Banner of Commissions: CND and CCPCJ
NGOs in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) can be accredited to participate in the sessions of the Commissions as observers. As observers, NGOs can:
To register a delegation, NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC must issue a letter of request for accreditation. Representatives need to attach this letter to the online registration form. The letter must contain the following elements:
The Commissions meet for their annual regular sessions in the M-building of the Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria. NGO representatives must obtain a photo identity badge upon arrival at the United Nations and before attending the session at Gate 1 of the Vienna International Centre. Representatives accredited to the session as described above can pick up their badges in person, upon presentation of an identity document (i.e., passport) and a copy of the letter of request for accreditation from the concerned NGO.
NGO representatives in possession of an annual grounds pass for the Vienna International Centre that is valid for the duration of the session will have access to the conference rooms but will not be included in the list of participants unless accredited to the session. In order to be included in the list of participants, representatives must be registered and get a pass for the duration of the meeting.
All travel-related expenses, accommodation and medical insurance are the responsibility of the NGO or its representatives.
NGO representatives accredited to the session can attend the plenary meetings, the meetings of the Committee of the Whole and side events. At the plenary meetings, the Commissions discuss the issues included in the provisional agendas (the agenda is contained in document number 1 of the session; please see the documentation sections of the Commissions' websites). In order to examine draft decisions, draft resolutions and specific technical issues, a Committee of the Whole is convened in parallel with the plenary meetings of the Commission. NGO representatives can participate in the Committee of the whole as observers, but cannot take the floor. Informal consultations conducted by Member States are not open to NGO participation. Audio and video recordings of sessions and live transmissions of the meetings are not permitted, except for accredited media.
NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC may submit written statements to the Commissions. NGOs in general consultative status may submit written statements of up to 2,000 words. NGOs in special consultative status may submit written statements of up to 1,500 words.
A written statement is issued, unedited, in the language(s) as received (English, French or Spanish) from the submitting NGO. NGOs assume full responsibility for the content of their statements, which should fully uphold UN standards and avoid abusive language.
The deadline for written statements is two weeks prior to the session.
Checklist for inclusion in the submission:
ü Contact information for the representative submitting written statements (name and contact details: mobile, email) is included;
ü Agenda item number, under which the statement is submitted, is mentioned;
ü NGO's name is stated as it appears in the ECOSOC NGO database, indicating consultative status in brackets (general, special), names of co-sponsoring ECOSOC NGOs are included;
ü All non-ECOSOC NGOs supporting the statement (which will appear as a footnote to the statement title) are listed;
ü Statement is in MS Word document format (Font Times New Roman, 10 point);
ü Submissions are final.
NGOs can inscribe an accredited member of their delegation to the speaker's list to deliver a statement on behalf of their organization on any of the agenda items. To inscribe in the list of speakers, NGOs need to send the name of the organization as well as the name (FAMILY NAME, First name) and function of their speaker as well as the agenda item under which they wish to speak to the Secretariat to the Governing Bodies.
The list of speakers for the general debate has an application period. The application period is decided by the Bureau of the Commission, and it is usually open a month before the meeting and closes the week before the meeting.
NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC which are not present in Vienna may participate in some meetings by submitting a pre-recorded video statement.
To enable the Secretariat to duly verify the credentials of the NGOs and the identity of individuals delivering a video message, please submit the following:
Oral statements delivered by video message are subject to the same rules as oral statements delivered in person, as laid out in ECOSOC resolution 1996/31. The video messages are subject to the same time limits as statements delivered in person. A transcript of the video statement must be submitted in advance. In particular, the following rules must be strictly observed:
Copies of all official documents issued as pre-session or in-session documentation for the sessions of the Commissions, including reports, annotated agenda, journals, and draft resolutions, are published through the United Nations documents system (ODS).
In addition, for ease of reference and as a service to delegations, the Secretariat publishes those documents on the websites of the Commissions.
Use of the United Nations emblem and the logos of the Commissions on non-official documents and publications, including NGO material, is expressly prohibited. The United Nations flag may not be displayed in meeting rooms where NGOs organize events.