Inter-regional training workshop on: Reducing the risks from the abuse of Money or Value Transfer Services (MVTS) under the Triangular Initiative
15 to 18 November 2016, Beijing, China
UNODC, under Sub-Programme 2 of its Regional Programme for Afghanistan and Neighboring Countries (RP), in cooperation with the Global Programme against Money Laundering, Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism (GPML), organised the first inter-regional training workshop on "Reducing the risks from the abuse of Money or Value Transfer Services (MVTS)", in Beijing, People's Republic of China from 15 to 18 November 2016. The training, which was organized in partnership with the People Bank of China, was undertaken specifically for representatives from the Triangular Initiative (TI) countries: the I.R of Afghanistan, the I.R. of Iran, the I.R. of Pakistan and the People's Republic of China.
The event was attended by 26 experts on Anti-Money laundering from law enforcement agencies, Financial Investigation Units (FIU), prosecuting authorities, customs, central banks and Ministries of Foreign Affairs.
For the first time, under the auspices of the RP, representative of the TI countries were brought together with representatives of the People's Republic of China to share experiences and best practices at the inter-regional level on the different money and value transfer systems and on the negative effect that can derive from their abuse.
During the four day event, a large number of topics were discussed including: the importance of MVTS to migrant remittances and fragile economies, abuse of MVTS, including of unwitting money service providers, sensitive investigative techniques (informants, interception of communications, covert surveillance) and challenges of investigating and prosecuting crimes across different legal systems. Discussions were intermingled with table top exercises and real case scenarios including a mock trial against criminal syndicates.
Furthermore, in the margins of the training workshop an FIU to FIU meeting under the Triangular Initiative took place. Participants from all countries expressed their interest in furthering negotiations with a view to signing bilateral Memoranda of Understanding that could facilitate the exchange information on suspicious financial transactions.At the end of the event, the participants expressed their appreciation to UNODC for the assistance provided and requested UNODC to consider the possibility to "institutionalize" this kind of event and convene it on an annual basis.
UNODC thanks the European Union for funding the event.