A, 2. Analysis of Opium, its Preparations, and Determination of its Origin
B. Morphine A
C. Other Phenanthrene Alkaloids and Derivatives (Under the Conventions) A
D. Other Drugs and Substances Derived from the Opium Poppy A
52 J
Part V SYNTHETIC DRUGS A. General Works A
54 B. Pethidine and Related Compounds A
C. Methadone and Related Compounds A
56 D. Morphinan and Morphine Synthesis C
57 E. Other Synthetic Drugs A
Pages: 47 to 59
Creation Date: 1951/01/01
The following bibliography has been prepared by the Secretariat and includes scientific publications on narcotic drugs which appeared during 1950, as well as a few which appeared in 1949 but could not, for technical reasons be included in our list for that year, published in the Bulletin on Narcotics, vol. II, no. 3.
This bibliography has no claim to be complete, and information regarding books or articles not included in it would be gratefully received by the Division of Narcotic Drugs, Department of Social Affairs, United Nations Secretariat.
The bibliography has been arranged by subject in the following fashion:
Part I. General and reference works;
Part II. Opium poppy, opium and drugs manufactured therefrom:
A. (1) Opium poppy, opium and prepared opium;
Analysis of opium, its preparations and the determination of its origin;
B. Morphine;
C. Other phenanthrene alkaloids and derivatives (under the Conventions);
D. Other drugs and substances derived from the opium poppy;
Part III. The coca leaf and drugs manufactured therefrom;
Part IV. Cannabis and its derivatives;
Part V. The synthetic drugs:
A. General works;
B. Pethidine and related compounds;
C. Methadone and related compounds;
D. Morphinan and morphine synthesis;
E. Other synthetic analgesics;
Part VI. Addiction to narcotic drugs.
Under each heading, publications are arranged alphabetically by author. Due to the nature of the sources available to the Secretariat for preparing this bibliography, several of the titles are given in translation only. They are preceded by an asterisk.
BIETER, R. N.: Drugs used for the control of pain. Cincinnati Journal of Medicine, 1950, 31, 1-8.
BOIT, H.G.: Fortschritte der Alkaloid chemie seit 1933 (Progress of the chemistry of alkaloids since 1933). Akademie-Verlag. Berlin, 1950, 425 p.
BONNYCASTLE, D. D.; LEONARD, C. S.: An estimation of the activity of analgetic materials. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1950 ,100(2): 141-145.
BUCHEL, L.; LEVY, J.: Action analgésique; caractérisation; détermination quantitative. Anesthésie, 1949, 6, 257-74.
BUCHEL, L.; McILWAIN, H.: Narcotics and the phosphates of brain. Nature, 1950,/166:4215, 269-270.
CHATTERJEE, R.: The formation of alkaloids in plants. Science and Culture, 1950,/16, 58-60.
CHEN, K. K.: Physiological and pharmacological background, including methods of evaluation, of analgesic agents. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, Scientific Edition, 1949, 38 (1): 51-55.
CLEMMESEN, C.: Centraliseret behandling af narkotiske forgiftninger i storkøvenhavn (Centralized handling of narcotics in greater Copenhagen). Ugeskrift for laeger, 1949, 111, 1085.
DELAY, J.; GERARD, H. P.: Les illusions de la mescaline. Encéphale, 1950, 39:1, 55-63.
DYER, I.: The present status of analgesia and anesthesia in obstetrics. New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal, 1949, 102, 303-12.
EDDY, N. B.: The relation of chemical structure to analgesic action. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, Scientific Edition, 1950, 39:5, 245-251.
EDITORS: Règles relatives à l'utilisation du carnet à souches pour prescription de stupéfiants. Semaine médicale (suppl. à la Semaine des Hopitaux), 1950, 26:31, p. 303.
EDITORS: Zakon o opojnim drogama (Law on narcotic substances). Farmaceutski Glasnik, 1950, 5, 3, 59-61.
FLUCK, H.: Unsere Heilpflanzen. (Our medicinal plants). 2nd ed. Thun. Otto-Verlag., 1950, 160 p.
GOODSON, L. H.; MOFFETT, R. B.: Analgesics. III. Hydrochlorides of phenyl-alkylamines. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1949, 71, 3219-21.
