Links to online tools and databases with information on the effectiveness of crime prevention programmes and initiatives.*
The Campbell Collaboration is an international social science research network that produces systematic reviews of the effects of social interventions in Crime & Justice, Education, International Development, and Social Welfare.
The US Institute of Justice’ website, present programs and practices that have undergone rigorous evaluations and meta-analyses. The site assesses the strength of the evidence about whether these programs achieve criminal justice, juvenile justice, and crime victim services outcomes in order to inform practitioners and policy makers about what works, what doesn't, and what's promising.
Public Safety Canada Crime Prevention Inventory
The Crime Prevention Inventory is a searchable database of crime prevention programs in Canada. It supports the National Action Plan on Crime Prevention to develop the knowledge base of effective crime prevention approaches in Canada.
European Union Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN)
The EUCPN is the European Crime Prevention Network. The Network aims to connect the local, national and European level and to promote crime prevention knowledge and practices among the EU Member States. It keeps a knowledge database with prevention programmes and initiatives.
Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development
The University of Colorado Boulder (US) Blueprints offers a comprehensive registry of evidence-based interventions (programs, practices and policies) that are effective in preventing or reducing the likelihood of antisocial behavior and promoting a healthy course of youth development and adult maturity.
Centre for Problem-oriented Policing
The Arizona State University (US) Center for Problem-Oriented Policing aims to advance the concept and practice of problem-oriented policing by making readily accessible information about ways in which police can more effectively address specific crime and disorder problems.
Centre for Disease Control and Prevention
As the US health protection agency, the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention conducts critical science and provides health information, including information and resources on violence prevention.
What Works to Prevent Violence against Women and Girls
The What Works to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls Global Programme online resource details findings and lessons from evaluations across 15 countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East on what works (and doesn’t) to prevent violence.
WHO - Violence prevention: the evidence
Violence prevention: the evidence is a set of briefings on what works to prevent interpersonal violence (including against women and girls), and self-directed violence. By spotlighting the evidence for effectiveness, the briefings provide clear directions for how funders, policy makers and programme implementers can boost the impact of their violence prevention efforts for women and girls, men and boys.
*The tools and databases included in this overview are not developed by UNODC and the Office does not take responsibility for the accuracy of the information they contain. The information included in the overview may not reflect the views of the United Nations