The CCP delivers a core curriculum of theoretical, practical and advanced specialized training followed up by regular mentoring. The first phase is the theoretical training, during which officers are introduced to risk analysis, profiling and targeting techniques. Knowledge gained in the theoretical training is then operationalized in the practical training, which includes the application of profiling and inspection techniques in a professional environment. Following the first two phases of formal training, PCU and ACCU officers conduct work-study tours in order to observe best practice techniques and methods at benchmarking ports. To complement the core training, the Programme delivers advanced specialized training programmes, according to country risk assessments and availability of funds. These programmes deal with a range of topics. Click on the images below to learn more.
The immediate beneficiaries are relevant law enforcement agencies, whose staff will be better structured, trained and equipped to more effectively target high-risk shipping containers. These measures also directly benefit legitimate trade by enhancing supply chain security and improving efficiency through the minimization of unnecessary checks on low-risk containers.
The CCP continues to prioritize the continued development of private-sector partnerships. Cooperation between the private and public sectors improves competitive advantage, cost savings and reductions in operational risks for businesses.