GRUBER, Charles M., Jr.; GRUBER, Charles M.; LEE, Kwang Soo: Effect of certain analgesics upon intestine and uterine smooth muscle. Federation Proceedings, 1950, 9, 279.
HAMERSLAG, F. E.: The Technology and Chemistry of Alkaloids. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1950, 327 p.
HARGER, R. N.; FORNEY, R. B.: An improved method for isolating alkaloids from body tissues. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1950, 12, 98(1).
HERAUD, A.: Dictionnaire des plantes médicinales. 7e édition, Paris. J. B. Baillière et Fils, 1949, 657 p.
HEWER, C. L.: Analgesia in childbirth. British Medical Journal, 1949, 2, 1521-3.
ISSEKUTZ, B., Jr.; LICHTNECKERT, I.; HETENYI, G., Jr.: Effect of narcotics on cell respiration. Archives Internation-ales de pharmacodynamie et de thérapie, 1950, 83, 33-48.
JINDRA, A.; POHORSKY, J.: Determination of alkaloids by exchange of ions. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1950, 2, 361-3.
KUHN, R. A.; BROMILEY, R. B.: Human pain thresholds determined by the radiant heat technique and the effect upon them of acetylsalicylic acid, morphine sulfate, and sodium phenobarbital. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1951, 101, 47-55.
LESPAGNOL, A.; MERCIER, F.; BERTRAND, J.; MERCIER, J.: Recherches dans la série des analgésiques. Annales pharmaceutiques françaises, 1950, 8:4, 241-261.
LEVI, A.: Sul sinergismo d'azione pa narcotici e mianesina (Synergism between narcotics and myanesin). Giornale Italiano di Anestesiologia , 1949, 15, 79-84.
LUCAS, G. H. W.: Crystal tests as a means of identifying alkaloids. Canadian Journal of Research, 1950, 28B, 37-42.
McNEALY, R. W.: A new analgesic combination for routine use in control of pain. Illinois Medical Journal, 1950, 97, 150.
MANSKE, R. H. F.; HOLMES, H. L.: The Alkaloids, Vol. 1, Chemistry and Physiology. New York: Academic Press, 1949, 525.
MEILLET, H.: Les prescriptions de stupéfiants. Concours médical, 1950. 72:33, 2513-2515.
MARY CARL, Sister: Narcotics in vials. Hospital Progress, 1950, 31:12, 356-7.
MOE, G. K.; SHIDEMAN, F. E.: Pharmacology. Annual Review of Physiology, 1949, 11: 565-586.
MOLDENSKE, Harold N.: (New York Botanical Garden, N.Y.C.) Poisonous plants of the world, 21 p., published by the Author: New York, 1948.
MOTHES, K.: Das Alkaloid problem (The alkaloid problem). Süddeutsche Apotheker-Zeitung, 1950, 90, 387-91.
MUNIER, R.; MACHEBOEUF, M.: Microchromatographie de partage des alkaloides et de diverses bases azotées biologiques. Bulletin de la société de chimie biologique, 1949, I, 1144-62.
MUNIER, R.; MACHEBOEUF, M.: Microchromatographie de partage des alcaloides et de diverses bases azotées biologiques. II. Utilisation de phases solvantes acides. Considérations sur l'importance chromatographique de la constante de dissociation des alcaloides. Bulletin de la société de chimie biologique, 1950, 32, 192-212.
MUNIER, Roger; MACHEBOEUF, Michel: Separation of nitrogen-containingbases through microchromatography in acid media. Compte Rendus de la Société de Biologie, 1950, 1177-9.
NAIM KENT, F. H.; MATEU AMEN-GUAL, B.: Identificación y separación de pequeñísimas cantidades de alcaloides por microcromatografía sobre papel (Identifi-cation and separation of minute quantities of alkaloids by microchromatography on paper). Archives de farmacia y bioquímia de Tucumán, 1950, 4, 333-43.
ORDRE DES PHARMACIENS: Substances vénéneuses. Paris, 1949, 84 p.
PAPPER, E. M.: An appraisal of some analgesic agents and methods. Pennsylvania Medical Journal, 1950, 53:8, 801-6.
