Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Pages: 50 to 61
Creation Date: 1953/01/01
The following bibliography has been prepared by the Secretariat and includes scientific publications on narcotic drugs which appeared during 1952, as well as a few which appeared earlier but could not, for various technical reasons, be included in the preceding lists published in No. 3 of volumes II, III and IV of the Bulletin on Narcotics. This bibliography has no claim to be complete, and information regarding books or articles not included in it would be gratefully received by the Division of Narcotic Drugs, Department of Social Affairs, United Nations Secretariat.
The bibliography has been arranged by subject in the following way:
Part I. General and reference works
Part II. Opium poppy, opium and drugs manufactured therefrom
A. Opium poppy and opium
B. Morphine
C. Other phenanthrene alkaloids and derivatives of opium (under the Conventions)
D. Other drugs and substances derived from the opium poppy
Part III. A. The coca leaf
B. Drugs manufactured from the coca leaf
Part IV. Cannabisand its derivatives
Part V. Synthetic drugs
A. General works
B. Pethidine and related compounds
C. Methadone and related compounds
D. Morphinan and morphine synthesis
Part VI. Addiction to narcotic drugs
Part VII. Miscellaneous
Under each heading, publications are arranged alphabetically by author. Due to the nature of the sources available to the Secretariat for preparing this bibliography, several titles are given in translation only. They are preceded by an asterisk.
AKÇASU, Alaettin: The changes experienced by the narcotics monopoly in Turkey. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1952, 4:1, pp. 6-9.
ANSLINGER, H. J.: Narcotic control by physicians. Federation Bulletin, 1952, 38:5, pp. 136-42.
- : Narcotic control by physicians. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 1952, 148,pp. 1275-77.
- : The role of the physician in Federal narcotic law enforcement. North Carolina Medical Journal, 1952, 13:7, pp. 351-4.
ANSTEE, J. R.: Chemical structure and analgesic activity. Australasian Journal of Pharmacy, 1951, 12, pp. 820-826.
BASS, William B.; BROOK, Milton J. Vander: A note on an improved method of analgetic evaluation. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, scientific edition, 1952, 41,pp. 569-70.
BINZ: Neue Rechtsprechung zum Opiumgesetz (New court decisions concerning narcotics law). Öffentliche Gesundheitsdienst, 1952, 14:6, p. 235.
BOREL, A.: Les stupéfiants et la liberté de prescription. Journal des sciences médicales de Lille, 1952, 70:5, pp. 79-90.
BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: The relief of pain. The Lancet, 1952, 263:6725, pp. 129-130.
CREIGHTON, W. R.: The Narcotic Act and its relation to medical practice. Annals of Western Medicine and Surgery, 1950, 4: 9, pp. 454-6.
CREYSSEL, J.; DELEUZE, R.: A propos des anesthésies dites potentialises. Lyon Chirurgical, 1952, 47:7, pp. 867-72.
DENEAU, G. A.; GOWDEY, C. W.: Method of measuring mild analgesia in man. Federation Proceedings, 1952, 11,p. 338.
ERDMANN, W. D.; MERCKER, H.: Über die Wirkung abgestufter Vagusreizung auf die Herzfrequenz unter dem Einfluss von Narcotica, d-Tubocurarin, Atropin, Tetraethylammonium und Prostigmin (The effect of graduated stimulation of the vagus on the heart rate under the influence of narcotics, d-tubocurarine, atropine, tetraethylammonium and prostigmine). Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1952, 216:6, pp. 563-75.
GADASKINA, I. D.: Vydelenie letuchikh narkotikov cherez verkhnie dykhatel'nye puti (Expiration of volatile narcotics through the upper respiratory tract). Fiziologicheskii Zhurnal SSSR Imeni I.M. Sechenova, 1952, 38:4, pp. 496-9.
GILLIES, J.G.: Physiological trespass in anaesthesia. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine (London), 1952, 45:1, pp. 1-6.
GORE, D. N.; ADSHEAD, J. M.: Observations on the paper partition chromatogram as applied to the detection of alkaloids. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1952, 4, pp. 803-810.
GREWAL, R. S.: A method for testing analgesics in mice. British Journal of Pharmacology, 1952, 7, pp. 433-7.
* GUANINI, O. A.; VONESCH, E. E.: (A systematic micromethod for the recognition and identification of local anaesthetics). Anales de la Asociación Química Argentina, 1952, 40, pp. 118-27.
GUTNER, L. B.; GOULD, W. S.; BAT-TERMAN, R. C.: The effect of potent analgesics on vestibular function. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 1952, 31, pp. 259-65.
JACKSON, H.: Evaluation of analgesic potency of drugs using thermal stimulation in the rat. British Journal of Pharmacology, 1952, 7, pp. 196-203. Effect of analgesic drugs on the sensation of thermal pain in man, ibid., pp. 204-14.
JAMES, W. O.: Alkaloids in the plant. The Alkaloids, 1950, 1, pp. 15-90.
* KAMIS, J.: (Analgetics). Ceskoslovenské farmacie, 1952, 1, pp. 372-9·
KEELE, C. A.: Assay of analgesic drugs on man. Analyst, 1952, 77, pp. 111-17.
KNOLL, J.; KOMLOS, E.: Einfiuss des Peptons auf die Wirkung der Analgetika und Parasympathomimetika (Influence of peptone on the activity of analgesics and parasympathomimetics). Acla Physiologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 1952, 3, pp. 127-36.
KOMLOS, E.; KNOLL, J.: Synergismus der Analgetica mit Cholin (Synergism of choline and analgesics). Acta Physiolo-gica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 1952, 3, pp. 123-6.
KÖNIG, F. E.: Der Einfiuss der einzelnen Anasthetica, Analgetica und Hypno-tica auf das Kind (Effect of anesthetics, analgesics, and hypnotics on the child). Gynaecologia, Illus. 1951, 131 (5).
KRASOVITSKAYA, S. E.; BLUYMEN-FELD, L. A.; CHARNYY, H. M.: Vlyanie narcoticheskovo sostayaniya na prochnoct svyazi hema s globinom (Effect of narcotic state on binding of hematoglobin). Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, ns. 1952, 83c, pp. 325-6.
LA BARRE, J.; HANS, M. I.: A propos des substances antagonistes des hypnoti-ques de la série barbiturique. Archives internationales de pharmacodynamie, 1952, 90: 2-3, pp. 169-74.
LANDS, A. M.: Review of the structural requirement for sympathomimetic drug action. National Research Council, Natl. Acad. Sci., Washington D.C., Chem. Bio1. Co-ordination Center, Pub., 1951, 206, pp. 73-123.
LANGNER, H.: Die Opiumgesetzgebung und ihre Perspektiven (Opium legislation and its aspects). Pharmazie, 1952, 7:7, pp. 449-52.
LEVI, Leo; FARMILO, C. G.: Determination of narcotics by ion exchange. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1952, 30, pp. 793-9.
LINZ: Bundesgerichtshof und Betäu-bungsmittel-Verschreibungsverordnung (The Supreme Court of the German Federal Republic and the regulations concerning prescription of narcotics). Offentliche Gesundheitsdienst, 1952, 14:6, pp. 236-7.
