Our mission

UNODC has been operating in Ukraine since 2007 with the vision of supporting Ukraine become safer from drugs, organized crime, corruption and terrorism, in line with the mandate of UNODC. The UNODC Office in Ukraine focuses on five normative and programmatic areas in Ukraine in support of national priorities, international commitments and alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Trending Insights

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Protecting Ukrainian refugees and displaced people from human trafficking... read more 

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Strengthening the capacity of Ukraine's national authorities to investigate money laundering... read more

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Ukraine partners with UNODC in implementing the PACE.UA Programme to support Prison Services... read more

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UNODC supports business integrity in the reconstruction and recovery efforts of Ukraine... read more

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UNODC and UNOPS join forces to support Ukraine for enhancing trade facilitation and support for open and secure borders... read more 

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Areas of Activity

Area 1 Anti-corruption

Area 2 Border management & Trade facilitation

Area 3 Combatting organized crime & Anti-money laundering

Area 4 Crime prevention & Criminal justice

Area 5 Addressing the  drug problem

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Useful Links

UNODC Office in Ukraine Factsheet EN I UA

Newsletter Issue/December 2023 EN