The Economic and Social Council, in its resolution 1991/49, enlarged the membership of the Commission from 40 to 53 members, with the following distribution of seats among the regional groups:
(a) Eleven for African States;
(b) Eleven for Asian States;
(c) Ten for Latin American and Caribbean States;
(d) Six for Eastern European States;
(e) Fourteen for Western European and other States;
(f) One seat to rotate between the Asian, and the Latin American and Caribbean States every four years.
In accordance with Council resolution 845 (XXXII), and 1147 (XLI), members are elected (a) from among the States Members of the United Nations and members of the specialized agencies and the Parties to the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, (b) with due regard to the adequate representation of countries that are important producers of opium or coca leaves, of countries that are important in the field of the manufacture of narcotic drugs, and of countries in which drug addiction or the illicit traffic in narcotic drugs constitutes an important problem and (c) taking into account the principle of equitable geographical distribution.
In order to function effectively, the Commission needs to organize and prepare its work carefully and in advance. Such tasks are carried out by the Bureau and the Extended Bureau of the Commission, which play an active role in the preparation of the regular and the inter-sessional meetings with the assistance of the Secretariat.
The Bureau of the Commission is composed of the Chairperson, three Vice-Chairpersons and one Rapporteur. At the end of its reconvened session, the Commission elects its Bureau for the next session. The Extended Bureau also includes the Chairpersons of the five regional groups, the European Union and the Group of 77 and China.
H.E. Andranik HOVHANNISYAN of Armenia (Group of Eastern European States)
H.E. Peter POTMAN of the Netherlands (Group of Western European and Other States)
H.E. Alex WETZIG of Chile (Group of Latin American and Caribbean States)
Mr. Mohamed Amine BOUKHRIS of Morocco (Group of African States)
During his career, Mr. Kumaran, who is also an Ambassador to Austria as well as The Holy See and Montenegro, has served in various capacities, among them:
Ambassador to the Philippines, Palau and Micronesia (2020-2024); Ambassador to Morocco (2019-2020); Joint Secretary (Planning and International Cooperation), Ministry of Defence (2016-2019); Director (East Asia/China), Joint Secretary (Establishment) and Joint Secretary (Eurasia), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2012-2016); Deputy High Commissioner to South Africa (2009-2012); Political Counsellor in Kathmandu (2007-2009); Officer on Special Duty (Press Relations), External Publicity Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2004-2007); Deputy Secretary (West Europe Division), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2002-2004); and diplomatic assignments in Germany (1997-2002).
Mr. Kumaran holds a Master of Arts in international studies and a Master of Philosophy in diplomatic studies from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi as well as a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Kerala University.
Mr. Kumaran speaks English, Malayalam, Hindi, French and German.