MANSKE, R. H. F.: Sources of alkaloids and their isolation. The Alkaloids, 1950, 1, pp. 1-14.
MOTOHIRO YASU HARA: The mechanism of the action of analgesics. I. The action of anesthetics and analgesics upon the electro-physiological phenomenon of the brain. Bulletin of the Institute of Chemical Research, Kyoto University, 1952, 28, p. 83.
MUKHOPADHYAY, B. K.: Opium alkaloids. Recent developments in India. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (India), 1949, 8A, pp. 118-121.
MUNCH, J. C.; SOANE, A. B.; LAT-VEN, A. R.: The value of bioassays in detecting narcotics. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1952, 4:3, pp. 23-26.
PENCIOLELLI, P.; VAILLE, C.: A propos de la prescription des stupéfiants. Semaine médicale, 1951, 27:69, pp. 939-41.
PETERSEN, I.: Selective response to narcotics of spinal centres with different central delays. Acta physiologica scan-dinavica supplementum, 1951, 25:91, pp. 1-43.
PINKER, R. H.: X-ray diffraction used in the identification of drugs. Annals of Western Medicine and Surgery, 1952, 6:9, pp. 595-9.
RUNGE, P. A.: Verordnung stark wir-kender Arzneimittel. 2. Verordnung über das Verschreiben Betäubungsmit-telenthaltender Arzneien (Prescribing highly potent drugs. 2. Regulation on the prescription of drugs containing narcotics). Deutsche medizmische Wochenschrift, 1952, 77:4, pp. 109-12.
SCHEIBE, E.: Zum chemischen Nach-weis von Suchtgiften (Chemical detection of habit-forming narcotics). Psychiatric, Neurologie und medizinische Psychologic 1952, 4:1, pp. 22-7.
SCHOSTOK, P.: Zum Kohlenhydrat-stoffwechsel und Kohlenhydratbedarf unter der modernen Narkose (Carbohydrate metabolism and requirement in modern narcosis) Langebecks' Archiv für klinische Chirurgie, 1952, 271, pp. 570-9.
SLOMKA, M. B.; SCHUELER, F. W.: Chemical constitution and analgetic action. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, 1952, 41, pp. 618-24.
SPINDLER, G. D.: Personality and peyotism in Menomini Indian acculturation. Psychiatry, 1952, 15:2, pp. 151-9.
TACCANI, C.; MOSCON, M.: L'infiuen-za esercitata dai narcotici sul tono del cardias: (contributo sperimentale) (Effect of narcotics on the cardial tonus; experimental study). Acta Anaesthesiolo-gica, 1952, 3:1, pp. 7-26.
TAUGNER, R.: Versuche am innervierten Zwerchfellstreifen der Ratte (Experiments on innervated diaphragm strip of the rat). Archiv für experimentelle Pa-thologie und Pharmacologie (Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's) 1952, 216:1-2, pp. 174-5.
TYE, A.; CHRISTENSEN, B. V.: The estimation of some analgetic potencies. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, 1952, 41, 75-7.
UNITED NATIONS SECRETARIAT: New narcotic drugs and their international control. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1952, 4:1, pp. 1-5.
VAILLE, C.; STERN, G.: L'utilisation des stupéfiants à l'hôpital. Semaine médicale, 1952, 28:7, pp. 69-70.
VENTURI, V. M.; STORTI, R.: Modi-ficazioni elettrocardiografiche nella cavia da alcuni narcotici in uso per ricerche biologiche (Electrocardiographic modifications in the guinea pig from narcotics in use for biological research). Bollettino della Societa italiana di biolo-gia sperimentale, 1952, 28:4bis., pp. 741-51.
VIDIC, E.: Beiträge zur Untersuchung von Urin auf Suchtmittel (Determination of narcotics in urine). Deulsche Zeitschrift für die gesamte geritzhtliche Medizin, 1952, 41:3, pp. 246-52.
: Eine neue Schnellmethode zur Untersuchung yon Urin auf Opiate und deren Derivate (New rapid method for detecting opiates and their derivatives in urine). Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie, 1952, 135, pp. 81-98.
VOGELENZANG, E. H.: Locaal-anaes-thetica (Local anesthetics). Pharma-ceutisch Weckblad, 1950, 85:37/38, pp. 669-82.
*WESTERLING, R.: (Narcotics- a survey). Svensk Farmaceutisk Tidskrift, 1952, 56, pp. 509-17.
The.testing of analgetic substances with the aid of the prickle apparatus of Frey. Arzneimittel- Forschung, 1952, 2, pp. 218-21.
WILBRANDT, W.: Die neuen Zentral-analgetika (The new central analgesics). Praxis, 1952, 41:40, pp. 866-70.
WILSCH: Schleichwege des Arzneimittel-handels (The hidden channels of drug traffic). (Öffentliche Gesundheitsdienst, 1952, 14:9, pp. 363-6.
WOLF, J.: Versuche zum. Nachweis exzi-tierender Wirkungen narkotischer Stoffe und Rauschgifte mit Hilfe des Elektroschockverfahrens (Demonstration of excitant effects of hypnotics and narcotics by the electroshock method). Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie und Pharma-kologie(Naunyn- Schmiedeberg's), 1951, 214-1, pp. 14-28.
ABAZA, A.; GRÉGOIRE, M.: La potentialisation de l'analgésie des opiacés par l'association de prostigmine. Presse médicale, 1952, 60:16, pp. 331-3.
* CHARONNAT, R.; ORMANCEY, J.: (The influence of alcohol strength on the absorption and elution of alkaloids). Proceedings of the XIth International Congress, Pure and Applied Chemistry (London), 1947, 2, 387.
* HOBZA, J.; SANTAVA, F.: (Polarography of opium, narceine and meconic acid), Casopies Českého Lekárnictva, 1949, 62, 86-9.
KATEMIR, Izzet: Esrarin ve keneviren yagli ekstre mahl?llerinin dayanikligi hakkinda deneyler (The durability of oily extracts of opium and hemp). Türk Ijiyen ve Tecrübi Biyoloji Dergisi (Turk, Bull, Hygiene Exptl. Biol.), 1951, 11:3, 341-344.
KWASNIEWSKI, V.: Die Gerbsäure-Mikroreaktionen der mekonsauren A1kaloide des Opiums und der chelidon-sauren Schöllkrautalkaloide, ihre Unterscheidungs- und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten (Tannic acid microreactions of meconic acid alkaloids of opium and of chelidonic acid celandine alkaloids; their differentiation and application). Archiv der Pharmazie und Berichte der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, 1952, 22:9, pp. 445-8.
MARIANI, A.; GUARINO, S.; MARIANI MARELLI, O.: Sulla determinazione colorimetrica della morfina negli oppi (Colorimetric determination of morphine in opiums). Annali di chimica (Rome), 1951, 41, pp. 661-8.
POETHKE, W.; ARNOLD, E.: Untersuchungen über den Morphingehalt der Mohnpflanze (Studies on the morphine content of the poppy). Pharmazie, 1951, 6:8, pp. 406-20.
PUTEK, J.: (Opium alkaloids). Ceskoslovenské farmacie, 1952, 1, pp. 256-65.
