United Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (ILANUD) was established in 1975. As stated in its founding charter, the main objective of the Institute is to collaborate with the governments to promote the balanced economic and social development of the Latin American and Caribbean countries through the formulation and incorporation into national development plans of adequate policies in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice.
The services include research, training and technical assistance in designing and implementing programs and projects in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice. ILANUD holds cooperation agreements with Central and Latin American countries, related UN structures, including UNODC and regional intergovernmental institutes.
ILANUD carries out programs and projects on constitutional affairs, prosecution and public defense, correctional and police work, justice as it relates to women, juveniles and ethnic groups, drug abuse prevention, legal information, crime prevention, statistical information on the judiciary and on judicial proceedings, administrative planning systems, judicial training, and grass roots legal education.
Homepage : http://www.ilanud.or.cr