PAPPER, E. M.; ROVENSTINE, E. A.: Newer analgesic methods and agents of value in the control of pain. New York State Journal of Medicine, 1950, 50, 281-5.
THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 14th edition. Easton, Pennsylvania: Mack Printing Co., 1950, 1067 p.
POSTEMAK, J.; MANGOLD, R.: Action des narcotiques sur la conduction par les fibres nerveuses et leur potentiel de membrane. Helvetica physiologica et pharmacologica acta, 1949, 7, C55.
POUCHET CAMPOS, M. A.; ZEITUNI, J.: Microcrystalline alkaloid crystals with Mayer's reagent. Anais faculdade de farmacia e odontologia, 1949, Univ. Sao Paulo 7, 197-207.
RASKOVA, H. O.: Distribuci leciv (Distribution of drugs). Casopis Ceského Lékárnictva, 1950, 63:16, 182-7.
RAWLINGS, E. E.: Low spinal analgesia in operative obstetrics; a further series of 511 cases. British Medical Journal, 1950, 1, 412-4.
SCHNEITER, P.: Limitation de la fabrication et de la distribution des produits stupéfiants. Semaine médicale (suppl. à la Semaine des Hopitaux), 1950, 26:39, 563-564.
SZONTAGH, F. E.: Effect of narcotics and hypnotics on respiration volume and frequency. Hungarica Acta Physiologica, 1949, 2, 1-17.
THORNE, T. C.: Caudal analgesia. British Medical Journal, 1950, 1, 414-6.
VAILLE, Ch.; STERN, G.: Contribution à l'étude des toxicomanies. I. Contrôle du trafic licite des stupéfiants. Annales pharmaceutiques francaises, 1950, 8:7-8, 79-82.
VAILLE, Ch.; STERN, G.: La réglementation des substances vénéneuses.- Les toxicomanies. Paris, éditions du Creuset, 1949, 198 p.
VERWEY, A., Drogues narcotiques modernes. Chemische Weekblad, 1949, 45, 565-6.
VOLCKRINGER, J.: L'unification des pharmacopées. Presse médicale, 1949, 57, 881
VYHLASKA, C.: 457 ministerstva zdravotnictvi o priprave a vydeji leciv lekari a veterinari (Legislation of the Ministry of Health on preparation and issue of drugs to physicians and veterinarians). Casopis Ceského Lékárnictva, 1950, 63:15, 176.
WAKSMAN, S. A.; FENNER, F. ( et al): Drugs of natural origin. Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 1949, 52, 750-87.
WINDER, C. V.: (Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit, Mich.) Some examples of the use of statistics in pharmacology. I. An experiment in analgesimetry. II. A quantal concept of graded effect. III Chemorphological factorial design. Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 1950, 52(6): 838-861.
WOELKE, H.: Die Arzneidrogen (Medicinal drugs). Stuttgart: Wissenschaft. Verlag, 1950, 119 p.
ZAUDER, H. L.: Effect of certain analgesic drugs and adrenal cortical hormones on the brain of normal and hypophysectomized rats as measured by the thiobarbituric acid reagent. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1951, 101, 40-6.
BAGGE, H.: Kulturfors ?g Med Opiat-Valmue 1941-1946 (Experiments on the culture of opium poppy in the years 1941-1946). Tidsskrift for Planteavl, 1948, 51(4) : 587-615.
BECKER, W. R., INDEMANS, A. W. M.: Het gehalte aan morphine en bijalkaloiden in het bolkaf van blauwmaanzaadrassen. (The content in morphine and minor alkaloids of the ashes of the blue poppy seeds). Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 1949, 84, 669-75.
BENCZE, B.; FUSCHL, M.; NAGY, E. C.: Poppy ripening processes. Magyar Kémikusok ′lapja, 1949, 4, 711-13.
BERGER, H.: Die Rohopiumernte 1949 im Lande Sachsen-Anhalt (Raw opium harvested during 1949 in Sachsen-Anhalt). Pharmazie, 1950, 5:5, 239-241.
FULTON, Charles C.: Photomicrographs of opium crystals. United Nations Economic and Social Council document E/CN.7/117, 1948, part IIC, 32-47.
