studien (Historical Studies) Tauch und Grosse, Halle, 1889-1890.
KOBYLANSKI, F. VON: über den indischen Hanf, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf seine wehenbefordernde Wirkung (Indian Hemp; its nocive action), Backer, Würzburg, 1852.44
KRAINIK, R.: Les toxicomanies (opiacies, alcool, cocaïne, haschisch), Etude physio-pathologique et thérapeutique, Paris, 1939.
LABORATOIRES DAUSSE: Les remedes galéniques, Chanvre indien, Paris, 1926.
LALLEMAND, F.: Le haschich, Thèse de medecine, Paris, 1839.
LANGE: Sur l'action du hachich, Moscow, 1887.
LANGE, N.: (Original title not available) translated by Roubinovitch, in Traité de pathologie mentale, Gilbert Ballet, Paris, Alcan, 1891.
LAPIN, L.: Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Cannabis indica, (Contribution to the knowledge of Cannabis indica), Pharmacological thesis, Jurjew, 1894.
LAUFER, B.: Sino-Iranica, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 1919, pages 201-293.
LAUFER, B.; HAMBLY, W. D.; LINTON, R.: Tobacco and its use in Africa, Field Museum of Natural History, leaflet, 1930.
LAURENT, Dr.: Les états seconds, Thèse de médecine, Paris, 1892.
The most important documents of the League of Nations dealing with Cannabis have been indicated under their authors' names. We shall add here the references to the main series:
Records of the second Opium Conference, 16th, 27th, 31st, 34th Meetings, two volumes: C.760.M.260.1924.XI.
Second International Opium Conference, O.D.C.55 and O.D.C.72;
From May 1934 to March 1938, series O.C.1542 (from a to z);
From March 1938 to July 1938, series 1724-1746;
From January 1939 to July 1939, series O.C./Cannabis/1 to O.C./Cannabis/12.
LEGISLATIVE BILL OF THE 75th CONGRESS, House of Representatives, No. 6906, Report No. 792, approved 2 August 1937, U.S. Treasury Department, Bureau of Narcotics, Regulations No. 1, Relating to . . . Marihuana.
LEWIN, L.: Phantastica, Berlin, 1927.
LEWIN, L.; POUCHET, G.: Traité de toxicologic, Cannabis indica, Paris, 1903, pages 845-847.
LIOUVILLE; VOISIN: Accidents aigus et chroniques produits par le hachisch chez les animaux, Paris, 1873.
LIRON, A.: Etude sur le haschisch, Nimes, 1906.
LOGOSTE, R. R.: De quelques usages arabes au point de vue de l'hygiène, Thèse doctorat en médecine, Montpellier, 1851.
LUDLOW, F.: The Hasheesh Eater: Being Passages from the Life of a Pythagorean, Harper and Brothers, New York, 1857.
LYON, I. B.; WADDELL, L. A.: Medical Jurisprudence for India, 4th edition, Thacker, Spink and Co., Bombay, 1909.
MAGE, R.: La question de l'opium et des stupéfiants au point de vue international, Paris, 1930.
MAGRE, M.: La nuit de hachich et d'opium, Flammarion, Paris, 1929.
MARSHALL, C. R.: A textbook of Materia Medica, J. and A. Churchill, London, 1905, 450 pages.
MARTI: Las toxicomanias, (Drug Addictions), Barcelona, 1943.
MAYOR'S COMMITTEE ON MARIHUANA: George B. Wallace, Chairman, The Marihuana Problem in the City of New York: Sociological, Medical, Psychological, and Pharmacological Studies, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Cattell Press, 1944.
MAZHAR, O.: Haschichomanie et démence précoce, Congrés des aliénistes et neurologues, Lyon, 1934.
MAZHAR OSMAN BEY: Hachich et démence précoce, Chichli Musameriliri, 1916.
MEGGENDORFER, F.: Intoxikationspsychosen, in: Handbuch der Geisteskrankheiten (Psychosis due to intoxication, in handbook of mental diseases), Edited by O. Bumke, 1928, 7, Berlin, 1928, pages 353-355.
MEHMET ALI BEY: Rapport au Gouvernement Égyptien sur les accidents causes par l'abus du haschisch, 1868.
MENDONCA, J.: Toxicomanias nas prisoes y sua profilaxia (Drug addiction in prisons and its prophylaxy) (manuscript).
