Economic and Social Council | |
Distr. E/RES/1981/7 | |
1981/7. | Implementation of the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances*/ |
The Economic and Social Council, Bearing in mind the provisions of the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances,1/ Recalling its resolution 1576(L) of 20 May 1971, in which it endorsed the invitation of the United Nations Conference for the Adoption of a Protocol on Psychotropic Substances to States, to the extent they were able to do so, to apply provisionally the measures of control provided in the Convention pending its entry into force for each of them, Recalling also its resolutions 1773 (LIV) of 18 May 1973 and 1847 (LVI) of 15 May 1974, in which it urged Governments that had not yet done so to ratify or accede to the Convention as soon as possible, Noting with deep concern the extensive and increasing abuse of psychotropic substances and the related trafficking, which often involves diversion from licit channels, Noting that the International Narcotics Control Board has drawn attention to cases of substantial diversion of substances listed in schedule II of the Convention, in particular of methaqualone, amphetamine and methamphetamine, Noting in particular, paragraphs 21 to 36 and 162 to 172 of the report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 1980,2/ 1. Appeals to all States that have not yet adhered to the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances to become parties promptly, and pending such time to apply the measures of control provided in the Convention to the extent they are able to do so; 2. Urges States parties to the Convention that have not yet done so to enact without delay implementing laws and regulations and to enforce them fully, especially with regard to prior authorization of imports and exports, as specified in article 12, paragraph 1, of the Convention; 3. Calls upon exporting countries to use the utmost care to verify the authenticity of each import authorization and, in case of doubt, to seek to ensure that the amounts of the substances requested are commensurate with the apparent legal requirements of manufacture or domestic consumption of the importing country, and to obtain confirmation of the import certificate's authenticity, using as appropriate the good offices of the International Narcotics Control Board to facilitate such verification; 4. Calls upon importing countries to exercise continuing vigilance to ensure that the quantities of substances requested in their import certificates are commensurate with their legal requirements for manufacture or domestic consumption and to co-operate with exporting countries and the International Narcotics Control Board with a view to guarding against diversion from licit manufacture and trade; 5. Invites Governments of countries manufacturing, exporting or importing substances listed in schedule II of the Convention to provide voluntarily to the International Narcotics Control Board in a timely manner information enabling the Board to monitor more closely the manufacture, export and import of those substances, particularly where free trading zones are involved; 6. Invites all Governments to respond positively to the suggestion of the International Narcotics Control Board that they should assess from time to time their medical and scientific requirements for substances listed in schedule II of the Convention as well as for other controlled substances and to communicate that information to the Board for publication with a view to providing guidance for manufacture and export; 7. Further invites all Governments to consider the Board's suggestion that they should voluntarily refrain from exporting substances listed in schedule II of the Convention in amounts that exceed countries' likely needs unless prior consultation with the importing country confirms that the amount in question is desired; 8. Requests States parties and the International Narcotics Control Board to study ways in which the Convention might be strengthened by formal amendment in the light of the experience gained in the voluntary application by Governments of measures recommended by the Board; 9. Requests the Secretary-General to transmit the present resolution to all Governments and invite them to bring it to the attention of their competent authorities in order to ensure the implementation of its provisions. 14th plenary meeting 1/ United Nations publication, Sales No. E.78.XI.3. p. 7. 2/ E/INCB/52 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.81.XI.2).