The Institute for Security Studies (ISS) is a regional human security policy think-tank with an exclusive focus on Africa. It has offices in Addis Ababa, Cape Town, Nairobi and Pretoria (also the head office). The ISS mission is to conceptualize, inform and enhance the debate on human security in Africa in order to support policy formulation and decision-making at every level. It is working towards a stable and peaceful Africa characterized by sustainable development, human rights, the rule of law, democracy and collaborative security.
Through its programmes, ISS undertakes work relating inter alia, to crime and justice, arms management, organized crime and money laundering, corruption and governance, terrorism, conflict analysis and prevention, and peace keeping training. The Institute has developed substantial work with and through sub-regional organizations and adopted a co-operative approach in doing so. These organizations include, inter alia, the African Union (AU), Southern African Police Chiefs Cooperating Organization (SARPCCO), the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the Eastern and Southern African Anti-Money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG), the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD). As a result, the Institute has formalized Memorandum of Understandings and letters of exchange with IGAD, ECCAS, COMESA and ESAAMLG.
Apart from being a member of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice network (PNI), the Institute serves as a Secretariat for two NGO networks in Africa; the African Human Security Initiative and the Southern African Human Security Network. The Institute also participates in the Civil Society Network Against Corruption (CSNAC) and serves as secretariat for the African Peace Support Trainers Association (APSTA).
ISS is collaborating with UNODC on the project to promote the implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) in West African States. The project entails the provision of assistance to the governments and civil society representatives of the State Parties to the UNCAC in complying with its provisions. It includes the assessment of the normative frameworks and institutional capacities, introduction of effective normative measures to control corruption and the development of an action plan for concrete measures.