The United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI) was established in 1962 with the aim of promoting the sound development of criminal justice systems and mutual co - operation mainly in the Asia and Pacific Region. UNAFEI activities focus on training courses and seminars for personnel in crime prevention and criminal justice administration, and the research and study of crime prevention and the treatment of offenders. It also conducts special seminars outside of Japan jointly with the governments of participating nations, to promote effective measures for the fight against crime.
As a member of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network (PNI) , UNAFEI has collaborated actively with its members, including the UNODC. UNAFEI and UNODC have organized training courses, seminars and workshops on a wide range of crime prevention and criminal justice issues. At its training programmes UNAFEI regularly delivers lectures on the United Nations legal instruments against crime, corruption and terrorism to enhance the understanding of the international legal norms.
UNAFEI holds two international training courses and one international senior seminar annually. The international training course that is held in spring deals mainly with the treatment of offenders, while the one held in autumn concentrates on crime prevention and countermeasures against various crimes. The international senior seminar tackles current criminal justice issues. In addition to acquiring knowledge and skills during the official training sessions seminar participants also benefit significantly from the opportunities to network and interact with the professionals from the different regions, not only Asia and the Pacific, but also Africa, Latin America and Europe.