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Economic and Social Council | |
Distr. E/RES/1991/47 | |
1991/47. | United Nations International Drug Control Programme |
The Economic and Social Council, Reaffirming that the new dimensions of illicit production, abuse and traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in all regions of the world necessitate a more comprehensive and integrated approach to international drug control and an efficient structure in order to enable the United Nations to play a central and greatly enhanced role in that field, Mindful of General Assembly resolution 45/179 of 21 December 1990, entitled "Enhancement of the United Nations structure for drug abuse control", in which the Secretary-General was requested to create a single drug control programme, to be called the United Nations International Drug Control Programme, and to appoint a senior official who would execute the integration process and head the new Programme, Recalling that the General Assembly, in its resolution 45/179, invited the Secretary-General to ensure that adequate financial and other resources from within the regular budget were allocated to the Programme to enable it to discharge its functions effectively, Bearing in mind Commission on Narcotic Drugs resolutions 1 (XXXIV), 2 (XXXIV) and 3 (XXXIV) of 9 May 1991,\87\ concerning, respectively, the strengthening of the role of the Programme as the main focus for concerted international action for drug abuse control, the development of proposals to address priority themes, and the provision of support to the Programme, 1. Welcomes the prompt appointment of a senior official, at the level of Under-Secretary-General, in the position of Executive Director of the United Nations International Drug Control Programme with exclusive responsibility for coordinating and providing effective leadership for all the United Nations drug control activities, in order to ensure coherence of actions within the Programme as well as coordination, complementarity and non-duplication of such activities across the United Nations system; 2. Commends the Executive Director for his ongoing efforts to fully integrate the structures and functions of the Division of Narcotic Drugs of the Secretariat, the secretariat of the International Narcotics Control Board and the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control into the new Programme; 3. Strongly urges all Governments to provide the fullest possible financial and political support to the Programme in \ill\ to fulfil all of its man-\ill\ concern \ill\ the Global Pro 15th plenary meeting |