SAPARA, V.: Chromatografické Deleni alkaloidů opia (Chromatographic isolation of opium alkaloids). Casopis Ceského Lekárnictva, 1950, 63, 9-12, pp. 293-297.
SARGENT, L. J.; SMALL, L. F.: The alkaloids. Annual Review of Biochemistry, 1952, 21, pp. 493-520.
TOMIO TAKAHASHI: Influence of opium alkaloids on the shooting and flowering of plants. Folia Pharmacologica Japonica, 1951, 47:2, pp. 99-100.
TOMKO, J.; WAGENHOFER, A.: Snahy o zvýsenie obsahu alkaloidov v makoviciack (The increase of alkaloid content in poppies). Chemicke Zvesti, 1951, 5, pp. 393-401.
UNITED NATIONS SECRETARIAT: The story of 'Porphyroxine-meconidine'. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1952, 4:1, pp. 15-25.
WEGNER, E.: Die Morphinverteilung in der Mohnpflanze und ihre Veränderungen im Laufe der Vegetationsperiode als Beitrag zur Physiologie dieses Alkaloides (Morphine distribution in the poppy, and variations during the vegetative period. Physiology of morphine). Pharmazie, 1951, 6:8, pp. 420-6.
ADLER, T.K.; SHAW, F. H.:The biological liberation of morphine from codeine in the rat. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1952, 104, pp. 1-10.
AKAD, Sermet: The effects on the cat of addictive morphine derivatives and synthetic drugs. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1952, 4: 1, pp. 10-14.
ANONYMOUS: Absolute stereochemical configuration of morphine. Nature, 1952, 169:4305, pp. 755-6.
----: Why use morphine? North Carolina Medical Journal, 1952, 13:12, p. 681.
----: Asthma bronchiale, spesielt status asthmaticus og morfin (Bronchial asthma, with special reference to status asthmaticus and morphine). Tidsskrift for den Norske Laegeforening, 1952, 72:5, p. 136.
ARNOLD, W.: Die Ueberwachung von Rauschgiftsüchtigen durch den Morphin-nachweis im Urin (Control of drug addicts by morphine determination in urine), Deutsche Gesundheitswesen, 1952, 7:30, pp. 946-50.
AWE, W.; REINECKE, I.: Zur Kenntnis der Morphinbestimmung nach Mannich; über die Bildungsgeschwindigkeit des Morphin-dinitrophenyl-ethers aus Morphinhydrochlorid und 1-Fluor-2, 4-dinitrobenzol im Vergleich mit der Verroendung der anderen 1-Halogen 2, 4-dinitrobenzole (Morphine determination according to the Mannich method, speed of formation of the dinitrophenylether of morphine from morphine hy- drochloride and 1-fluor-2, 4-dinitrobenzene compared with other 1-halogen-2, 4-dinitrobenzenes). Arzneimittel-Forschung, 1951, 1:9, pp. 417-8.
BAGGESGAARD-RASMUSSEN, M. H.: Recherches sur la morphine. Annales pharmaceutiques françaises, 1952, 10, pp. 693-708.
BALAK, F.; JINDRA, A.: Fotometrické stanovení morfinu za uziti diazoniov??ch sole (Photometric determination of morphine using diazo salts), Casopis Ceského Lekánictva, 1950, 63:9, pp. 125-136.
BENNETT, I. L.; BURGESS, R. O.: The acute morphine poisoning with manifestations of pancreatitis. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 1952, 148, pp. 938-9.
BENTLEY, K. W.; WAIN, A. E.: Morphine-thebaine group of alkaloids. I. The isomerism of the thebainones. Journal of the Chemical Society, 1952, pp. 967-71; II. Reduction of certain quaternary salts. Ibid. pp. 972-6.
BICK, I. R. C.: Absolute stereochemical configuration of morphine. Nature, 1952, 169, pp. 755-6.
* BLAZEK, A.; KALVODA, R.: (Oxidimetric determination of morphine). Casopis Ceského Lekárnictva, 1950, 62, pp. 69-73.
BÖHME, H.; STROHECKER, R.: über das Verhalten von Alkaloidsalz-Lösungen an Aluminium-oxyd-Säulen. III. Morphin-hydrochlorid (Behaviour of alkaloid salt solutions on aluminum oxide columns). Archiv der Pharmazie und Berichte der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, 1952, 22:9, pp. 422-432.
BRODIE, D. C.; WAY, E. L.; LOWENHAUPT, E.: Studies on 9-aminoacridine antagonism of morphine and related drugs. Archives internationales de pharmacodynamie et de thérapie, 1952, 89:1, pp. 1-9.
BUNZABURO NUKI; WATARU KAIDA; HIDEO NOZUHARA: Significance of spinal cord for the action of caffeine, cocaine, morphine, etc., on blood pressure. Folia Pharmacologica Japonica, 1951, 42:2, pp. 66-7.
BURCKHALTER, J. H.; JOHNSON, S. H. Jr.: Open-chain amino ketones related to morphine. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1951, 73, pp. 4832-4.
CHEYMOL, J.; GIUDICELLI, R.; CHABRIER, P.; KRISTENSSON, K.: Sur de nouveaux ethers-oxydes aminoacoyl?s de la morphine. Thérapie, 1952, 7:1, pp. 21-6.
DANN, O.; WIPPERN, F.: Verkürzte Morphinbestimmung nach Mannich (Rapid determination of morphine by a modified Mannich method). Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung, 1951, 91:49, p. 905.
DAVID, N. A.; SEMLER, H. J.: L-isomethadone and morphine analgesia potentiation by dihydrogenated ergot alkaloids in the rat. Federation Proceedings, 1952, 11, p. 335.
ENDERS, A.; SCHMIDT, L.: Die Atmungsstörungen durch Morphin und ihre Abhängigkeit von der gleichzeitigen Narkose (Respiratory disturbances caused by morphine; effects of simultaneous anesthesia). Arzneimittel-Forschung, 1952, 2:4, pp. 155-8.
EVANS, A. G. J.; NASMYTH, P. A.; STEWART, H. C.: The fall of blood pressure caused by intravenous morphine in the rat and the cat. British Journal of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy, 1952, 7:4, pp. 542-52.
FINK, L. D.; AKIYAMA, J.: Response of the excised guinea pig tracheal muscle to morphine and meperidine. Archives internationales de pharmacodynamie et de thérapie, 1952, 91:3/4, pp. 322-9.
FRASER, H. F.; ISBELL, H.: Actions and addiction liabilities of alphaacetylmethadols in man. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1952, 105, pp. 458-465: Comparative effects of 20 mgm of morphine sulfate on non-addicts and former morphine addicts. Ibid., pp. 498-502.
FROMHERZ, K,; PELLMONT, B.: Morphinantagonisten (Morphine antagonists). Experientia: Monatschrift für das gesamte Gebiet der Naturwissenschaft, 1952, 8:10, pp. 394-395.
* GLAZMANN, S.: (The effect of morphine on the sensitivity of skeletal muscle of the frog to acetylcholine and potassium). Archivos del Instituto de Farmacologia Experimental (Madrid), 1949, 1, pp. 151-4.
