The Economic and Social Council,
Noting the relevant recommendations of the Council Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations,75/
Approves the arrangement for co-operation between the United Nations and the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) set out in the annex to the present resolution.
1769th plenary meeting, 20 May 1971.
75/ See E/4945, chapter II.
Arrangement for co-operation between the United Nations and the International Criminal Police Organization
1. Matters of concern to the International Criminal Police Organization
Note is taken that the aims of the International Criminal Police Organization, as stated in article 2 of its Constitution, are:
(a) To ensure and promote the widest possible mutual assistance between all criminal police authorities within the limits of the laws existing in the different countries in the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
(b) To establish and develop all institutions likely to contribute effectively to the prevention and suppression of ordinary law crimes; and that, according to article 3 of its Constitution, it is strictly forbidden to undertake any intervention or activities of a political, military, religious or racial character.
In the execution of these aims, the International Criminal Police Organization is concerned in all criminal police matters, including the police aspects of drug abuse, prevention of crime and treatment of offenders, traffic in persons, certain human rights questions specified by its Constitution, counterfeiting and new forms of crime that may arise.
2. Exchange of information and documentation
The United Nations Secretariat and the International Criminal Police Organization shall exchange, as may be appropriate, information and documentation relevant to matters of mutual interest.
3. Consultations and technical co-operation
The United Nations Secretariat and the International Criminal Police Organization, at the request of either, shall consult together on matters of common interest. They may collaborate in the study of such matters and may undertake technical co-operation in substantive projects.
4. Representation by observers
Representatives of the United Nations Secretariat shall be invited to attend in an observer capacity meetings of bodies of the International Criminal Police Organization and other meetings organized by it which deal with matters of common interest. Representatives of that organization shall be invited to attend in an observer capacity meetings of the Economic and Social Council, of its subsidiary organs, conferences, convened by it and meetings of other United Nations bodies which deal with matters of common interest. Observers invited pursuant to the present paragraph may participate, with the approval of the body concerned and without the right to vote, in debates on questions of concern to their organizations.
5. Written statements
The United Nations Secretariat may submit written statements to meetings of bodies of the International Criminal Police Organization and other meetings organized by it on matters of common interest which are relevant to the work of those bodies. The International Criminal Police Organization may submit written statements by organizations having consultative status in category I with the Council.
6. Proposal of agenda items
The United Nations may propose items for the provisional agenda of bodies of the International Criminal Police Organization and other meetings organized by it. The International Criminal Police Organization may propose items for the provisional agenda of the Economic and Social Council and its subsidiary bodies, subject to the same conditions and procedures as are applicable to such proposals by organizations having consultative status in category I with the Council.