GERICKE, S.: Wirkung verschiedener Wachstumsfaktoren auf Ertrag und Oelgehalt vom Mohn (Action of several aspects of growth on the development and oil content of the opium poppy). Zeitschrift für Bodenkunde, und Pflanzenernährung Düng -und Bodenkunde, 1948, 40(1): 19-35.
HILLS, K. L.: RODWELL, C. N.: The recombination of some varietal characters in the opium poppy. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 1950, 1, 118-31.
NEHRING, K.: Aussaatzeit und N-Düngungsversuche zum Mohn (Sowing time and N-manuring experiments with poppy). Zeitschrift für Bodenkunde und Pflanzenernährung, Düng.- und Bodenkunde, 1948, 42(1) : 31-39.
PLICHET, A.: La production de l'opium dans le monde. Presse médicale, 1950, 58:33, 598-599.
UNITED NATIONS SECRETARIAT: Opium throughout the World. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1949, 1:1, 6-13, 26-38.
UNITED NATIONS SECRETARIAT : The Suppression of Poppy Cultivation in the United States. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1950, II, No. 3, 9-21.
AWE, W.; DEMELIUS, F.: Simplified preparations of tinctura opii simplex D. A.- B.6 and of opium Pharm. Helv. V. Apotheker Deutsche-Zeitung, 1949, 61, 81-2.
BAERHEIM SVENDSEN, Anders: Om kolorimetrisk bestemmelse av morfin i opium (The colorimetric determination of morphine in opium). Dansk Tidsskrift for Farmaci, 1948, 22(6) : 131-160.
BANDELIN, F. J.: The colorimetric determination of various alkaloids. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, 1950, 39, 493-5.
DEMELIUS, F.: Comparative assays of opium and opium preparations according to the D. A.-B.6 and Mannich's method. Pharmazeutische Zeitung, 1950, 86, 50.I.
DREVON, B.; LAFITTE, G.: A proposda dosage de la morphine dans l'opium et ses préparations Annales pharmaceutiques francaises, 1950, 8, 397-401.
FOLCH JOU, G.: Los laudanos; formulas magistrales centenarias (Laudanum; centenary magistral formulas). Galénica Acta, 1949, 2:2, 49-72.
FULTON, Charles C.: On determining the origin of opium. United ..Nations Economic and Social Council document E/CN.7/117, 1948, part II A, 3-16.
FULTON, Charles C.: Methods of determining the origin of opium by chemical and physical means-Examinations of opium for distinguishing characteristics-Some tentative methods. United Nations Economic and Social Council document E/CN.7/117/Add.2, 1948.
FARMILO, C.G.; KENNETT, P. M. L.: Methods of Determining the Origin of Opium by Chemical and Physical Means-Further Data on "Porphyroxine-Meconidine". United Nations Economic and Social Council document E/CN.7/207, 1950.2-10.
GATTONI, A.: Determinazzione delle origini dell'ooppio (Determination of the origin of opium). Bollettino Chimico-farmaceutico, 1950, 89:5, 178-81.
GSTIRNER, F.; :VOLLMER, K.: Preparation of an alkaloid preparation from poppy seed-capsules. Apothekar Deutsche Zeitung, 1949, 61, 57-60.
IBARRA CORRALES, C.: Industrial extraction of morphine and codeine from the ripe capsules of Papaver somniferum. Farmacia Chilena, 1950, 24, 501-2.
ORAM, Joseph B.: Colorimetric determination of morphine. American Journal of Pharmacy, 1950, 122, 60-6.
Van PINXTEREN, J. A. C.; SMEETS, M. A. G.: De morphinebepaling in opium (Determination of morphine content of opium) Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 1950, 85, 1-17, 48-59.
REITH, J. F.; INDEMANS, W. M.: De bepaling van morphine in hot bolkaf van blauwmaanzaad ( papaver somniferum L.). (Determination of morphine in the capsules of the blue poppy). Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 1950, 85:17/18, 309-19.
ROZSA, P.: Tinctures available as substitutes for opium -tincture. Gy?dgyszer?sztud, 1948, 22, 162-7.
