Regional Programme for Afghanistan and Neighbouring Countries (UNODC)

Strengthening Families Programme (SFP) 10-14 Launched in Kazakh Schools

21 October 2016 Pavlodar, Kazakhstan  


The UNODC Regional Programme for Afghanistan and Neighboring Countries- Sub-Programme 3 : "Prevention and Treatment of Addiction Among Vulnerable Groups" in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Repuliblic of Kazakhstan, launched a pilot SFP programme in two government schools in the city of Pavlodar. Before the implementation, 20 facilitators were trained in a four day training course. The teachers and school psychologists in the training were very positive about the programme. In a 7 week session between October-November 2016 at least 40 families will be enrolled.

SFP 10-14 is a parent, youth and family skill-building curriculum designed to prevent substance abuse and other behavior problems in teenagers, strengthen parenting skills and build family strengths. The programme is delivered in seven sessions for parents, children and families using videos, role play, discussions, learning games and family projects and can be delivered by teachers, counsellors, or persons hired from the community who are effective at facilitating groups with parents or children. The SFP material is translated into Russian and Persian languages and adapted locally.

The UNODC Regional Programme is currently implementing SFP in two other countries, namely Iran and Afghanistan.  In the near future SFP will be extended to Turkmenistan, Kyrgyz Republic and Pakistan. 

SFP implementation is undertaken in collaboration with the government counterparts in Kazakhstan, including the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, the Regional Counter Narcotics Authority and Education Authority of Pavlodar region and the Republican scientific and practical center of medical and social problems of drug addiction.

The project is supported by the People of Japan and the Russian Federation.