*GRUENER, O.: (A combined morphine detection method for determination of small amounts of morphine in urine). Fühner- Wieland's Sammlung Vergiftungsfallen, 1952, 14, pp. 110-16.
HAJIME FUJIMURA; KEN'ICHI NAKAJIMA: The potentiating effects of various drugs upon the action of hypnotics and analgesics. I, II. The effects upon the evipan action. The effects upon the morphine action. Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, 1951, 25, pp. 36-49.
HANDLEY, C. A.; MOYER, J. H.: The mechanism of the renal effects of morphine. Archives internationales de pharmacodynamie et de thérapie, 1952, 90:2-3, pp. 185-92.
HERR, F.; VENULET, J: Studies on the mode of analgesic action of morphine and morphine derivatives. Acta Physiologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 1952, 3, pp. 199-208.
HILL, H. E.; KORNETSKY, C. H.; FLANARY, H. G.; WIKLER, A.: Effects of anxiety and morphine on discrimination of intensities of painful stimuli. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 1952, 31:5, pp. 473-80.
HOLMES, H. L.: Morphine alkaloids, I. The Alkaloids, 1952, II, pp. 2-159.
HOLMES H. L. and STORK, G.: Morphine alkaloids, II. The Alkaloids, 1952, II, pp. 161-217.
HUGGINS, R. A.; SEIBERT, R. A.; BRYAN, A. R.: A comparison of effects of morphine and barbital on volume distribution of potassium. American Journal of Physiology, 1952, 168, pp. 33-6.
IRWIN, S.; SHIDEMAN, F. E.: In vivo and in vitro effects of morphine on brain thiobarbituric acid (TBA) values, Federation Proceedings, 1952, 11, p. 359.
JINDRA, A.; KALVODA, R.; ZYKA, J.: Polarometrische Bestimmung einiger pharmazeutisch wichtiger Stoffe mit P-diazobenzensulfonsäure (Polarographic determination of some pharmaceutically important substances with P-diazobenzenesulfonic acid). Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1950, 15, pp. 797-806; Casopis Ceského Lekárnictva, 1950, 63, pp. 106-110.
KELLY, P. A.: Methods for prolonging the analgesic action of morphine. Australasian Journal of Pharmacy, 1951, 52/816, pp. 819-20.
KEWITZ, H.; REMMER, H.; ENGELHARDT, H.: Die Wirkung von Morphin, Dolantin und Polamidon auf den Dünndarm des Menschen (Effect of morphine, dolantin and polamidone on human small intestine). Klinische Wochenschrift, 1951, 29, pp. 570-571.
KIKUA, ASAHINA: Colorimetric determination of morphine. Annual Report Takeda Research Laboratory, 1951, 10, pp. 69-73.
KOCH, H.; HANNIG, E.: Ein Vorschlag für die 7. Ausgabe des DAB hinsichtlich der Morphiumbestimmung in Opium und seinen offizinellen Zubereitungen sowie in Mohnkopfpräparaten (Proposal for the D.A.B. VII, concerning the determination of morphine in opium and opium preparations and in poppyseed capsules). Pharmazeutische Zeitung Nachrichten, 1952, 88, pp. 70-3.
KYO, S.: The influence of morphine and phenobarbital on the blood content of acetone bodies in normal rabbits. Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, 1952, 1:2, pp. 79-86.
LEDRUT, J. H. T.: Morphine salicylates. U.S. 1951 (8 May), 2, pp. 551-682.
LIVSHITS, R. S.; BAINOVA, M. S.; BAZILEVSKAYA, G. I.; ROZANOVA. Y. M.; BARANOVA, Z. A.; PREOBRAZHENSKII, N. A.: Issledovanie v radu izokhinolinovykh soedinyonii. III. Sintez N-metil- 1- (3'4'-dimetoxibenzil) -5,6 - dimetoxi - 1,2,3,4 - tetrahidroizokhinolina (Isoquinoline compounds. III. Synthesis of N-methyl-l-(3,4-dimethoxybenzyl)-5,6-dimethoxy- 1,2,3,4-tetra-hydroisoquinoline). Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii, 1951, 21:7, pp. 1354-60.
LOESCHCKE, H. H.; WENDEL, H.: Die Wirkung von Morphin, yon Scopolamin und ihrer Kombinations auf die Lungenbelüftung beim Menschen (Effects of morphine, scopolamine and their combinations on the pulmonary oxygenation in man). Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie (Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's). 1952, 215:3-4, pp. 241-55.
----: Ueber den Einfluss von Morphin und Scopolamin auf die Erregung des Atemzentrums beim Menschen (Effects of morphine and scopolamine on the respiratory centre in man). Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie (Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's), 1952, 216:1-2, pp. 156-8.
LYNGAR, E.: Status asthmaticus og morfin; livstruende intoksikasjon etter terapevtiske dose (Asthmatic crisis and morphine; critical intoxication following therapeutic dose). Tidsskrift for den Norske Laegeforening, 1952, 72:5, p. 131.
MANSKE, R. H. F.; HOLMES, H. L. (editors): The Alkaloids: Chemistry and Physiology, Academic Press Inc., 1952, vol. II, 587 pages.
MARCH, C. H.; ELLIOTT, H. W.: Biological studies with radioactive morphine. Federation Proceedings, 1952, 11, p. 373.
MARRI, R.: Azioni secondarie della morfina ed antistaminici (Secondary effect of morphine and antihistaminics). Archivio italiano di scienze farmacologiche, 1952, 2:3, pp. 257-9.
MATSUMOTO, KAZUO: Pharmaceutical analysis by polarography. I. Investigation of optimal condition for morphine assay. Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, 1952, 72, 1393-6.
----: Pharmaceutical analysis by polarography. II. Assay of morphine in morphine preparations. Ibid. 1396-8.
----: III. Assay of morphine in opium preparations. Ibid. 1398-9.
McCALL, M. L.; TAYLOR, H. W.: The lethal effects of morphine sulfate on cerebral circulation and metabolism in normal and toxemic pregnant women. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1952, 64:5, pp. 1131-6.
MÜLLER, Prof. Knud O.: Dod fremkaldt med terapeutiske doser af morfin eller skopolamin hos alkohol pavirkede eller barbitursyre pavirkede personer. (Fatal therapeutic doses of morphine). Ugeskrift for Laeger, 1952, 114:50, pp. 1785-93.
MOORHOFF, C. F.: De colorimetrische morphinebepaling in papaverbolkaf (Colorimetric assay of morphine in poppy seed pods). Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 1952, 87:35-36, pp. 593-601.
ONUKTAV, T.: Radyolojik teshis bakimindan güçlük gösteren iki mide uleus'u vak'asi (Influence of morphine in the radiologic diagnosis of a case of peptic ulcer). Turk Tip Cemiyeti Mecmuasi, 1952, 18:4, pp. 186-90.
PANDOLFINI, A.; LODDI, L.: Sulla azione farmacologica della morfina sulle vie biliari extraepatiche; ricerche manometriche (Pharmacological effect of morphine on extrahepatic bile ducts; manometric study). Acta chirurgica Patavina, 1952, 8:1-2, pp. 57-67.
