The present release of the Tenth "United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems" (CTS) contains 2005-2006 data from 86 countries which have responded as of 10 December 2008.
The Tenth CTS questionnaire consisted of four parts dealing with information, primarily statistical, on the main components of the criminal justice system (police, prosecution, courts and prisons) and an Annex. The Annex was developed together with the Statistical Office of the European Commission for countries in Europe and requested supplementary information on police recorded crime statistics relating to homicide and thefts of motor vehicles. The questionnaire is available to download in PDF format in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish, and Russian or as a Microsoft Word form in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish and Russian.
Data from the Tenth CTS are presented in two different formats:
UNODC would like to thank all contributing States and their corresponding agencies for their cooperation, which made it possible to produce these statistics. Users should note that the statistics cannot take into account the differences that exist between the legal definitions of offences in countries, or the different methods of offence counting and recording. Consequently, the figures in these statistics, and their use in particular as a basis for cross-national comparison, must be approached with some caution.
Any queries relating to these data may be addressed to
Responses may still be received from Member States for inclusion and may be included in the CTS database in the course of 2009. For online data-entry and submittal via e-mail please use the English interactive questionnaire. The questionnaire is compiled so that it can be broken down and sent to separate agencies for response and reassembled in the central responding office before it is returned. An example of possible process of responding can be found here.