MERRILL, F. T.: Marihuana, the New Dangerous Drug, Opium Research Committee, Foreign Policy Association, Inc., March, 1938.
MEUNIER, R.: Le Hachich. Essai sur la psyshologie des paradis Éphémères, Bloud ct Cle, Paris, 1909, 217 pages.
MEUNIER, R.: Hachich, Dictionnaire de Physiologie (Ch. Richet) Alcan, Paris, 1909, pages 188-200.
MEURISSE, G.: Le Haschich, Thèse de doctorat en médecine, Paris, 1891.
MILKS, H. J.; EICHHORN, A.: Veterinary Pharmacology, Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 2nd edition, Alexander Eger, Chicago, 1930, 149 pages.
MILLAN, J. S.: La marihuana - Estudio médico y social (Marihuana, medical and social study), Mexico, 1939.
MOLL, J. W.; JANSSONIUS, H. H.: Botanical Pen-Portraits, The Hague, 1923, pages 278-290.
MONFREID, H. DE: La croisère du hachich, Grasset, Paris, 1933.
MORAIS, M .: Fitografia Brasileira (Brazilian phytography), Rio de Janeiro (no date).
MOREAU, H.: Etude sur le hachich, Thèse de doctorat en médicine, Paris, 1904.
MOREAU, J. DE TOURS: Du haschich et de l'aliénation mentale - Etudes psychologiques, Paris, 1845, 431 pages. Abstract in Schmidt's Jahrbuch, Leipzig, 1848, 57, pages 122-127.
MOREAU, J. DE TOURS: Mémoire sur le traitement des hallucinations par le datura stramonium, Paris, 1841.
MOURGUE, R.: Neurobiologie de l'hallucination, Bruxelles, 1932.
MUNCH, J. C.: Bioassays, A Handbook of Quantitative Pharmacology, Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore, 1931.
MUSCHLER, R.: Flora of Egypt, R. Friedlander und Sohn, Berlin, 1912, vol. 1, 249 pages.
NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL: Committee on Drug Addiction, Washington, 1929-1941.
NEGM, H.: Contribution à l'étude toxicologique du haschich et de sa distribution en Egypte, Thesis, Strasbourg, July 1938.
OCHOTERENA, I.: Informe acerca de la marihuana (Report on Marihuana) (no place, no date).
OLIVIER, G. A.: Voyage dans l'empire ottoman, l'Egypte et la Perse, Paris, vol. III, chapter XIII; vol. V, chapter IX.
OMAN, J. C.: The Mystics, Ascetics and Saints of India, T. F. Unwin, London, 1903.
ONETO BARENQUE, G.: La mariguana ante la Academia national de medicina (Consideration of the question of marihuana by the National Academy of Medicine) Mexico, 1938.
ONETO BARENQUE, G.: La mariguana ante la psiquitaria y el codigo penal (Marihuana in relation with psychiatry and the penal code), 2nd edition, Mexico, 1938.
O'SHAUGHNESSY, W. B.: The Bengal Dispensatory and Companion to the Pharmacopoeia, London, 1842, pages 579-604.
O'SHAUGHNESSY, W. B.: On the Preparations of the Indian Hemp or Ganjah, Calcutta, 1839.
OSLER, W.; McCREA, T.: Principles and Practice of Medicine, 8th edition, D. Appleton and Co., New York, 1916, 1089 pages.
PACOTTE, J. B. H.: De la cannabine, Thèse de pharmacie, Paris, 1870.
PALMER: Drug Addiction, New York, 1942.
PASCAL, E.: Contribution à l'étude du Cannabis indica, Thèse de pharmacie, Toulouse, 1934.
PEREIRA: Elements of Materia Medica, 1860.
PERES, H.: In Cunha-Lopes, Toxicomanias (Drug Addiction), Rio de Janeiro, 1939.
PERES, G.: La marihuana, Breve estudio sobre esta planta (Marihuana; a brief study on that plant), Mexico, 1886.
PERMANBUCANO, J.: A maconha en Pernambuco (Marihuana in Pernambuco), Novos estudos Afro-Brasileiros (New Afro-Brazilian Studies), Gilberto Freyre, Rio de Janeiro, 1937.
PHARMACOGRAPHIA: A History of the Principal Drugs of Vegetal Origin, 2nd edition, London, 1879, 546 pages.