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WILLIAMS, D. M.: Críticas de las técnicas de valoración de la morfina en los diferentes preparados de opio oficinales (Criticism of the techniques for determining morphine in the various officinal opium preparations). Anales de la Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquimica; Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, 1950, 1, pp. 204-11.
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FINDLAY, S. P.; SMALL, L. F.: The acid-catalyzed conversion of codeinone to 8-hydroxy-dihydrocodeinone. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1951, 73, pp. 4001-4.
FRASER, H. F.; WIKLER, A.; EISENMAN, A. J.; ISBELL, H.: Use of N-allylnormorphine in treatment of methadone poisoning. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 1952, 148, pp. 1205-1207.
GASTIABURU REYES, E.: Valoración de la codeína en especialidades farmacéuticas por determinación del radical metoxilo (Determination of codeine in pharmaceutical specialties by metoxyl determination). Anales de la Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquimica, Universidad Nacional Mayor, San Marcos, Lima, 1950, 1, pp. 54-8.
HAZARD, R.; DELGA, J.: Action de la dihydro-oxycodéinone (eucodal oxycodone) sur la cholinestérase du sang et du cerveau chez le cobaye normal ou intoxiqué par le diisopropylfluorophosphonate (D.F.P.). Archives internationales de pharmacodynamie et de thérapie, 1952, 90:1, pp. 116-23.
MERCIER, F.; MARINACCE, P.: Action analgésique expérimentale comparée de l'éthylmorphine et de la dihydro-ethylmorphine. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences, 1952, 146:5-6, pp. 473-5.
PONTICACCIA, L.: Sull'uso di alcuni derivati della morfina nella pratica ospedaliera (Use of some derivatives of morphine in hospital practice). Giornale di clinica medica, 1952, 33:8, pp. 785-96.
RAPOPORT, H.; BONNER, R. M.: 7-Desoxymorphine. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1951, 73, p. 5485.
RAPOPORT, H.; LOVELL, C. H.; TOLBERT, B. Y.: The preparation of morphine-N-methyl-C14. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1951, 73, p. 5900.
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RUCH, E.: Dolviran, ein neues Analgeticum (Dolviran, a new analgetic). Medizinische Monatsschrift, 1952, 6, pp. 40-41.
SEAGERS, W. J.; NEUSS, J. D.; MADER, W. J.: The identification and determination of N-allylnormorphine hydrochloride. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association; scientific edition, 1952, 41:12, pp. 640-2.
* SUSZKO, J.; WIEWIOROWSKI, M.: (The so-called " α-isomerism" of codeine derivatives). Roczniki Chemji, 1951, 25, pp. 53-68.
UNITED NATIONS SECRETARIAT: Another drug is placed under international control. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1952, 4:3, pp. 20-21.
VIÑA. J.; ANTON, V.: Contribución at estudio del mecanismo de accion hipotensora de la dihidroxicodeinona (Contribution to the study of the mechanism of the hypotensive action of dihydroxycodeinone). Revista Española de Fisiologia, 1951, 7:3, pp. 203-7.
WIKLER, A.; CARTER, R. L.; FRASER,. H. F.; ISBELL, H.: Precipitation of 'abstinence syndromes' by single doses of N-allylnormorphine in addicts (motion picture). Federal Proceedings, 1952, 11, p. 402.
ZAUDER, H. L.: Antagonistic effect of N-allyl-normorphine on morphine-induced hyperglycemia. Federation Proceedings, 1952, 11, p. 405.
ALLES, G. A.; ELLIS, C. H.: A comparative study of the pharmacology of certain cryptopine alkaloids. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1952, 104, pp. 253-263.
BOEHME, H.; LAMPE, H.: Ueber das Verhalten von Alkaloidsalzlösungen an Aluminiumoxyds?ulen. II. Hydrochloride von Papaverin, Narkotin, Kodein und Atropin (Behaviour of alkaloid salts on aluminium oxide columns. II. The hydrochlorides of papaverine, narcotine, codeine and atropine). Archiv der Pharmazie, 1952, 285, pp. 175-187.
CASTILLO, E.; ESPLUGUES, J.: Sobre los efectos terapéuticos cardiovasculares de la papaverina (Therapeutic effects of papaverine in cardiovascular diseases). Medicina Española, 1952, 28:161, pp. 91-8.
DE JONGH, D. K., VAN PROOSDIJHARTZEMA, E. G.,: Studies on the action of papaverine and perparine on cardiac fibrillation. Acta Physiologica et Pharmacologica Neerlandica, 1952, 11:3, pp. 390-7.
DORNOW, A.; FRESE, A.: Ueber die Darstellung papaverinähnlicher Stoffe. II. (The description of substances similar to papaverine. II.) Archiv der Pharmazie und Berichte der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft 1952, 22: 10, pp. 463-71.
ELAD, D.; GINSBURG, D.: The synthesis of papaverine. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1952, 4:3, pp. 27-34.
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---- : Der Angriffspunkt der Atmung-sanregenden Wirkung des Papaverins (Attack point and effect of papaverine on the stimulation of respiration). Archives internationales de pharmacodynamie et de thérapie, 1952, 91:12, pp. 157-62.
GALAT, A.: Synthesis of papaverine and some related compounds. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1951, 73, pp. 3654-6.
HIROSHI SAKURAI; TSUNEMATSU, F.: Assay of eucodal in eucodal-hydro cotarnine injection with 2.4-dinitro-phenylhydrazine. Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, 1952, 72, pp. 1209-11.
JAYNE, H. W.; SCHEINBERG, P.; RICH, M.; BELLE, M. S.; BLACKBURN, I.: Effect of intravenous papaverine hydrochloride on the cerebral circulation. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 1952, 31, pp. 111-114.
LECOQ, R.: Sur le mode d'action de l'apomorphine dans le traitement des alcooliques chroniques. Comptes rendus (Académie des sciences), 1952, 234-5, pp. 60-62.
LESPAGNOL, A.: Succédanés synthétiques de l'opium. Actualités pharmacologiques, 1949, 1, pp. 145-61.
MASAO, F. J.: Synthesis of compounds related to papaverine: I. Synthesis of 1-(3,4-methylendioxybenzyl)- and 1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-3-methyl-6. 7-methylenedroxyisoquinoline. Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, 1945, 65:9/10A, p. 1; II. Synthesis of 1-styrylisoquinolines. Ibid. 2; III. Synthesis of 1-naphtyl- and 1-(1-naphtyl-methyl) isoquinolines. Ibid. 2; IV. Synthesis of 1-heterocyclic isoquinolines. Ibid. 2-3; V. Synthesis of water-soluble derivatives of papaverine. Ibid. 3.
MERCIER, F.; SESTIER, M. R.; RICHAUD, L.: Influence exercée par des dérivés de la papavérine sur le bronchospasme histaminique du cobaye. Comptes rendus des séances de la Société de biologie et de ses filiales, 1952, 146:17-18, pp. 1359-61.
ROLAND, P.: Notes sur l'application de la méthode potentiométrique au titrage de papavérine et d'acide phenylethyl-barbiturique dans certaines préparations complexes. Journal de pharmacie de Belgique, 1952, 7:3-4, pp. 86-92.
SCHMID, H.; KARRER, P.: Zur Kenntnis des β-Dihydro-thebains ( β-Dihydrothebaine). Helvetica Chimica Acta, 1951, 34, pp. 1948-53.
