1 August 2013 - Vienna - The UNODC Executive Director continues to follow developments in Uruguay closely, and supports the 1 August statement by the International Narcotics Control Board.
The international drug control conventions have helped to contain and stabilize drug consumption levels over decades, and they remain the foundation of global efforts to curb illicit drug trafficking and provide science-based prevention and treatment for problem drug users.
It is clear that there are challenges. A serious concern is the horrific violence generated by illicit drug trafficking, which has blighted so many societies. This has led to a debate over how to best address such problems.
UNODC welcomes this discussion - a dialogue on how to move forward to stop drug traffickers and protect the health and welfare of people is clearly needed. But this dialogue should be conducted on the basis of the agreed conventions, in line with international law.
The Commission on Narcotic Drugs, the central policymaking body of the UN on this issue, will next year hold a high-level review of Member States' implementation of the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on the world drug problem. It is our hope that Member States will take this opportunity to pursue a cooperative, coherent approach to addressing the challenges we collectively face.
For further information please contact:
David Dadge
Spokesperson, UNODC
Ms. Sonya Yee, Programme Officer (Communication)
Tel: (+43) 1 26060-4990 , Mobile: (+43) 699 1459-4990