SAN MARTIN CASAMADA, R.; MOS-QUEIRA, Toribio A.: Determinación foto-colorimétrica de la morfina (Photocolori-metric determination of morphine). Anales de la Academia. de Farmacia, 1949, 15, 343-8.
SMEETS, M. A. G.: De Morphinebepaling in opium (The determination of morphine content in opium). Thesis, Rijks Universiteit, Utrecht, 1949.
UNITED NATIONS SECRETARIAT: Determining the origins of opium. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1949, I.: 1, 14-19, 42-47.
UNITED NATIONS SECRETARIAT: Methods of Determining the Origin of Opium by Chemical and Physical Means - The Comparative Determination of "Porphyroxine-Meconidine". United Nations Economic and Social Council document E /C N.7/195, 1950, 2-10.
UNITED NATIONS SECRETARIAT: Methods of Determining the Origin of Opium by Chemical and Physical Means - Determination of Codeine in the Lime-Water Extract United Nations Economic and Social Council document E / CN.7/202, 1950, 2-18.
UNITED NATIONS SECRETARIAT: The Assay, Characteristics, Composition, and Origin of Opium - The Determination of Morphine in Opium by Extraction: A New Method. United Nations Secretariat document ST /SOA/SER.K/1, 1951, 2-20.
WEGNER, Erich: Beitrag zur photometrischen Bestimmung der Mohalka. loide. Die Bestimmung von Codein, The bain and Narkotin in reinen Lösungen (Photometric determination of poppy alkaloids. Determination of codeine, the, baine, and narcotine in pure solutions). Pharmazie, 1950, 5, 33-5.
WEGNER; E.:- Beitrag zur-photometrischen Bestimmung der Mohnalkaloide. Die fluorophotometrische Bestimmung des Papaverins (Photometric determination of poppy alkaloids. Fluorimetric determination of papaverine). Pharmazie, 1950, 5, 445-7.
ABOOD, L. G.: Effect of morphine in vivo and in vitro on glycolysis of rat tissues. Federation Proceedings, 1950, 9(1): 252.
ABOOD, L. G.; KUN, Ernest;GEILING, E. M. K.: Phosphorylated intermediates of chronically and acutely morphinized rats . Journal of Pharmacology and. Experimental Therapeutics, 1950, 98 (4): -373-379.
ALBERTY, J.: Der Einfluss der Neben alkaloide des Opiums auf die analgetische Wirkung des Morphins (The influence of minor alkaloid of opium on the analgesic action of morphine). Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie, 1949, 208, 179.
ARKEL, C. G. Van; WAERT, J. H. van: De ontleding van morphine hydrochloride-oplossingen bij sterilisatie (The decom-position of morphine hydrochloride solutions during sterilization). Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 1950, 85: 17/18, 319-21.
ARTUSIO, Jr., J. F.; TROUSDELL, M.: A comparative study of rectal pentothal and morphine tot basal anesthesia upon children for tonsillectomy. Anesthesiology, 1950, 11:3, 443-51.
DeBOER, B.; FOSTER, R. H. K.: Respiratory depression in rabbits following administration of NU-2206, morphine sulfate, and piperidine analgesic. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Thera-peutics, 1950, 98 (1) :6.
BROTMAN, M.; CULLEN, S. C.: Intravenous supplementation during nitrousoxide, anesthesia. II. Comparison of morphine, meperidine, and a new potent analgesic (NU-2206) with the application of multiple covariance analysis. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Thera-peutics, 1950, 98(1) : 4.
BURKE, J. O.; PLUMMER, K.; BRAD-FORD, S.: Serum-amylase response to morphine, mecholyl, and secretin as a test of pancreatic function. Gastroenterology, 1950, 15, 699-707.
CREYX, M.; COZAUX, P.; LIDON, P.:A propos du chlorhydrate de morphine Actuel. Bulletin des Travaux de la Société de Pharmacie de Bordeaux, 1950, 88, II.
DOGLIOTTI, M.: L'eosinofilia locale nei pomfi allergici e nei pomfi da morfina. (local eosinophilia in abscesses due to allergy and to the use of morphine) Dermo-sifilografo, 1949, 24, 326-34.
FLINT, W. F.: Morphine mucate in labour and obstetric practice . Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1949, 56(1) : 54-57.
FORST, A. W.; DEININGER, R.: Eine neue Methode zum spezifischen biologischen Nachweis von Morphin im Harn an der Mausepupille (Specific biologic deter-mination of morphine in urine; a method using the mouse pupil). Archiv für Experimentelle Pathologic, 1949, 206, 416-438.
FOSTER, G. E.; MacDONALD, J.; WHITTET, T. D.: Stability of morphinesulfate injection. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1950, 2, 673-83.
FREESE, H. B.; BIANCHI, R. G.; HAMBOURGER, W. E.: Morphine induced emesis in dogs treated with β-di-methylamino-ethylbenzohydrylether-8-chlor-otheophylinate (Dramamine). Federation Proceedings, 1950, 9(1) : 274.
GIRARD, P.: Sur la conservation et le controle des solutions injectables de morphine, Annales pharmaceutiques francaises, 1950, 8:7-8, 571-4.
GRUBER, C. M., Jr.; LEE; K. S.; GRUBER, C. M.: A. comparison of the actions of meperidine, Nu-1196, methadone morphine, Nu-2206, and metopon upon the intestine and uterus. Journal of Pharma-cology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1950; 99:3, 317-24.
HANDLEY, Carroll A.; KELLER, Allen D.: Changes in renal function produced by morphine in normal dogs and dogs with diabetes insipidus. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1950,99, 33-7. van den HEUVEL, G.: Effect of morphine on blood sugar. Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Thérapie, 1950, LXXXI, III, 385-386. van den HEUVEL, G.; HEYMANS, C.: Mécanisme de l'action hypérglycémiante de l'acétylcholine, de la morphine et de la nicotine. Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Thérapie, 1950, 83, 386-416.
HILTZ, K.; OBERNBERG, H. von: Ueber die erregende Wirkung von Morphin bei der weissen Maus und deren Verstärkung durch Veronal; eine neue Methode zur genauen zeitlichen Analyse des Erregungsablaufes (Stimulating effect of morphine onthe white mouse and its aggravation by veronal; a new method of exact chronological analysis of the course of the stimulation). Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift,1950, 10, 2167.
HOFFMAN, H.: Ueber die Beeniflussung der Morphinempfindlichkeit der Maus durch Thymusextract (Effect of Thymus extract on morphine sensitivity of the. mouse). Endokrinologie,1949, 26, 149 56.
HOLCK, H. G. O.; KIMURA, K.; KIMURA, T.: Comparison of analgetic activity of sixty-seven ?ryl-alkamines with that of morphine and meperidine by the mouse hot-plate method. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association,1950, 39, 354-9.
HOUDE, R. W.; SEEVERS, M. H.; PURCELL, F.; IRWIN, S.: Effects of morphine, meperidine, and methadon on the reflex reaction times of spinal animals. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1950, 98(1): 14.
LEDRUT, J. H. T.: Double camphorate of hyoscyamine and morphine. U.S. patent 2,491,741, 20December 1949.
LEIMDORFER, A.: An electroencephalographic analysis of the action of amidone, morphine and strychnine on the central nervous system. Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Thérapie,1948,76(2): 153-162.
McINTOSH, B. J.; KELSEY, F. E.; GEILING, E. M. K.: Biosynthesis of radioactive morphine. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics,1950, 98(1), 23.
McINTOSH, B. J.; KELSEY, F. E.; GEILING, E. M. K.: The preparation of radio-active morphine and related alkaloids by biosynthesis. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association. Scientific Edition,1950, 39:9, 512-5.
NOSEK, J.; KRESTYNOVA, O.: Polarografie morfinu (Morphine polarography). Casopis Geského Lékárnictva Vedecka Priloha, 1950, 63:3-4, 49-51.
PORCHER, P.; BOURDON, R. (et al): Bilan de la morphine après 6.000 examens. Archives des maladies de l'appareil digestif, 1949, 38, 942-4.
RIETH, K. H.; SCHADER, H. E.: Klinische Erfahrungen mit einem neuen Morphinnachweis (Clinical experience with a new test for morphine). Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift,1950, 92:21-22, 1049-51.
ROWLANDS, E. N.; CHAPMAN, W. P.; TAYLOR, A.; JONES, C. M.: Multiple balloon kymograph recording of the comparative action of morphine and placeboson the motility of the upper small intestine in man. Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics,1950, 91:2, 129-37.
SANTARATO, R.; LENARDON, B.: Azioni enzimatiche della morfina e dei morfinosimili di sintesi. I. Respirazione dei tessuti nervoso centrale, epatico e muscolare di topi bianchi intossicati acutamente e cronicamente con morfina, amidone e dolantina (Enzymatic, action of morphine and synthetic morphine substitutes. Respiration of central nervous, hepatic and muscular tissue of white mice acutely and chronically intoxicated with morphine, amidone and dolantin). Acta Anaesthesiologica,1950, 1:4, 338-44.
SARGENT, L. J.; SMALL, L. F.: On the structure of morphine and its derivative Metopon. Science,1950, 112:2912, 473.
SCIGLIANO, J. A.; PURDUM, W. A.; FOSS, N. E.: The manufacture, solubility of hypodermic tablets containing morphine salts. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, 1950, 39:11, 627-9.
SHAW, F. H.; BENTLEY, G.: Some aspects of the pharmacology of morphine with special reference to its antagonism by 5-amino-acridine and other chemically related compounds. Medical Annals of the District of Colombia, 1950, 19, 868-74.
SIEGEL, B. M.; BLOCH, D. P.; PITESKY, I; LAST,J. H.: Comparative study of morphine and dromoran as antidiuretic agents in the dog. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1950, 74:4, 809-12.
VOGELENZANG, E. H.: Morphine en vervangmiddelen (Morphine and substitutes). Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 1950, 85:27-28, 497-508.
WIKLER, Abraham; ALTSCHUL, Sol: Effects of methadone and morphine on the electroencephalogram of the dog. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1950, 98: 4, part I, 437-46.
WILLIAMS, E. M. V.; STREETEN, D. H. P.: The action of morphine, pethidine, and amidone upon the intestinal motility of conscious dogs. British Journal of Pharmacology, 1950, 5, 584-603.
ADLER, T. K.; LATHAM, M. E.: Demethylation of C 14-labelled codeine in the rat. Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1950, 73(3): 401-404.
AMOROSA, M.: The chemical constitution of pseudomorphine (oxydimor-phine, dehydrodimorphine). Gazzetta Chi-mica Italiana, 1949, 79, 886-91.
BAIZER, M. M.; ELLNER, K. S.: A Convenient Laboratory. Preparation of Ethylmorphine Hydrochloride, U.S.P. XIII. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, Scientific Edition, 1950, 39 (10): 581-583.
CASPARIS, P.: Su alcuni derivati della morfina e loro azione analgesica (Some morphine derivatives and their analgesic action). Bollettino Chimico-farmaceutico, 1950, 89:8, 309-18.
CHABRIER, P.; GIUDICELLI, R.; THUILLIER, J.: Etude clinique, phar-macologique et clinique d'un nouveau séda-tif de la toux: la morpholylethylmorphine (M.E.M.). Annales pharmaceutiques françaises, 1950, 8:4, 261-73.
CHANG, F. N. H.; ONETO, J.F.; SAH, P. P. T.; TOLBERT, B. M.; RAPOPORT, H.: The synthesis of codeine labelled in 3-methoxy group with C 14. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1950, 15, 634-6.
DEROBERT, L.; LeBRETON, R.; MICHON; HAFFAR: Recherches expérimentales et cliniques sur certaines modifi-cations biologiques survenues durant une intoxication chronique par I'héroïne. Annales de médecine, légale, criminologie, police scientifique, médecine social et toxicologie, 1950, 30, 232-3.
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MORRISON, A. L.; RINDERKNECHT, H.: Synthetic analgesics. V. Compounds related to pethidine. Journal of the Chemical Society, 1950, 1467-9. VI. The synthesis of ketobemidon. Journal of the Chemical Society, 1950, 1469-71. VII. Metadine and related 3-phenylpiperidine derivatives. Journal of the Chemical Society, 1950, 1471-4. VIII Further attempts to prepare 3-phenyl-piperidine derivatives. Journal of the Chemical Society, 1950, 1474-7.
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