SCHMIDT, L.: Die Atmungswirkung des Papaverins und ihre Anhängigkeit von verschiedenen Narkosemitteln (Influence of different anaesthetics on respiratory effects of papaverine). Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmacologie (Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's), 1952, 216:1-2, pp. 178-9.
SECUNDO TOLEDO, I.: E1 prurito en dermatologia; su tratamiento con el clorhidrato de papaverina (Pruritus in dermatology; treatment with papaverine hydrochloride). Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 1952, 10:1-2, pp. 145-54.
* SEMONSKY, M.: (Reduction of the lactone ring in 1-C-narcotine.) Chemicke Listy, 195l, 45, pp. 392-4.
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STEINER, A.; CUMSILLE, E.; ESTERIO, H.: Efectos comparados de la acción de la kelina, aminofilina y papaverina sobre la presión arterial y circulación coronaria del perro (Comparative effects of khellin, aminophylline, and papaverine on arterial pressure and coronary circulation in dogs). Revista Médica de Chile, 1952, 80:8, pp. 467-72.
VASCELLARI, F.: Riconoscimento rapido della papaverina nelle pillole antispasmodiche (Rapid determination of papaverine in antispasmodic drugs). Bollettino chimico-farmaceutico, 1951, 90:12, pp. 480-1.
WlNDER, C. V.; THOMAS, R. W.: The effect of perfusion pressure on papaverine vasodilatation in rabbit hearts. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1952, 105/3, pp. 282-90.
BEJARANO, J.: Further considerations on the coca habit in Colombia. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1952, 4, No. 3, pp. 3-19.
LEON, L. A.: The disappearance of cocaism in Ecuador. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1952, 4:2, pp. 21-25.
MARTÍN CÁRDENAS: Psychological aspects of coca addiction. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1952, 4:2, pp. 6-9.
MONGE, M. C.: The need for studying the problem of coca-leaf chewing. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1952, 4:4, pp. 13-15.
PÉREZ ALCALÁ, R.: The coca question in Bolivia. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1952, 4:2, pp. 10-15.
SCHWAB, R. S.; DE LORME, T. L.; ZIMMERMAN, K.: Observations on the effects of chewing cocaine wax or coca leaves on muscular fatigue. Transactions of the American Neurological Association, 1952, 77th meeting, pp. 256-9.
SOLÍZ, S. A.: Limitation of the production of coca leaf in Bolivia. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1952, 4:2, pp. 16-17.
WOLFF, P. O.: General considerations on the problem of coca-leaf chewing. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1952, 4:2, pp. 2-5.
ZAPATA ORTIZ, V.: The problem of the chewing of the coca leaf in Peru. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1952, 4:2, pp. 26-33.
ARO, L.; TALA, P.: Kokaiinin ja pantokaiinin käytöstä hengitysteiden pinta-puudutuksessa (Cocaine and pantocaine in surface anesthesia of the respiratory tract). Duodecim, 1951, 67:11, pp. 962-967.
BUNZABURO NUKI; WATURU KAIDA; HIDEO NOZUHARA: Significance of spinal cord for the action of caffeine, cocaine, morphine, etc., on blood pressure. Folia pharmacologica japonica, 1951, 42:2, pp. 66-67.
CHARONNAT, R.; LECHAT, .P.: Inhibition de l'activité sur la con?e du lapin de divers anesthésiques locaux par les substances hydroxylées. Annales pharmaceutiques françaises, 1952, X:4, pp. 246-252.
- - - : Recherches sur le mécanisme de l'inhibition de l'anesthésie locale: l'action antagoniste de l'urée. Annales pharmaceutiques françaises, 1952, X:4, pp. 252-255.
DREBINGER, J.: Falicain, ein neues Anaestheticum der D.D.R. (A new anaesthetic). Deutsche Gesundheitswesen, 1951, 6:52, pp. 1505-7.
EGGERS, H.: Das Lokalanästhetikum Falicain; seine Anwendung in der Chirurgie. (Falicain, a local anaesthetic; its use in surgery). Deutsche Gesundheitswesen, 1951, 6, 1507-1510.
EYZAGUIRRE. C.: Efectos de la cocaína sobre la excitabilidad celular (Effects of cocaine on cellular excitability). Anales de la Facultad de Medicina (Lima), 1951, 34:4, pp. 629-650.
IRELAND, P. E.; FERGUSON, J. K. W.; STARK, E. J.: The clinical and experimental comparison of cocaine and pantocaine as topical anaesthetics in otolaryngological practice. Transactions of the American Otological Society Inc., 1951, 84th meeting, pp. 438-450.
KEN'ICHI MIKAMI: The fate of cocaine in the body. Folia pharmacologica japonica, 1951, 47:2, p. 51.
KLISSIUNIS, N.: (The role of zinc sulfate on the systemic action of cocaine). Praktika tes Akademies Athenon, 1950, 25, pp. 393-97.
MIYAKE, T.: On the mechanism of adrenaline-potentiating action of cocaine. Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, 1952, 1:2, pp. 91-113.
MONTESINOS, AMPUERO, F.: Curva. de absorción espectral de la cocaína (Absorption spectrum of cocaine). Revista de la Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima (Peru), 1951, 13:49/50, pp. 43-63.
POLICARPO, L.: Nuevo método para investigar cocaína en presencia de numerosos anestésicos sintéticos (New method for the detection of cocaine in the presence of numerous synthetic anesthetics). Revista de la Asociación Bioquímica Argentina, 1952, 17, 127-33.
QUEVAUVILLER,A.; PANOUSE-PERRIN, J.: Exaltation du pouvoir anesthésique local de la cocaíne par l'essence de niaouli purifiée. Anesthésie et analgésie, 1952, 9:3, pp. 421-6.
ROSENMUND, K. W.; ZYMALKOWSKI, F.: Reduktion von Ekgonin, Ekgonidin und einigen Chinolincarbonsäure mit Lithiumaluminium hy- drid (Reduction of ecgonine, ecgonicide and some quinoline carbolixic acids with lithium aluminium hydride). Chemische Berichte, 1952, 85:2, pp. 152-9.
RUBEN, H.; MORRIS, L. E.: Effect of cocaine on cardiac automaticity in the dog. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1952, 106:1, pp. 55-64.
RYAN, B. E.; WALSH, E. O'F Reversion of the effect of vitamin B 1 on yeast fermentation as a result of growth in the presence of cocaine. Nature, London, 1951, 167: 4253, p. 770.
- - - : Some effects of cocaine on the metabolism of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochemical Journal, 1952, 50:4, pp. 570-3.
STEIGER, K.; KUEHNI, E.: Weitere Untersuchungen von Localanaestheticis in 2%-iger wässeriger Lösung unter spezieller Berücksichtigung der Bildung von Mono- und Dipikraten (Further investigations of local anesthetics in 2 per cent aqueous solution with special consideration of the formation of mono- and dipicrates). Acta Pharmaceutica Internalionalia, 1951, 2, pp. 1-17.
YAMAMOTO, Iwao; KUROGOCHI, Yutaka: The influence of cocaine and nicotine on the tissue respiration of cocainized and nicotinized animals. Folia Pharmacologica Japonica, 1951, 47:2, Proc. 50-1.
