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What are NPS?

A New Psychoactive Substance (NPS) is a substance of abuse, either in a pure form or a preparation, that is not controlled by the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs or the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances, but which may pose a “public health threat”. In this context, the term “new” does not necessarily refer to novel inventions but to substances that have recently become available. NPS that have been placed under international control since 2015 continue to be included under the term NPS to enable time series analysis.

Since their emergence, NPS have been known in the market by terms such as “designer drugs,” “legal highs,” “herbal highs,” and/or “bath salts.” The term “designer drugs” had been traditionally used to identify synthetic substances. However, it has recently been broadened to include other psychoactive substances that mimic the effects of illicit and prescription drugs. They are produced by introducing slight modifications to the chemical structure of controlled substances to circumvent drug controls.

The rapid emergence of a large number of NPS on the global drug market poses a significant risk to public health and a challenge to drug policy. Often, little is known about the adverse health effects and social harms of NPS, which pose a considerable challenge for prevention and treatment. The analysis and identification of a large number of chemically diverse substances present in drug markets at the same time is demanding. Monitoring, information sharing, early warning and risk awareness are essential to respond to this situation.

What are the risks of NPS?

The use of NPS is often linked to health problems. In general, side effects of NPS range from seizures to agitation, aggression, acute psychosis as well as potential development of dependence. NPS users have frequently been hospitalized with severe intoxications. Safety data on toxicity and carcinogenic potential of many NPS are not available or very limited, and information on long-term adverse effects or risks are still largely unknown. Purity and composition of products containing NPS are often not known, which places users at high risk as evidenced by hospital emergency admissions and deaths associated with NPS, often including cases of poly-substance use.


How widespread are NPS?

NPS have become a global phenomenon with 147 countries and territories from all regions of the world having reported one or more NPS to the UNODC Early Warning Advisory (EWA) on NPS.

The UNODC Early Warning Advisory Data Dashboard shows the latest trends of NPS, by effect group and structural chemical group, as well as their first reportings, a regional focus and NPS under international control.

Global emergence of new psychoactive substances, up to July 2024:

Note: The boundaries and names shown and the designations in this document do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Dashed lines represent undetermined boundaries. The dotted line represents approximately the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir agreed upon by India and Pakistan. The final status of Jammu and Kashmir has not yet been agreed upon by the parties. The final boundary between the Republic of Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan has not yet been determined. A dispute exists between the Governments of Argentina and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning sovereignty over the Falkland Islands (Malvinas).

Source: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Early Warning Advisory on NPS, 2024.

Categories of NPS sold in the market

Within the UNODC EWA, NPS are classified based on similarities in chemical structure (structural group classification) and on the pharmacological effect that they exert on the central nervous system (effect group classification).

The main structural groups of NPS are aminoindanes, benzodiazepines, fentanyl analogues, lysergamides, nitazenes, phencyclidine-type substances, phenethylamines, phenidates, phenmetrazines, piperazines, plant-based substances, synthetic cannabinoids, synthetic cathinones, tryptamines and other substances. Learn more about the various NPS structural groups on the market here.

Moreover, UNODC has assigned an effect group classification to discuss synthetic NPS within six groups based on the features related to their chemical structure and purported psychopharmacological effects: synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists, classic hallucinogens, stimulants, opioid receptor agonists, sedatives/hypnotics and dissociatives. To learn more about the various NPS effect groups on the market, please click here.

What is the legal situation of NPS?

Since NPS are not controlled under the International Drug Control Conventions, their legal status can differ widely from country to country. Up to October 2024, at least 65 countries and territories have implemented legal responses to control NPS, with many having used or amended existing legislation and others having used innovative legal instruments.

Several countries and territories where a large number of different NPS has rapidly emerged, have adopted controls on entire substance groups of NPS using a so-called generic approach, or have introduced analogue legislation that invokes the principal of “chemical similarity” to an already controlled substance to control substances not explicitly mentioned in the legislation. At the international level, up to October 2024, the Commission on Narcotic Drugs decided to place 79 NPS under international control. These control measures have to be implemented into the national legal framework of each country. To find more information on the various legal responses in place around the world, click here.

How is UNODC assisting Governments in this area?

To assist Member States in the identification and reporting of NPS, UNODC established the Early Warning Advisory (EWA) on NPS. The EWA serves as a repository of information on NPS leading to an improved understanding of their distribution and harm and provides a platform for the provision of technical assistance to Member States. Information in the EWA from drug seizures as well as drug identifications in biological fluid casework enables a more comprehensive overview of the NPS landscape and allows to better understand health threats posed by NPS.

Information from the EWA contributes to identifying the most harmful, persistent and prevalent NPS, an important step towards prioritizing NPS for international review in the framework of the International Drug Control Conventions. To assist the work of law enforcement, forensic drug testing and toxicology laboratories, UNODC provides assistance in the areas of quality assurance, provision of manuals and guidelines, drug and precursor field detection kits and handheld devices, together with training in the UNODC laboratory in Vienna and in the field. UNODC is also working with countries to establish national early warning mechanisms on emerging drug-related threats.