PIETRA SANTA DE: Enquête sur le haschich en Algerie, 1880.
PIO; MIRANDA: Dicionário das plantas úteis do Brasil (Dictionary of the useful plants of Brazil) (no date).
PITTENGER, P. S.: A Textbook of Biologic Assays, P. Blakiston's Son and Co., Philadelphia, 1928.
PORAK, R.: Les stupéfiants, Paris, Editions Doin, 1927, 349 pages.
POROT, A.; BOUQUET, J.: League of Nations document O.C./Cannabis/10, 1939.
POROT, A.: League of Nations document O.C./Cannabis/12, 1939.
POROT, A.: Les toxicomanies, Algiers, 1945.
POUCHET: Précis de pharmacologie, Paris, 1907.
POUCHET, Prof. G.: Leçons de pharmacodynamie et de matière médicale, deuxieme serie; Modificateurs intellectuels, O. Doin, Paris, 1901, pages 844-868.
POULSSON, E.: Pharmacology and Therapeutics, W. Heinemann, London, 1923, 91 pages.
PRAIN, D.: On the Morphology, Teratology and Diclinism of the Flowers of Cannabis, Scientific Memorandum by officers of the Medical and Sanitation Department of the Government of India, Calcutta, 1904, 12, pages 32-34.
PREOBRAJENSKI, B.: Alkaloide indieiskoi konopli i ya preparatore (The alkaloids of Indian hemp and their preparations), Thesis, St. Petersburg, 1876.
QUERCY, P.: L'hallucination, Alcan, Paris, 1930.
QUEVEDO, J.: Alcohol y marihuana (no place, no date).
RACLE, Dr.: Encyclopedie Moderne, Paris, 1892.
RECLUS: L'Homme et la terre, Paris, 1905.
REGLA, P. DE: Les bas-fonds de Constantinople, Paris, 1892.
REKO, V. A.: Magische Gifte, Rauschund Betäubungsmittel der Neuen Welt, (Magic Poisons, Narcotics and Anesthetics of the New World), Marihuana: Der Mexikanische Haschisch (Marihuana: Mexican Hashish), Stuttgart, 1936.
REMZI, R.: (Original Turkish title not available: Hashish addiction), Constantinople, 1926.
RICHET, C.: Les poisons intellectuels, Paris, 1877.
RICHET, C.: L'Homme et l'intelligence, Alcan, Paris, 1887.
ROBBINS, W. W.; RAMALAY, F.: Plants Useful to Man, P. Blakiston's Son and Co., Philadelphia, 1933, 178 pages.
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WILLIAMS, T. I.: Drugs from Plants, Sigma Books Limited, London, 1947.
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YOUNGKEN, H. W.: A textbook of Pharmacognosy, P. Blakiston's Son and Co., Philadelphia, 1936.
ZEITLER, H.: Über Cannabis Indica (On Indian Hemp) Erlangen, 1885.
ZWEIG, S.: Amok, Leipzig, 1931, 317 pages.
The literature of the years before 1800 is referred to in this bibliography for its historical interest. Therefore, the references have been given from the edition that the editors were able to consult, without making a critical analysis of the sources, for instance to determine the best edition. Moreover, the editors refer the readers to the historical study which will be found at the beginning of the article by Dr. Bouquet entitled "Cannabis" published in the Bulletin on Narcotics, volume II, no. 4.
BRETSCHNEIDER: Botanicum sinicum, Journal North-China Branch, Shanghai, 1890-1891, Royal Asiatic Society, 25, 66.
(ZEND-AVESTA): Zend-Avesta, vol. II, page 405, translation by Anquetil du Perton, Paris, 1771.
KEISER: Letters and Contracts, No. 162 (31st year of Nabuchodonosor), Rev. Assyriol and Archeology, Middle East, 18:97, 1921.
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WATERMAN, L.: (Translation by L. Waterman) Royal Correspondence of the Assyrian Empire, vol. 1, letter 368. University of Michigan, 1930.
HOMER: The Odyssey, book IV, 219-232.
HERODOTUS: Histories, book IV, 75.
THEOPHRASTUS: (4th century B.C.) Enquiry into Plants, book IX, XV.
DIODORUS OF SICILY: (1st century A.D.) English translation by C. H. Oldfather, book I. W. Heinemann Ltd., London, 1933.
DIOSCORIDES: (1st century A.D.), The Greek Herbal (ed. by R. T. Gunther), University Press, Oxford, 1934.
GALIEN OF PERGAME: (2nd century A.D.) Oeuvres complètes: De alimentorum facultatibus, Lib. I, cap. 34, De simplicium medicamentorum temperamentis ac facultatibus, Lib VII, cap. 10 edit. Kuhn, Lipsiae, 1823-1826.
EGINETUS, P.: (4th century A.D.). English translation by Francis Adams, London, 1844-1847.
PLINE: Natural History, book XIX, chapters 2 and 9, and book XX, chapter 23.
COLUMELLE: De Re Rustica, book II.
The Book of the Thousand and One Nights (passim)
The Book of Marco-Polo (idem)
Chronica slavorum, Arnoldi Abbatis Lubecensis, book III, chapter 27 and book VII, chapter 10.
ALPHINUS, P.: De Medidna Aegyptiorum, Venitiis, book IV, chapter II, pages 119-122, and chapter XXVIII, page 144, 1591.
ALPHINUS, P.: Anecdotes arabes et musulmanes, Paris, 1742.
ANGE DE SAINT JOSEPH, Le PERE: Pharmacopoea persica ex idiomate persico in latinum conversa, pages 291-366. Lutetiae parisiorum, 1681.
ALANDER, O. R.: Inebrianta, Amoenitates academicae, vol 6, chapter 11, Carolus Linnaeus, 1763.
BERGIUS: Materia medica, Stockholmiae, book H., 1782, pages 849-851.
BERLU, J. J.: Treasury of Drugs, J. Harris, London, 1690.
BOCCACCIO, G.: The Decameron, Third Day, Novel 8, London, 1909.
CHARDIN: Voyages de M. le Chevalier Chardin, en' Perse et autres lieux de l'Orient, Amsterdam, 1711. J. L. de Lorme, voluume 10-12, pages 203, 207, 209.
CHOMEL, P.: Abrege de l'Histoire des plantes usuelles, Plantes hepatiques et spleniques: Chanvre, Paris, 1782, pages 368-370.
DA ORTA, G.: Colloquies on the Simples and Drugs of India, 1563, edition and annotations by the Count di Ficalho, Lisbon, 1895, translation by Clements Markham, London, 1913, 53 pages.
DODOENS, R.: De Cannabe, book II, chapter XXVI, pages 525 and 526, Antwerp, 1583.
GARZIA DA ORTA: Aromatum et simplicium aliquot medicamentorum apud Indos nascentium Historia, book II, chapter XXV, page 219, Anteverpiae, Plantin, De Banque, 1574.
GILBERT: Elementary botanical demonstrations, pages 217-219, Lyon, 1796.
KAEMPFER, E.: Amoenitatum exoticarum . . . faciculi quinque, fascicule III, pages 645-652, Lemgoviae, H. W. Meyer, 1712.
KOLBEN, P.: Histoire naturelle du cap de Bonne-Espeance, Histoire Generale des Voyages, book IV, Paris, 1748.
LEMERY, N.: Traite universel des drogues simples, "Bangue", page 113, Cannabis, page 177, Paris, 1733.
LIEUTAUD, J.: Precis de la Matiere Medicale, vol. II, F. Didot, Paris, 1781.
MARCANDIER: Traite du chanvre, Paris, Nyon, 1758.
MORGAGNI, J. B.: De sedibus et causis morborum, (A description of Cannabosis in linen workers), Venetiis, MDCCLXII.
NOLLET, L'ABBE: Experiences et observations faites en differents endroits de l'ltalie, pages 469-470, Imprimerie royale, Paris,' 1749.
PHARMACOPOEA Londinensis, 8th edition, book I, chapter VII, 1716.
RABELAIS, F.: Pantagruel, 1546, book III, chapter 49-52, De l'herbe nommee Pantagruelion.
RHEEDE, H. VAN: Hortus indicus malabaricus, book X, pages 119-121, Amstelaedami, J. van Someren, 1678-1792.
WIER, J.: Histoires et disputaisons des sorciers et devineresses, Paris, 1564.
2This is the third part of a general bibliography of Cannabis Sativa, begun in volume II, no. 1, of the Bulletin of Narcotics, January 1951. See introduction to part I in that issue.