* BLANCO JUSTE, J.: ("Grifa" from Morocco). Monitor de la Farmacia y de la Terapéutica (Madrid), 1952, 58, pp.199-202.
KATEMIR, IZZET: Esrarin ve Kenevorin yagli ekstre mahl?llerinin dayanikligi hakkinda deneyler (The durability of oily extracts of opium and hemp). Türk Igiyen ve Tecrübi Biyologi Dergisi
(Turkish Bulletin of Hygiene and Experimental Biology) 1951, 11:3, pp. 341-4.
KREJC?, Eden?k: Antibakteri?lni ?cinek Cannabis Indica (antibacterial action of Cannabis Indica). Lekarske Listy, 1952, 7:20, pp. 500-3.
PINTO, P. A.: Linguagem médica: monecia, liamba (Medical terminology: monoecious liamba. Brasil-Medico, 1951, 65:24-26, pp. 244-7.
PLICHET, A.: Le hachisch. Presse médicale, 1952, 60:71, pp. 1523-4.
PULEWKA, P.: Ueber die pharmakologische Prüfung von Rauschhanf und seinen Zubereitungen (Esrar, Haschisch, etc.) (Pharmacological assay of inebrient hemp and its preparations). Acta Medica Turcica, 1951, 3:1/2, pp. 94; Bulletin Fac. Med. Ankara, 1951, 5, pp. 93-108
FARMILO, C. G.; LEVI, L.; OESTREICHER, P. M. L.; ROSS, R. J.: Studies on the identification of narcotics; III, Microcrystal and colour tests for the new synthetic narcotics. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1952, 4: 4, pp. 16-42.
KIMURA, K. K.: KEITH, E. F.; FOSTER, R. H. K.: Further studies on hyperglycemia, produced by morphine-like analgesic agents. Federation Proceedings, 1952, 11, p. 363.
NATHAN, P. W.: Newer synthetic analgesic drugs. British Medical Journal, 1952,2:4790. pp. 903-8
RODRÍGUEZ, M. L.; BALESTIE, I.: Contribución al estudio químico fun- cional de analgésicos sintéticos de acción similar a la morfina (The functional study of synthetic analgesics exerting a morphine-like action) Anales de la Asociación de Química y Farmacia del Uruguay, 1951, 51:2, pp. 43-8.
SLAUGHTER, D.; NEFF, J.; MAY, M.: Human studies on synthetic analgesics: Transactions of the American Therapeutic Society, 1947, 48, pp. 155-9.
WILSON, W.; KYI, Zu-Yoong: Synthetic analgesics and related compounds. IV. Mannich bases from phenyl-substituted ketones. Journal of the Chemical Society 1952, 1321-6.
AKAD, S.: The effects on the cat of addictive morphine derivatives and synthetic drugs. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1952, 4:1, pp. 10-14.
ANONYMOUS: Pethidine and the liver. Medical World, 1952, 77:12, pp. 340-1.
APGAR, V.; BURNS, J. J.; BRODIE, B. B.; PAPPER, E. M.: The transmission of meperidine across the human placenta. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1952, 64:6, pp. 1368-70.
ARMAND, M. F.: Analgésie par le démérol à la Maternité de Chancerelles. Gazette médicale de France, 1952, 59:19, pp. 1115-8.
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BARCLAY, S.: Pethidine as an adjunct in local anaesthesia; a clinical note. New Zealand Medical Journal, 1952, 51:282, pp. 115-7.
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BUCHDAHL, M. R.; SOINE, T. O.: The synthesis of some substituted pyridine and piperidine compounds from dipicolinic acid. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, 1952, 41:5, pp. 225-229.
CHEN, J. Y. P.; BECKMAN, H.: Antispasmodic effects and toxicity of 1-ethyl-3-hydroxy-piperidine diphenylacetic ester hydrochloride (J.B.305) with special reference to its action on the sphincter of Oddi of the rat. Journal of Pharmacology and experimental Therapeutics, 1952, 104, pp. 169-76.
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* GROSS, F.; MEIER, R.: (A new synthetic analgesic with morphine-like activity, 4(m-hydroxyphenyl)-1-methyl-4-propionylpiperidine (cliradon). Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift, 1949, 79, pp. 1154-59.
HAMBURGER, W.: Beobachtungen über das Auftreten von Cliradonsucht (Observations on cliradon addiction). Münchener medizinische Wochenschrift, 1952, 94:18, pp. 939-40.
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* KÖNIG, R.; MAGYAR, K.: (New analgesic compounds with morphine-like effects). Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat, 1950, 56, pp. 77-81.
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LIEF, P. A.: BURNS, J. J.; PAPPER, E. M.; BERGER, B. L.; WOLLACK, A.; BRODIE, B. B.: Physiological disposition of meperidine (Demerol) in man. Federation Proceedings, 1952, l l, p. 369.
LIESSE, M. H.: Chirurgische Erfahsrungen mit dem neuen synthetischen Analgetikum Cliradon (Surgical use of the new synthetic analgesic Cliradon) Münchener medizinische Wochenschrift, 1951, 93:11, pp. 604-606.
MARIANI MARELLI, O.: Alterazione delle soluzioni di dolantina per azione del calore (Alterations of dolantin due to heat). Rendiconti Istituto superiore di sanité (Rome), 1951, 14, pp. 282-6.
MÜHLAU, M.: Ist die Forderung berechtigt, die neuen stark wirkenden synthetischen Analgetica, insbesondere Polamidon, Cliradon, Dromoran. dem Opiumgesetz zu unterstellen? (On the inclusion of the new powerful analgesics, especially polamidon, cliradon and dromoran among those drugs, subject to the opium law). ärztliche Wochenschrift, 1952, 7:11, spp. 257-60.
* OPFER-SCHAUM, R.: (Microchemical identification of Dolantin). Oesterreichische Apotheker Zeitung, 1952, 6, p. 543.
PEREGALLI, P. F.: Ricerche cliniche su un nuovo preparato analgesico di sintesi (prep. 7115-cliradon Ciba) (Clinical research on a new synthetic analgesic preparation (Prep. -7115 cliradon Ciba)). Minerva Chirurgica, 1952, 7:7, pp. 248-50.
- - - : Ricerche sull'azione prenarcotica di un nuovo preparato analgesico di sintesi (prep. 7115 cliradon Ciba) (Studies on prenarcotic action of a new analgesic (preparation 7115 cliradon Ciba). Acta anaesthesiologica, 1952, 3:1, pp. 47-51.
PLOTNIKOFF, N. P.; ELLIOTT, H. W.; WAY, E. L.: The metabolism of N-C 14H 3 labelled meperidine. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1952, 104:4, pp. 377-86.
RANDALL, H. S.; BELTON, M. K.; LEIGH, M. D.: Continuous infusion of demerol during anaesthesia. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1952, 67:4, pp. 311-3.
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SANFILIPPO, G.: Ricerche farmacologiche sul dolantin. I. L'azione del dolantin nel cane giovanissimo (Pharmacological research on dolantin. (I. Action of dolantin in very young dogs). Bolettino della Societê italiana di biologia sperimentale, 1952, 28:2, pp. 214-6.
