Document Symbol
Title or description |
Promoting alternative development as a development-oriented drug control strategy, taking into account measures to protect the environment |
E/CN.7/2022/L.3 |
Strengthening international cooperation in preventing and combating the misuse and abuse of information and communications technologies for illicit trafficking in drugs and precursors and laundering proceeds of drug-related crimes [No action] |
E/CN.7/2022/L.4 |
Strengthening international cooperation to address the links between illicit drug trafficking and illicit firearms trafficking |
E/CN.7/2022/L.5 |
Promoting comprehensive and scientific evidence-based early prevention |
E/CN.7/2022/L.6 |
Safe and secure handling and disposal of synthetic drugs and their precursors [Withdrawn] |
E/CN.7/2022/L.7 |
Intensifying efforts to address the diversion of non-scheduled chemicals frequently used in the illicit manufacture of drugs and the proliferation of designer precursors |
Provisional agenda for the sixty-sixth session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs |