Sub-Programme 4
Trends and Impacts
Drug and related crime insights and analysis remain weak in Central and West Asia. There is a need to enhance trends analysis and impact monitoring capacity at the regional level, focusing on the eight countries most immediately affected by Afghan drug flow dynamics.
Sub-Programme 4 fills these critical gaps, strengthening evidence-based policy making efforts. It maps and strengthens capacities in data generation, collection, management, analysis, reporting and use in the region. It develops indicators on law enforcement, criminal justice and drug demand reduction and reports on trends and institutional capacities to deliver law enforcement, criminal justice and drug demand reduction services in the region.
On a broader level, Sub-Programme 4 studies critically under-researched linkages between narcotics, socio-economic factors and wider concerns of human security. This key area plays a vital role in informing and postioning responses.
Regular programme monitoring and reporting activities comprise another cornerstone of this Sub-programme. They link country level initiatives with the achievement of agreed upon objectives and provide real time information to facilitate effective coordination and joint action.
Sub-programme 4 contributes to three outcomes, which deliver eight outputs.