- : Ricerche farmacologiche sul dolantin. II. L'assuefazione e i fenomeni di astinenza da dolantin nel cane giovanissimo (Pharmacological research on dolantin. II. Habituation and the phenomenon of abstinence from dolantin in very young dogs). Bollettino della Societê italiana di biologia sperimentale, 1952, 28:2, pp. 216-7.
- : Senescenza e farmaci. V. L'andamento della glicemia dopo iniezione di dolantin nel cane; influenza della dose e della eté (Senescence and drugs. V. Increase of glycemia after injection of dolantin in dogs; influence of dosage and age). Bollettino della Societê italiana di biologia sperimentale, 1952, 28:2, pp. 210-2.
- : Senescenza e farmaci. VI. L'azione del dolantin, l'assuefazione e questa sostanza e i fenomeni di astinenza nel cane vecchio (Senescence and drugs. VI. Action of dolantin, habituation to this substance and the phenomenon of abstinence in old dogs). Bolletino della Societê italiana di biologia sperimentale 1952, 28:2, pp. 212-4.
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* VOTAVA, Z.; HORÁKOVA, Z.: (Comparison of the analgesic effect of morphine, methadone and demerol). Ceskoslovenké farmacie, 1952, 1, pp. 338-347.
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BEECHER, H. K.; KEATS, A. S.: Analgesic activity and toxic effects of acetylmethadol isomers in man. Federation Proceedings, 1952, 11, p. 321.
BREINLICH: Zum mikrochemischen Nachweis einiger Analgetica, insbesondere von Polamidon und Ticarda (Höchst), Cliradon (Ciba), und Dromoran (Roche), (Microchemical determination of certain analgesics, particularly polamidon, ticarda, cliradon and dromoran). Pharmazie, 1952, 7:10, pp. 694-5.
DAVIS, M. E.; ANDROS, G. J.; KING, A. G.: Use of methadone-scopolamine in obstetric analgesia. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 1952, 148, pp. 1193-1198.
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FRASER, H. F.; ISBELL, H.: Actions and addiction liabilities of -acetyl-methadol in man. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1952, 105, pp. 458-65.
FRASER, H. F.; WIKLER, A.; EISEMAN, A. J.; ISBELL, H.: N-allylnor-morphine in treatment of methadone poisoning in man: report of two cases. Federation Proceedings, 1952, 11, p. 346.
GAEDEKE, R.: Die derzeitige Beurteilung des zentralen Analgeticum Polamidon. (Present knowledge of the central analgetic polamidon). Medizinische Monaisschrift, 1952, 6, pp. 214-218.
KEATS, A. S.; BEECHER, H. K.: Analgesic potency side-action liability in man of heptazone 1-3-dimethylamidon 1, 1-diphenylbutyl ethyl sultone hydrochloride (WIN 1161-2), 6-methyldihydromorphine. Metopon l-isomethadone and pentobarbital sodium as a further effort to refine methods of evaluation of analgesic drugs. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1952, 105, pp. 109-29.
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MÜLLER-LIMMROTH, H. W.; MASSMANN, H.: Der Einfluss des Polamidons auf das Elektrencephalogramm des Menschen (Effects of polamidone on the EEG of man). Klinische Wochenschrift, 1952, 30:39/40, pp. 943-4.
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SCHAUMANN, O.; LINDNER, E.: Neue synthetische Verbindungen der "Polamidonreihe" mit parasympathicolystischer Wirkung (Synthetic compounds of the polamidone series in the parasympatholytic action). Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1951, 214, pp. 93-102.
SUNG, CHEN-Y? WAY, E. LEONG: Effect of the liver on the biotransformation of D- and L-methadone. Federation Proceedings, 1952, 11, 394.
VOGEL, G.: Beitrag zum Nachweis des Dolantins, Polamidons und Pervitins (The identification of dolantin, polamidon and pervitine). Deutsche Zeilschrift für die gesamte gerichtliche Medizin, 1952, 41: 4/5, pp. 420-3.
*VOTAVA, Z.; HORÁKOVA, Z.: (Comparison of the analgesic effect of morphine, methadone, and demerol) Ceskoslovenké farmacie, 1952, 1, pp. 338-47.
WAY, E. LEONG; SUNG, CHEN-Yii: Tissue distribution and excretion of D- and of L-methadone. Federation Proceedings, 1952, 11, p. 401.
BARLTROP, J. A.; NICHOLSON, J. S.: Syntheses in the morphine series. II. Substituted hexahydro biphenils and related topics. Journal of the Chemical Society, 1951, pp. 2524-9.
BARLTROP, J. A.; SAXTON, J. E.: Syntheses in the morphine series. III. Further experiments with β-tetratone. Journal of the Chemical Society, 1952, pp. 1038-41.
BECKER, J.; BUNDSCHUH, O.: Klinischer Bericht über Dromoran "Roche"; (Analgeticum Ro 1-5431) (Clinical report on Dromoran Roche; analgetic compound Ro 1-5431). Medizinische Klinik, 1952, 47:16, pp. 546-8.
BENSON, W. M.; STEFKO, P. L.; RANDALL, L. O.: Comparative pharmacology of D-DL-, and L- Dromoran and related ether derivatives. Federation Proceedings, 1952, 11, p. 322.
BREINLICH: Zum mikrochemischen Nachweis einiger Analgetica, insbesondere von Polamidon und Ticarda (Höchst), Cliradon (Ciba) und Dromoran (Roche) (Microchemical determination of certain analgesics particularly polamidon, ticarda, cliradon and dromoran). Pharmazie, 1952, 7:10, pp. 694-695.
BROWN, A. K.: L-methorphinan as a supplement to nitrous oxide and oxygen anaesthesia. British Medical Journal, 1952, 2:4798, pp. 1331-3.
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GREWE, R.; POHLMANN, H.; SCHNOOR, M.: Ein neuer Weg zum Morphinan (A new synthesis of morphinan. Chemische Berichte, 1951, 84: 5/6, pp. 527-31.
GLAZEBROOK, A. J.: Actions and uses of methorphinan. British Medical Journal. 1952, 2:4798, pp. 1328-30.
HARNASCH, H.: Zur Frage der Schmerzbekämpfung bei Krebskranken mit Dromoran "Roche" (Dromoran analgesia in cancer). Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 1952, 94:4, pp. 164-8.
KOELSCH, C. F.: Use of 2-phenylcyclohexenone in experiments on the synthesis of morphine. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1951, 73, pp. 2951-2.
NEWMAN, M. S.; MOSBY, W. L.: Attempted synthesis of a morphine degradation product. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1951, 73, pp. 3738-40.
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SLOMKA, M. B.; GROSS, E. G.: An evaluation of the analgesic activity of the dromoran isomers. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1952, 81:1, pp. 548-50.
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STORK, G.; CONROY, H.: Elaboration of the -1- substituted 7, 8- dimethoxy- 2-tetralones toward the 13-alkyl hydrophenanthrene system of morphine. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1951, 73, pp. 4748-51.
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WEISS, U.: Note on the total synthesis of morphine. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1952, 4:2, pp. 34-35.
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