Inter-regional training workshop for law enforcement officers and prosecutors on detection, investigation and prosecution of cybercrime
An inter-regional training workshop for law enforcement officers and prosecutors on detection, investigation and prosecution of cybercrime took place in Almaty from 20 to 22 September 2016.
The training, jointly organized by sub-programme 2 of the Regional Programme for Afghanistan and Neighboring Countries, the Global Programme for Strengthening the Capacities of Member States to Prevent and Combat Transnational Organized Crime and the Global Programme Against Cybercrime focused on practical aspects including collection and preservation of electronic evidence, investigation and prosecution of cyber offences, as well as International and national legal instruments and initiatives, and tools for practitioners regarding cybercrime and international cooperation.
More than 50 officials attended the event. This included participants from Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, I.R. Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, The United States and Uzbekistan. Trainers from UNODC, representatives from the US Embassy and trainers from the National High Tech Crime Unit of the Dutch Police, the National Criminal Investigation Service of Norway and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation substantively contributed to the implementation of the training, which gave the opportunity to participants to acquire hands-on knowledge on highly complex subjects but also to share national experiences and practices regarding cybercrime and electronic evidence.
Furthermore, the training represented an invaluable occasion to discuss future cooperation among participating countries both at regional and international level.
Participants expressed a vivid interest throughout the event and requested UNODC to continue engaging on this area.
UNODC thanked the European Union, Finland and the United States for funding the workshop.